Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - August 18, 2013


INTRODUCTIONS: Brian K called the meeting to order at 10:14 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was met.  The following meetings were represented:  001, 023, 029, 034, 047, 076, 185, and 231.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #8. Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.

TREASURER REPORT:  Beginning balance $984.94.  Income:  Donations this month: $50.00 from meeting 1 West Hollywood, $20.00 from mtg 241 in Glendale.  Also deposited $28.44 personal donation from Angela P. and $12.50 from Mtg #231 Long Beach.  $13.00 was 7th tradition from June SCINA mtg.  (total incoming $123.94).  Expenses:  Bank Fee $3.00; Registrar expenses, $33.88; Secretary expenses $32.66; $93.05 AT&T Long Distance (two months) (total outgoing $162.59).  Ending balance $946.29. The report was moved and approved.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Administration List: Public Outreach contact information updated. Meeting with updates: 231: Phone Contact All meetings except 059 have USPS contact through the Secretary, the Representative, or both. No H&I Listings were added or removed.  70 envelopes were addressed.



COMMUNICATIONS:  Carol is operating our hotline.

LITERATURE:  Everything is running fine, we are fully stocked with all literature and chips - Please contact Mary for all your literature needs at the Monthly Intergroup meeting.

WORLD SERVICES:  Our new website is up temporarily.  You can pay by PayPal now.  Board meeting was in July.  Donations are up.  We are going to update our Bank CDs to 35 months to get more interest.  We need an outreach coordinator, contact info@nicotine-anonymous.org if you can help.  The person would plan all the ideas and delegate certain jobs to others who want to be of help.  We also need a Web Servant for our main website.  We have our two-way talk program if you want to get an email several times per year to hear what’s going on.  We got a letter from someone in Iran, they have their own Intergroup and are trying to coordinate with us.  They can’t put their mtgs on our website because they would be in Farsi, they have between 150-200 mtgs.  The ‘Gift of Gratitude’ program asks at least 200 people to donate $10 per month and that would cover our costs every year.  Glenn K. might not be doing the recording at the conferences each year.  Jeff M. is trying to find a better way to do that for us.  Gary is coordinator of the snail mail/pen pal program and he has about 14 people helping with that.  Contact Gary 310-755-5582 or garynica@att.net if you would like to help.

EVENTS:   The picnic in the park will be September 15th from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. in Culver City   in Veteran’s Park at 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City, 90232

NEW MEETINGS:  Everyone should think about starting a new meeting.

PUBLIC OUTREACH: Michelle wants to make a form letter email to send out to radio stations along with the PSA which is available on the www.nicotine-anonymous.org website.  Michelle suggests each meeting make a flier to leave in the meeting room to advertise their meeting.  Angela brought a flier to send out to all the secretaries of the meetings regarding posting a free online ad on pennysaverusa.com to advertise their meeting.

SPEAKERS BUREAU/BY-LAWS:  We still need Chairpersons for By-Laws and Speakers Bureau, so please let us know if you can help.  If interested please come to the Intergroup meeting.

WEB CZAR:  As we move forward with the modernization - We can now have more information on our website.  We currently have an average of 310 views of our website per month - the most popular items are the home page of news and the meetings pages.  The Website is a great resource - and it is optimized for mobile! Check it out on your smart-phone and use this resource in your recovery. If you have not yet signed up for the Email list please go to the website - www.scina.org  or quitnowla@gmail.com, add yourself to the list!

OLD BUSINESS: Remaining conference t-shirts will be available for sale at the picnic for $5.

We discussed what our monthly balance was so that we can talk about contributing to World Services on an on-going basis.  We decided to send $200 to World Services and look at this monthly.


BIRTHDAYS: Bill H. will celebrate 14 years this month.

SECRETARY REPORT: The August report was read and approved.

CLOSING PRAYER:  Brian led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:03 AM.