MINUTES - March 21, 2010
Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
George O. called the meeting to order with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
Which meetings were represented in February?
001 West Hollywood, 012 Long Beach, 047 Chatsworth, 084 Fullerton, 229 Silver Lake,
250 Bellflower,
There were 9 representatives at the meeting. A quorum was not met.
Traditions: We read Tradition 2 from Nicotine Anonymous 12 Traditions
Chairperson report: George O. thanked all who came to support the Intergroup today and encouraged everyone to consider being of service to the Intergroup. George reserved the room for the rest of the year. Contact person is Jessica Torres (323) 268-5000 ext. 8974. For more chairs housekeeping at ext. 1243 can be reached.
Secretary report: In February, the minutes of the January 2010 meeting was read, and corrected and it was not moved to approve them.
Treasurer report: In February, a financial report ending January 2010 was presented.
Beginning cash was $311.67, donations totaled $305.31, expenses totaled $182.94 with an ending balance of $453.04. It was not moved and seconded to approve the January financial report. There was discussion around changing the prudent reserve in the bi-laws and making a budget. There was also discussion around researching a PayPal account to accept donations through the SCINA website.
Registrar’s report: Rick W. reported that meeting 264 at Kaiser Carson was added in January. No meetings were removed in the past month. Updated room and street address changes were made to meeting 037. No changes were made to the Administration list or the H&I Listings.
Action and Responsibility: George L. will be removed from this position. The position may be eliminated.
Hospitals and Institutions: George O. will make a list of all panels.
Literature: Peggy O. submitted the literature report. $125.85 ending balance.
World Services: Mary P. attended the World Services Officers meeting in Oakland, CA on January 30th. The officers are working on a Newcomer’s booklet. Mary P. will attend the next conference in Arizona in April 2010. World Services must be notified of the delegates who will attend the conference by March 24th .
George R. reported that the next event will be the annual retreat. Intergroup does not have enough money to cover the down payment for the retreat. Susan will invite Jane and Alan to the March meeting to help decide what to do. Brian K. will also get information on a possible day retreat.
New Meetings: Susan C. will research locations for a new meeting in Hollywood on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
By -Laws: No report. There was discussion around changing the prudent reserve to $600. Jeff M. will attend the next meeting in March.
Public Outreach: No reports from the committee
Web Czar: Brian K. reported that he is expanding the website and creating a spreadsheet to include a speaker’s list. Brian K. encouraged all who would like to contribute to the website to contact him. Check it out at www.scina.org.
Old Business: Mary P. will talk with World Services about a FaceBook page. There was some concern about how much control SCINA would have over the page. Mary P. will get World Services guidelines.
New Business: No new business.
Commitments: Matthias will provide refreshments for the March 21st. meeting.
Birthdays: Terry M. and Brian K. both celebrated two years and Rick W. celebrated 12 years. Congratulations!!!
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm with the Serenity prayer.