Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - October 18, 2009

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

George O. called the meeting to order with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions. xxxxxx provided refreshments.

Which meetings were Represented  in October?

001 West Hollywood, 012 Long Beach, 047 Chatsworth, 084 Fullerton, 093 Newport Beach, 231 Long Beach, 229 Silverlake

A quorum of 11 was met at the meeting

Traditions: We read tradition 10 from Nicotine Anonymous 12 Traditions  

 Chairperson report:  George O. thanked all who came to support the Intergroup today and encouraged everyone to consider being of service to the Intergroup. Please encourage members of your meetings to come and be of service to the fellowship.

Secretary report:  In October, the minutes of the August 16 and September 20, 2009 meetings were read, and corrected and it was moved to approve them. 

Treasurer report:  In October, Joe S. presented a financial report ending September 2009. The Sept. Contributions and Support totaled $80.00. Expenses totaled $182.68 with a Net Income of $-96.68. Cash at the end of period (Oct ‘08-Sept ‘09) totaled $823.17. It was moved and seconded to approve the September financial report. Joe S. reported three outstanding checks. The committee agreed to follow up to decide if the checks should be cancelled or re-issued. The Silverlake group donated $229.08.

Registrar’s report:  Rick W. reported that the 194 meeting in Long Beach has gone dark. A motion was made to remove Meeting 074 from the list because there are no representatives from that meeting. This motion was moved and seconded. Rick W. initiated discussion regarding changing meeting numbers to national numbers for uniformity. That discussion was tabled.


Action and Responsibility: No reports

Hospitals and Institutions:  No reports

Literature:  Ending literature balance was $30.18 with Cash on Hand amount of $6.03. But then the report from Aug.-Sept. 2009 states at the bottom Cash on Hand and Bank Balance is $2,694.81.

World Services:   Mary P. is going to World Services meeting in Long Island, NY.



Our next event will be the Marathon Meeting on November 21, 2009.  Joe and Greg were asked to get the information to Brian for a flyer. Ask your 

meeting if they are willing to host an hour of the day-long meeting.

Post Holiday Party
The 16th Annual Post Holiday Dinner will be at Sizzler in Fullerton on Wednesday, January 13th, 2010 at 6:30pm.  There will also be special Guest Speakers. Please take some flyers to your meetings.   

New Business: Donation to White Memorial Hospital of $10.00 per month. Will send the donation about this time each month. There was some discussion around the topic of “donations.”

Web Czar:  Brian K. reported the new web site is up and running. We switched to the new website in April. Many new people have been
checking it out. Check it out at www.scina.org. Thanks, Brian!

Election of Officers for 2009/2010

Susan C. agreed to assist the fellowship by accepting the Secretary position. 

Birthdays  George R. celebrated 3.years nicotine free!!!

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm with the Serenity prayer.