Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - August 16, 2015

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

INTRODUCTIONS:  John D. called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was met.  The following meetings were represented:  001, 023, 076, 185, 268, and 279.

TRADITIONS:  Tradition #8. “Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” was read.

CHAIRPERSON REPORT:  With a heavy heart, I am sad to announce the passing of one of our members, Lisa C.  Some already knew of her passing last month, but I felt it important to let all of our groups know.  Lisa lived in Westwood, and she attended the Westwood meeting for many years before it went dark.  The type of meetings she loved the most, though, were the phone meetings.  She would call in to multiple phone meetings per week, and had many sponsees.  She knew folks from all over the country, and helped many people get smober over the years.  One thing that always excited her was when she mailed her sponsees chips for when they reached a new level of smobriety.  The closest meeting for many people she knew over the phone could be 200 miles away.  She found her way to carry the message and it helped many people.  We love you Lisa and we miss you.  Thank you for giving yourself so freely and for selflessly reminding us that our primary purpose is to carry the message to the nicotine addict who still suffers, no matter where they may be suffering.

TREASURER REPORT:  Our beginning balance was $577.90.  Donations: $10 from meeting #23 Costa Mesa; $10 from meeting #76 Costa Mesa. We also received a $25 PayPal donation from Kathleen M., Joshua Tree, (Thank You!) but this has not been transferred to our checking account yet. The August SCINA Intergroup meeting brought in a 7th tradition of $22 (Total incoming $42).   Expenses:  $3 Bank imaging fee; Secretary expenses $25.44; Registrar expenses were $31.31; $30.87 Grasshopper phone bill; PO Box renewal $45; GoDaddy renewal of $17.99/yr (Total outgoing $153.61.) Ending balance $466.29.   I need to check the July bank statement which I just received this morning, but it appears the Joshua Tree Retreat had an excess of $355, which when verified will be donated to SCINA.  The report was moved and approved.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Administration List: No Changes. No Meeting information was updated.  No new Meetings were added.  Meeting #278, Monday, 7:00pm Sherman Oaks, was reported as closed, and therefore removed. All meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail.  No H&I Listings were added, no H&I listings were removed, and no H&I Listings were updated.  53 envelopes were addressed, and 200 Directories were printed.



COMMUNICATIONS: The phone lines are going well.  There are no concerns at this time.  If anyone is interested in taking on a commitment and becoming part of the Communications team, contact George O. at 562-310-0874.

LITERATURE:  We are in full stock on chips and literature.  If sending a check to pay for literature, please remember to make it payable to Nicotine Anonymous.

WORLD SERVICES:   Conference in Ohio next year, you can get the flyer from the www.nicotine-anonymous.org website.

EVENTS:  The retreat was a success. We had three newcomers. Treasurer can tell you the exact financials. I know that we were able to make a donation to Intergroup. Thanks to all who participated.  -Jane. Our picnic will be the 3rd Sunday of September at Tellefson Park, Washington Place and Tilden Avenue, Culver City, CA, please mark your calendars. See flyer included with this mailing. It’s an opportunity to meet the Officers and elect the new Officers.  Saturday, November 21st will be the date of the Marathon meeting this year.  Also remember, we need our membership's support. As part of our recovery, it is important for us to practice reaching out to others.  Intergroup events are an opportunity for that.  

NEW MEETINGS:  Gary reports there haven’t been any requests for new meeting material.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.  John D. is gathering contact information for all city government channels in Southern California.  This month, John has contacted the cities of Moreno Valley, Glendale, and Torrance to inquire about how to advertise Nicotine Anonymous with their cities.  We expect information from those cities as well as continuing contacting other cities that we have on our lists.  Intergroup also encourages meetings to do their own public outreach.  Each group is autonomous in this matter and free to do outreach in places like Craigslist, TV channels of cities, bringing meeting lists to doctor's offices, or anywhere else they feel appropriate.  There are countless opportunities.  For example, one member consistently places an ad on Craigslist for its weekly meeting.  If you need help with this in any way, or want to discuss public outreach, please contact John D.  If not, keep spreading the message!

SPEAKERS BUREAU:  Please invite one of the speakers to your meeting.

BY-LAWS:  No report.

WEB CZAR:  No report.

OLD BUSINESS:  Gary contacted World Services about letting newcomers speak even if they are not clean.  The basic premise that the meeting not allowing members to speak is against Tradition 3. To restrict a newcomer from speaking during sharing time is stifling that member. Whether we have any responsibility remains to be seen, Intergroup and World Services do not set rules down, we are servants, but individual members can go to meetings and try to convince the rest of those members to follow Traditions.

NEW BUSINESS:    No new business.
BIRTHDAYS:  Bill H celebrates 16 years this month. Congratulations!  Please let us know if you are celebrating a Smober birthday/anniversary in September.

SECRETARY REPORT: The August report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.

CLOSING PRAYER:   Bill led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:45 AM