Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - March 20, 2016


INTRODUCTIONS:  John D. called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was met.  The following meetings were represented:  West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Costa Mesa 023, Costa Mesa 076, Sherman Oaks 185, Silverlake 229, Glendale 241, Carson 264 Duarte 274, and Irvine 280.

 TRADITIONS:  Tradition #3. “The only requirement for Nicotine Anonymous membership is a desire to stop using nicotine.” was read.

CHAIRPERSON REPORT:  Fortunately, we have to attend meetings the rest of our life because we need to be reminded of our addiction and we need to be there for newcomers.  And fortunately, there are meetings in this program in the Southern California area for us and the newcomers.  Thank you to all those who are of service that keep Nicotine Anonymous going!  Thank you to Duarte mtg #274 for the idea of emailing the literature and chips order form to our membership.

TREASURER REPORT:  Our beginning balance was $588.87.   Income:  Donations:  $90 from West Hollywood Meeting #1; $50 from Meeting #241 Glendale; $50 from Meeting #84 Fullerton; $20 from Meeting #76 Costa Mesa; $20 from Meeting #23 Costa Mesa; $25 from Meeting #266 Joshua Tree.   A 7th tradition of $14 was collected at the February SCINA meeting.   (Total incoming:  $269.)   Expenses:  $3 Bank imaging fee; Secretary expenses $22.80; Registrar expenses $31.10; Grasshopper phone service $31.40; Mailbox renewal $45. The group agreed to pay for parking for literature chair, $6 for Feb. and $6 for March. (Total outgoing $145.30)  Ending balance $712.57.    The report was moved and approved.

REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes made to Administration List.  Meeting 197: Secretary Contact Information removed, awaiting new information.  No Meetings were added.  No Meetings went dark.  All Meetings except possibly 197 have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail.  No changes were made to the H&I List. 46 envelopes were addressed, and 200 Directories were printed.



COMMUNICATIONS:  There have not been many calls to the hotline this month. There are no other concerns at this time.

LITERATURE:  Halli K. says that we need to place an order soon.  George found out we need to list that Mary P., Marty W., Michael S., and Susan C. need to be removed from the Union Bank account so that we can add George O. and Halli K. on to it and the address can be changed to Halli’s.

WORLD SERVICES:   http://nicotine-anonymous.org/2016-wsc.html  NAWSO Conference April 29-May 1;   http://nicotine-anonymous.org/two-way-talk-email-communications.html Two Way Talk - get emails from NicA.  Online voice meetings on PalTalk www.paltalk.com. Free download www.voicesofnicotinerecovery.com   (VONR)  There are about 27 meetings a week and tons of speaker shares you can listen to, a message board to leave comments and responses, a worldwide source of online meetings of NicA.  Seven Minutes is published quarterly; the next published edition is Mar 20th and you can read it online for free.  www.nicotine-anonymous.org/sevenminutes-newsletter.html   Seven minutes is always looking for new articles. Write an article and submit it to sevenminuteseditor@nicotine-anonymous.org. Also if you have an anniversary coming, you can submit your time at the same email address.

EVENTS:  The retreat in Joshua Tree is coming up in June or July. We will let you know as soon as we have a date.

NEW MEETINGS:  Gary reports there haven’t been any requests for new meeting material.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  SCINA email addresses - We must pay for our domain name email address or we can use free email addresses from gmail, yahoo, etc, and make up names like publicoutreachscina@gmail.com.  On a separate note, without generic email addresses, we can’t move on to the next step in our public outreach effort which is to create social media accounts with Facebook and Twitter.  We must figure this out before moving to the next step.


BY-LAWS:  No report.

Director of Web Operations:  No report.

OLD BUSINESS:   Nic A table cover with logo. John D. researched this and found that most table covers range from $150-$200.  If you add the pop up stand with Nic A’s info on it, then both start at about $350 together. It was decided to not move forward with this purchase at this time.

NEW BUSINESS:  SCINA’s Officers have not been contacted by anyone going to the World Services Conference April 29-May 1 so, unfortunately, we will not have any representation at the Conference this year.

BIRTHDAYS:   John D. celebrates 3 years, Richard W. celebrates 6 years, and Angela celebrates
12 years - Congrats!

SECRETARY REPORT:  The March report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.

CLOSING PRAYER:   Richard led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:15 AM.