Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - August 18, 2019

MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, August 18, 2019


INTRODUCTIONS:  George O. called the meeting to order at 10:07 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance.  The following meetings were represented:  Laguna Beach 257, Long Beach 231, Long Beach 12, and Studio City 273.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #8, “Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” was read.

CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT: No report this month.


Beginning balance $5,279.65

(BofA Minimum Balance) -$3,000.00 $2,279.65

7th Tradition $16.00 $2,295.65

Grasshopper -$32.33 $2,263.32

Registrar Expenses -$15.77 $2,247.55

Mailing Expenses -$33.00 $2,214.55

Current available $2,214.55

*Discrepancy of $1,400 deducted twice instead of once.  It has been reflected in this month’s Treasurer’s report to show an additional $1,400 in the account.  We will look into automatic donations to Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS) through “gift of gratitude”.

REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List.  No meetings were added.  Meeting 12, second Phone Contact added.  Meeting 250, second phone contact updated.  Meeting 76 has closed due to low attendance and support.  All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed.  37 envelopes were addressed, and 100 Directories were printed.


HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  Angela sent emails to several institutions that advertise against children vaping asking them to be aware of our free support group meetings and asking if they can mention us on their websites.  Truth Initiative, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Cancer Action Network, American Academy of Pediatrics, PAVE: Parents Against Vaping/E-Cigs, AAFP: American Academy of Family Physicians, APHA: American Public Health Association.  If you have any hospitals or institutions, we can add to our monthly email please let us know.  For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465.

COMMUNICATIONS:  The phone lines are running smoothly.  No concerns at this time.   For more information, or to be of service, please call George O. at (562) 310-0874.

LITERATURE:  According to the July statement, the ending balance in the account on 6/29 was $739.04.  A deposit of $281.00 was made in July for an ending balance of $1020.04 as of 7/31.  Angela P. needs to be reimbursed $218.40 for chip purchase.  We still need someone to take over the Literature position at SCINA.  Please consult your Higher Power, and if interested, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874 or come to one of our Intergroup meetings.

WORLD SERVICES:  Angie B, Secretary Active, and Bill H, Chair-Elect, attended the quarterly NAWS board meeting on July 27, 2019 via Zoom.

EVENTS:  The Annual picnic is Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019 starting at 10 am at Cheviot Hills Recreation Center in Los Angeles.  There will be elections of Officers for Intergroup.  If interested, please attend and have your vote be counted!  See attached flyer.  The annual Marathon Meetings event will be on Saturday, November 23, 2019.  It will be at the Intercity Fellowship Hall in Long Beach.  The time will be 9 am - 7 pm.  Coffee and water will be available.  Food will be potluck style.  The address is 5881 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA.  Note:  To volunteer to host a meeting, please contact Joseph at (562) 644-5225.

NEW MEETINGS:  No new meetings.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  If anyone is willing to take on or share the Public Outreach position, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501.  We need more help with Intergroup outreach.  It is important to have a representative at the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help. The point of contact is needed.

SPEAKERS LIST:  Invite a speaker to your meeting.  Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.

BY LAWS:  No changes at this time.

Director of Web Operations:   If anyone is willing to take on the Web Operations role, please contact Brian K. at (310) 497-5925.

OLD BUSINESS:  The GoDaddy account has been closed, and we are no longer using any email that ends in @scina.org.  New email addresses have been created for officers - scinachairperson@gmail.com, scinatreasurer@gmail.com, and scinasecretary@gmail.com.  We will create other new email addresses for positions, and an “info” email address for general inquiries.

NEW BUSINESS:  No new business.

BIRTHDAYS:  Bill H. 20 years, Bonnie H. 22 years

SECRETARY REPORT:  Motion was made to approve the August Minutes.  It was approved.

CLOSING PRAYER:   George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:13 am.