MINUTES - February 16, 2020
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, February 16, 2020
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:21 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 9 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: Long Beach 012, Silverlake 229, Long Beach 231, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, and Irvine 287.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #2, “For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.” was read.
Treasurer’s report is tabled until next month due to the Treasurer not being present. This is the preliminary report that was presented.
Donations (Meeting #12 - Long Beach) +117.00
Grasshopper Phone Service -31.96
Mail Box Express -55.00
Deposit for Joshua Tree Retreat -1,000.00
Current available balance *$900.26
*Additional $3,000 in the account is used to avoid $18/month bank fee that we do not touch.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. No meetings were added, updated or removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated, or removed. 37 envelopes were addressed, and 90 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: The phone lines are running smoothly. No concerns at this time. For more information, or to be of service, please call George O. at (562) 310-0874.
LITERATURE: We need a volunteer for the Literature position at SCINA. Please consult your Higher Power, and if interested, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874 or come to one of our Intergroup meetings. The current balance in the literature account is $1,171.46.
WORLD SERVICES: Registration is now open for the Nicotine Anonymous 35th Annual World Services Conference to be held April 24-26, 2020 in Lancaster, PA. The theme for 2020 is “We Can See Clearly Now.” For information and to register, https://nicotine-anonymous.org/
Literature: Books will be going up by $1 and pamphlets by $0.05. Next NAWS board meeting 3/28/20 Sat 11 am to 1 pm est. Anyone can attend this meeting via zoom. Minutes from recent board meetings will be on two-talk. Sign up at http://nicotine-anonyous.org/nica-news-email-communications.html NAWS Gift of Gratitude - http://nicotine-anonymous.org/gift-of-gratitude.html reminder for donations needed for NicA to be self-supporting. Donate $10 monthly and get a subscription of Seven Minutes mailed to you. All delegates must be registered 30 days prior to the conference. If you are interested in being a delegate, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874 before March 15th for approval. Delegates can attend the conference via zoom but they will have to pay registration. $35 before March 25th and $45 after March 25th to register.
EVENTS: The March meeting of the month is West Hollywood #001, Monday. See attached flyer. SAVE THE DATE: The 21st Annual Joshua Tree Retreat will be held June 12-14, 2020 at the JTRC Ding Le Mei house. A flyer will be distributed soon. If your meeting is interested in hosting an event, please work with us so we can help advertise the event.
NEW MEETINGS: If you want to start a new meeting, you can find information and receive a free packet at www.nicotine-anonymous.org. Call Gary M. with questions (310) 755-5582.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If anyone is willing to take on or share the Public Outreach position, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501. We need more help with Intergroup outreach. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you. The point of contact is needed.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BY LAWS: A motion was made and approved to change the wording in the bylaws Article VI, Officers, Section C-10 of the Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous Bylaws “Maintain a prudent cash reserve of six months expenses plus any identifiable non-recurring expenses and distribute any excess periodically to Nicotine Anonymous World Services.”
WEB OPERATIONS: Rick W. is still working on the design of the web page.
OLD BUSINESS: SCINA is looking into doing a SWOT analysis to see how we can update ourselves to do a better job for the Fellowship. Please offer your input at our next meetings.
NEW BUSINESS: JudiAh is looking into coordinating an outreach article in a 12-step magazine.
BIRTHDAYS: Angie 3 years; Sparky 15 years; Rick 22 years. Happy birthday!
SECRETARY REPORT: February Minutes were read and corrected. Motion was made to approve them as we did have a quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: Marlo led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:37 am.