MINUTES - December 18, 2011


INTRODUCTIONS:  George O. called the meeting to order at 10:19 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was met with 11 members in attendance.

TRADITIONS:  Tradition 12:  Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities was read.

SECRETARY REPORT:  A motion was made to approve the minutes at the end of each meeting. The motion passed. A motion was made to include the content of the October minutes in these December minutes for mailing purposes. The motion passed. The November minutes were read and approved.

TREASURER REPORT:  In September, we started with $384.06, $118 in donations, $11 in 7th tradition, $100 from the 7th tradition at picnic. We paid out $100 for the picnic, $50 for long distance, $66.20 for Secretary, $37.23 for Registrar and ended with $359.63.  Consolidated Oct. and Nov. started with $359.63, plus $100 in donations, we paid $200 for long distance, $72.58 and Secretary and $74.76 Registrar expenses, leaving us with ending cash of $112.29. It was moved and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report.

REGISTRAR’S REPORT:  Rick W. reported there were no new meetings added or removed. Mike S., Literature address was deleted and mailing was suspended. Marty W. was removed from Co-Chair position per last month’s discussion.  Meeting 047 was deleted due to Inactive Phone contact information. Meetings 047 and 254 lack a valid Secretary USPS mailing address.




HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  No report. Gary M. and George O. continue working with Kaiser.

COMMUNICATIONS:  The 800 phone number is down. Please refer to SCINA.org or Quitnowla.com. for information. SCINA is considering removing the 800 number and moving towards a web-based communication system.

LITERATURE:  Mike S. is not able to continue the Literature Position. Marty W. does not have room to store the literature boxes. Susan C. is currently storing the literature in her garage. There was discussion around storing the chips and literature at the hospital. Kimberly H. has offered to help organize the chips and literature materials. We will do an inventory at our next SCINA meeting.

World Services Conference 2012 will be in Albuquerque New Mexico on April 20-22. All information will be on the website. Discussion at the last World Services Board meeting revolved around the following: Shipping costs on Literature went down to $5.95. There was also discussion around Gender Neutrality. You can get information about participating in the survey at Secretary@nicotineanonymous.org. Please consider Live and Give as an ongoing donation.  In April 2013, the World Services Conference will be held in Los Angeles. George O. needs volunteers need. Please contact George O. at 562-310-0874 to help with this event. Thank you.

The next event will be the Post-Holiday Party on Wednesday, January 11th in Fullerton. Susan C. will mail a flyer with all the information out with the current minutes. The information can also be found on the website. Please join us; it would be wonderful to see you.

No new meetings.

No report, no concerns.

Silverlake meeting is looking for speakers. Please contact Tomoko B at 323.821.1852.

Brian would like people to send information regarding meetings or committees to him at QUITNOWLA@gmail.com

We are in need of volunteers for the following Intergroup Positions: Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Those interested are encouraged to contact George O. 562-310-0874.

World Services is looking for a new publisher for 7 Minutes.

Gary M. is celebrating 13 years this month. CONGRATUATIONS GARY!

George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:56AM.