Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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General Information

Southern California Intergroup Nicotine Anonymous (SCINA)
19744 Beach Blvd. #247
Huntington Beach, CA  92648

To Notify SCINA about Meeting Schedules or Changes:  
Email:  scinaregistrar@gmail.com;
USPS (snail) Mail:  
Rick Wood
7657 Winnetka Ave #171
Winnetka, CA  91306-2677  

Phone:  (818) 882-6952 (Voice Mail)

For Telephone Information Regarding Meetings, call 1-877-TRY-NICA (1-877-879-6422) and leave a voice mail message; someone will call you back.  Please remember to say your name and phone number clearly.  You can also email your request to scinaregistrar@gmail.com.


For information about Hospitals and Institutions Panels, either participating or having one at your location call Angela at (949) 302-8465 or email us at angela.socal9@gmail.com.  Please remember to say your name and phone number clearly if leaving a voicemail message.


National Internet Site:  http://nicotine-anonymous.org
Email:  info@nicotine-anonymous.org
Southern California Web Site:  http://www.scina.org or http://QuitNowLA.com


For information about Nicotine Anonymous Online Meetings and Telephone Meetings, go to:  http://www.nicotine-anonymous.org and click on 'Meetings,' and then 'Internet Meetings'