MINUTES - July 16, 2023
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, July 16, 2023
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:01 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was not met with 6 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: Laguna Beach 257, Palm Springs 283 and 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #7, “Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” was read.
Balance from June report $1,154.40
Contributions Received 11.76
Contribution to NAWS -250.00
H&I mailing* -20.40
Registrar expenses (July) -10.60
Current available balance** 885.16
*H&I mailing should be $15.60 a month, but was paid $13.20 for the last two months. So $2.40 (May) + $2.40 (June) + $15.60 (July) = $20.40 bring us current.
**There is an additional $5,000 in the checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.72.
REGISTRAR REPORT: The Administration List was updated to reflect Reese N. becoming Secretary. No Meetings were added, updated or removed. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 30 Directories were printed and 26 envelopes addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. The current balance is $835.27. The bank account has changed from Union Bank to US Bank and George still needs to visit to get a pin number for the bank card.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The Voices of Nicotine Recovery (VONR) Intergroup is hosting marathon meetings from 6 am – 1 pm PT on Saturday July 22, titled “Journey through the 12 Steps.” The flier with log-in information is posted at https://voicesofnicotinerecovery.com/events. The NAWS Board meeting will be held July 29th at 8 am PT. Email chairperson@nicotine-anonymous.org for an invite.
EVENTS: We will not have a Joshua Tree Retreat this year, but hope to renew this annual event next year. The annual picnic will be September 17th and George O. will look for a park to host the picnic. Details forthcoming!
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 89 visitors and 145 page views. The top sources of traffic were 85 direct contacts, 2 referred from publichealth.lacounty.gov, 1 from Google search, and 1 from TOR Exit Node.
John D. oversees the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: Reese N. will be taking over as Intergroup Secretary. Due to lack of a quorum, the vote will be tabled to accept him until next month.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
SAD NEWS: It is with heavy hearts that we report the passing of Matt Tierney who had about 30 years off nicotine. He was a regular Intergroup attendee in 1992/3 representing the Newport Beach 015 meeting and was of service to our group many times before he moved to Florida. He will be sorely missed. Our prayers go out to all his family and friends. Kenny Mac. provided the following link to Matt's last recorded share, 30 minutes long. https://fccdl.in/6mqedkhNY0 Rodger S. was his first sponsor and he said Mike M. who was Chairperson of SCINA in 1992 was also his sponsor. Matt Tierney was pretty much pure SCINA.
BIRTHDAYS: Sean C. (3 years) Congratulations!
SECRETARY REPORT: The July minutes were read, corrected and not approved as quorum was not met. Additionally, May and June minutes still need to be approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:46 am.
MINUTES - June 18, 2023
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday June 18, 2023
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was not met with 5 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, Palm Springs 283 and 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #6, “A Nicotine Anonymous group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the Nicotine Anonymous name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.” was read.
Balance from May report $970.71
Contributions 218.06
H&I mailing -13.20
Registrar expenses (May & June) -21.17
Current available balance* 1,154.40
Contributions this month include $140 from the San Diego meeting 284 which closed recently. Thanks to all of our contributors! SCINA will forward a $250 contribution to World Services.
**There is an additional $5,000 in the checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.71.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. Meeting 295, Video Conference Meeting, Thursday 8:00 am, was added. Video Conference/Hybrid Meeting 293, Wednesday 4:30 pm, Meeting ID and passcode updated. No Meetings were removed. No H&I Listings were added, updated, or removed. 30 Directories were printed, and 26 envelopes addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. The current balance is $835.27. The bank account has changed from Union Bank to US Bank and George will visit to get a pin number for the bank card.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The Voices of Nicotine Recovery (VONR) Intergroup is hosting marathon meetings from 6 am – 1 pm PT on two Saturdays in July: July 15 & July 22. Titled “Journey through the 12 Steps,” the flyer is posted at https://voicesofnicotinerecovery.com/events
EVENTS: Bill H and Jane H didn’t get around to looking at the possibility of a Joshua Tree Retreat this year but have good intentions to report back at the next SCINA meeting. The annual picnic will be September 17th and George O. will look for a park to host the picnic. Details forthcoming!
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 81 visitors and 133 page views. The top views after the Welcome Page (66 views) were Meeting List/Directory (47 views), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (33 views), Google Calendar (14 views), and News and Updates (8 views).
In addition to 77 visitors within the United States, we had 2 visitors from Canada, and 1 visitor each from Spain and France.
John D. is in charge of the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: Reese N. will be taking over as Intergroup Secretary. Due to lack of a quorum, the vote will be tabled to accept him until next month.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: No birthdays reported for this month.
SECRETARY REPORT: The June minutes were read and corrected, but due to a lack of a quorum, approval will be tabled until next month.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:08 am.
MINUTES - May 21, 2023
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday May 21, 2023
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:05 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was not met with 5 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: Long Beach 012, Palm Springs 288 and 283.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #5, “Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.” was read.
Balance from April report $959.77
Donations 61.74
NAWS Conference reimbursement
for one delegate -25.00
Stamps for Treasurer -12.60
H&I mailing -13.20
Current available balance* 970.71
Donations this month include a $25 donation from Judi M. in honor of her NicA anniversary ~ thanks and congrats, Judi!
**There is an additional $5,000 in the checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.70.
REGISTRAR REPORT: Secretary position updated to “Acting Secretary Angela P.” Meeting 294, Westside Alano Club, 7:45 pm, was added. Video Conference Meeting 283, Palm Springs, Monday 5:30 pm, Meeting ID, Passcode, and Contact Information was updated. No Meetings were removed. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 32 Directories were printed, and 27 envelopes addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. The current balance is $835.27.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): SCINA Treasurer Bill H attended the 38th Annual NAWS Conference in Baltimore, Maryland last month where he was the featured Saturday night speaker (and completed his fourth year on the Board). Recordings from all the meetings will be available for sale at the nicotine-anonymous.org store soon. In addition to some wonderful speakers and great times of fellowship, this year’s hybrid conference saw the passage of several bylaws changes including: (1) expanding the definition of an Intergroup from a geographical area to “… representatives within a common boundary, such as geographical or technological.” And (2) changing from 30 to 60 days the amount of time an intergroup must submit their list of delegates, hopefully giving everyone more time to review materials such as the 75-page “Butterfly Book” of meditations that was sent out this year. [“The Butterfly Book” was deemed to be not yet ready for publication and did not pass.] Another amendment to the bylaws that did pass is the recommendation that all NAWS Officers have at least a year of continuous clean time, which came as a result of several recent resignations from elected officers who needed to step down to concentrate on their recovery. The Treasurer’s Report from NAWS also revealed that donations were down 16% in 2022, literature sales down 25%, and net income down 22% as well. The move to the virtual world has resulted in baskets not being passed. Consider a gift of gratitude at https://www.nicotine-anonymous.org/gift-of-gratitude
EVENTS: Bill H and Jane H are looking into the possibility of a Joshua Tree Retreat this year and will report back at the June SCINA meeting.
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 64 visitors and 133 page views. The top views after the Welcome Page (48 views) were Meeting List/Directory (26 views), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (20 views), News and Updates (12 views), Google Calendar (9 views), In-Person Meeting Quick Reference (7 views), and Intergroup Meeting (5 views).
In addition to 56 visitors within the United States, we had 4 visitors from Canada, 1 visitor each from Denmark, Spain, Italy, and Russia.
John D. is in charge of the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: No old business.
NEW BUSINESS: Reese N. has expressed interest in taking over as Intergroup Secretary. Due to lack of a quorum, the vote will be tabled to accept him until next month.
BIRTHDAYS: Reese N. 4 years, Judi M. celebrates 12 years, William G. 40 years this month. Yay!
SECRETARY REPORT: The May minutes were read and corrected, but due to a lack of a quorum, approval will be tabled until next month.
CLOSING PRAYER: Reese N. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:45 am.
MINUTES - April 16, 2023
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday April 16, 2023
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:02 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273 & San Diego 285.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #4, “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or Nicotine Anonymous as a whole.” was read.
Balance from March report $764.17
Transfer from PayPal 369.49
SCINA Spring event -99.19
GoDaddy Site Renewal Charge -20.17
NAWS Conference reimbursement
for one delegate -25.00
H&I mailing* -13.86
Registrar expenses – April -15.67
Current available balance** 959.77
We received a $300 PayPal donation this month from Larry V. and/or his group. If you make a donation for a group, please notify me at whca111@gmail.com, so we can give your group thanks and credit!
*Postage increased last month from $0.57 to $0.60. Therefore, I owe H&I mailing an additional $0.03 for last month (=$0.66) + this month (22 envelopes @$0.60=$13.20). Price this month is $13.86, but will be $13.20 going forward.
**There is an additional $5,000 in the checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.69.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added. or updated or removed. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 32 Directories were printed and 27 envelopes addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. The current balance is $835.27.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The 38th Annual NicA World Services Conference will be hybrid via Zoom and in person in Baltimore, Maryland on April 21-23, 2023. The deadline to register for remote attendance is April 19th. If you are curious to see the delegates packet and what is being voted on this year, you can read it on the 2023 NAWS Conference website https://nicawsc.com/. Swag is also available for purchase.
EVENTS: About 15 NicA members enjoyed food, fellowship, and fun at the SCINA Spring Event at the Marina Pacifica Fellowship last month. Many thanks to Bill H. for organizing the event as well as Jim D. for securing the location for us and being a great speaker! Other members also had an opportunity to share, receive chips and hugs, and meet each other in person for the first time. It was wonderful to see friends we hadn’t seen in person since March 2020. As far as upcoming events, Bill H will look into the possibility of having a Joshua Tree Retreat this year after he returns from the NAWS Conference; if you know of an alternative location (other than the Joshua Tree Retreat Center) to hold a retreat, please let us know. There is a retreat center in Julian, CA called Camp Stevens that we can look into.
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 96 visitors and 190 page views. The top page views after the Welcome Page (47 views) were Meeting List/Directory (43 views), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (28 views), News and Updates (18 views), and Google Calendar (4 views).
In addition to 94 visitors within the United States, we had 2 visitors from France.
John D. is in charge of the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: No old business.
NEW BUSINESS: Danielle N. is stepping down as SCINA secretary. The position of secretary is currently open. Please come to intergroup. Your service is greatly needed and appreciated.
BIRTHDAYS: George O. has 21 years, Bob K. has 32 years. Yay!
SECRETARY REPORT: April minutes were read, corrected and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:48 am.
MINUTES - March 19, 2023
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday March 19, 2023
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:24 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 13 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, Palm Springs 283, and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #3, “The only requirement for Nicotine Anonymous membership is a desire to stop using nicotine.” was read.
Balance from February report $902.54
Mailbox renewal (P.O. Box) -120.00
H&I mailing (22 envelopes @ $0.57) -12.54
Registrar expenses – March -5.83
Current available balance* 764.17
We have $46.55 still in PayPal, which is not reflected above. Thank you to the individual members who contribute each month.
*There is an additional $5,000 in the checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.68.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added. or updated or removed. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 32 Directories were printed and 27 envelopes addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. The February balance was $820.27. A deposit of $15 for chips and literature was made on 3/8/23 making the current balance $835.27.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The 38th Annual NicA World Services Conference will be hybrid via Zoom and in person in Baltimore, Maryland on April 21-23, 2023. A special one-hour workshop for delegates will be held Sunday March 26, 2023 via Zoom at 11 am PT to review this year’s workshops and answer any questions. View fliers for both on the home page of www.nicotine-anonymous.org. If you are curious to see the delegates packet and what is being voted on this year, you can read it on the 2023 NAWS Conference website https://nicawsc.com/. Swag is also available for purchase.
EVENTS: The SCINA Spring Event at the Marina Pacifica Fellowship is happening right now! Thanks to all who attended.
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 91 visitors and 173 page views. The top page views after the Welcome Page (48 views) were Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (41 views), Meeting List/Directory (36 views), Google Calendar (16 views), News and Updates (14 views), Intergroup Meeting (8 views), and In-Person Meeting Quick Reference (3 views).
In addition to 87 visitors within the United States, we had 2 visitors from Romania, 1 visitor each from Ireland and Russia
John D. is in charge of the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: We are still looking for delegates for the World Services conference in April. The current volunteers are Danielle N. and George O. We have four spaces available. Please notify George O. if interested at (562) 310-0874. Just as a reminder SCINA agreed to reimburse $25 of the $55 registration fee for each delegate.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: Angela P. 19 years! Yay!
SECRETARY REPORT: March minutes were read, corrected and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Jean L. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:15 am.
MINUTES - December 18, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday December 18, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 285, Palm Springs 288, Nic at Night 289.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #12 “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.”
Balance from November report $1,039.42
Treasurer’s Mistake 55.72
H&I mailing (22 envelopes @ $0.57) -12.54
Registrar expenses – December -10.77
Current available balance* 1,071.83
Donations: We received two $5 donations from individuals via PayPal. Thank You! After PayPal took their fee, our PayPal balance is $8.82 (not reflected above).
I have been tracking a discrepancy while trying to balance the bank books, and not sure where the mistake is, but it seems that we have $55.72 more in the bank than I thought. At least the error was in our favor! I am adding to our balance this month and vow to do better in 2023.
If you make a donation on behalf of your meeting via PayPal, please notify Treasurer Bill H. at whca111@gmail.com so we can acknowledge your group here.
*There is an additional $5,000 in the checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.65.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added, updated or removed. No H&I Listings were added, updated, or removed. 33 Directories were printed and 27 envelopes addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. The current balance is $820.27.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The 2023 World Services Conference will be hybrid April 21-23 in Baltimore, Maryland and on Zoom. If you are interested in representing SCINA as a delegate, please come to our Intergroup meeting in January. Have you considered a service commitment at the NAWS level? Good work ethics is more important than experience as they are willing to train, but just need reliable workers. Current positions available are Public Outreach Chair and Website Coordinator preferably with experience in Wordpress. Email chairperson@nicotine-anonymous.org for details or talk to Bill H. (818) 800-3449.
EVENTS: Discussion about speaker meeting and pizza party on March 19, 2022. We are looking into a possible venue at Marina Pacifica Fellowship across the street from the beach in Long Beach.
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 49 visitors and 93 page views. The top page views after the Welcome Page (37 views) were Google Calendar (15 views), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (12 views), Meeting List/Directory (10 views), and News and Updates (5 views). In addition to the United States, we had visitors from Russia, Hong Kong, and The Philippines.
John D. is in charge of the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: Bill H. made a motion that SCINA reimburses its delegates to the 2023 NAWS conference $25 of the $55 registration fee. The motion was seconded and passed. If you’re interested in being a delegate please come to the January SCINA intergroup meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: Alan C. 22 years
SECRETARY REPORT: November minutes were approved. December minutes were read, corrected and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:05am.
MINUTES - November 20, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday November 20, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was not met with 5 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, San Diego 284 & 285.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #11 “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, television, and films.”
Balance from October report $1,082.40
Donations Received* 180.33
SCINA donation to World Services -200.00
H&I mailing (22 envelopes @ $0.57) -12.54
Registrar expenses – November -10.77
Current available balance** 1,039.42
*Donations: I transferred $180.33 from our PayPal account to our bank account. These are mostly donations from individuals. Thank you to all who contributed! November is Gratitude month ~ consider making a personal donation to SCINA at scina.org
**There is an additional $5,000 in the checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.64. If you make a donation for your meeting via PayPal, please notify Treasurer Bill H at whca111@gmail.com so we can acknowledge your group here.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added. Meeting 288, Palm Springs, Wednesday 5:30 pm, Video Conference Access information updated. Meeting 284, San Diego, Friday 7:00 pm, removed due to lack of support and participation. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 33 Directories were printed and 27 envelopes addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. The current balance is $820.27.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The 2023 World Services Conference will be hybrid April 21-23 in Baltimore, Maryland and on Zoom. If you are interested in representing SCINA as a delegate, please come to our Intergroup meeting in December.
EVENTS: SCINA’s annual Marathon Meeting was held virtually on Saturday, November 19th. There were many attendees including local, national and international members.
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated.
In the past month, we had 105 visitors and 179 page views. The top page views after the Welcome Page (101 views), were Meeting List/Directory (21 views), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (17 views), Google Calendar (16 views), News and Updates (10 views). In addition to the United States, we had visitors from Sweden, Japan, Italy, France, Spain and Finland.
John D. is in charge of the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: Bill H is looking into a new SCINA event, perhaps a Speaker Meeting pizza party, to be held in the Spring, and will report back in December.
The price for online attendance to the 2023 World Services Conference has increased to $55. Bill H suggests SCINA reimburses its seven allotted delegates a portion of the registration fee, perhaps $20 or $25.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: Jane H. 24 years and Gary M. 24 years.
SECRETARY REPORT: November minutes were read and corrected, but due to no quorum were not approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Gary M. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:43 am.
MINUTES - October 16, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday October 16, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285 and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #10 “Nicotine Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues, hence the Nicotine Anonymous name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”
Balance from September report $1,138.11
Donations 125.00
Zoom Renewal -157.40
H&I mailing (22 envelopes @ $0.57) -12.54
Registrar expenses – October -10.77
Current available balance* $1082.40
Donations: Received cash at the picnic - $100 from Monday 6 pm Long Beach meeting and $25 from the Tuesday Bellflower meeting. Thank You!
A motion was made and passed to donate $200 to NAWS and will be reflected in next month’s treasurer’s report.
*There is an additional $5,000 in checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.63. If you make a donation for your meeting via PayPal, please notify me (Treasurer Bill H) at whca111@gmail.com so we can acknowledge your group here.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. Meeting 291, Pathfinders Alano Club, Los Angeles, Thursday 5:30 pm, was added. Meeting 275, Covina, Wednesday 6:30 pm, Meeting name, Phone Contact information and Video Conference Access information updated. Meeting 288, Palm Springs, Wednesday 5:30 pm, Video Conference Access information updated. No Meetings were removed. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 33 Directories were printed and 27 envelopes addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. The current balance is $813.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The quarterly NAWS Board meeting was held Friday, October 14th. NAWS will be recreating their website on WordPress and are looking for volunteers with experience to help keep the site maintained. NAWS will be releasing audiobook versions of The Book and Reflections on Freedom next year on Faraway Voices app. Volunteer opportunities include Archives Coordinator, Public Outreach Coordinator, and someone to lead up OnDemand Publishing so our literature can be printed overseas without incurring huge shipping costs. The 2023 World Services Conference will be hybrid April 21-23 in Baltimore, Maryland and on Zoom. There will be votes to update four areas of the bylaws this year. If you are interested in representing SCINA as a delegate, please come to our Intergroup meetings so we can get to know you. For more information, contact Chair-Emeritus Bill H. at whca111@gmail.com.
EVENTS: The annual picnic was held this year on September 18th with 15 members of the fellowship attending. We will be holding our annual Marathon Meeting virtually on Saturday, November 19th. The flier was approved and will be going out with the next mailing. If your group is willing to host a meeting please contact Angela at (949) 302-8465.
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated.
John D. is in charge of the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: Discussion about the Speaker Meeting event in the Spring will continue.
NEW BUSINESS: The price for online attendance to the 2023 World Services Conference has increased to $55. A discussion was had about paying a portion of our delegate’s registration fee. Further discussion will be held closer to the conference.
BIRTHDAYS: Ken from Ottawa has 1 year, Hadi D. has 1 year, Paul F. has 2 years.
SECRETARY REPORT: October minutes were read and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Gary M. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:09 am.
MINUTES _ September 18, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday September 18, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:05 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 9 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285, Palm Springs 288., First Saturday (289).
TRADITIONS: Tradition #9 “Nicotine Anonymous as such ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.”
Balance from August report $1,160.86
Donation by check 25.00
Donations (xfer from PayPal) 111.93
Mailbox renewal (6 months) -120.00
GoDaddy domain name renewal -21.17
Registrar Expenses -5.97
H&I Mailing -12.54
Current available balance* $1,138.11
*There is an additional $5,000 in checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.62. If you make a donation for your meeting via PayPal, please notify me (Treasurer Bill H) at whca111@gmail.com so we can acknowledge your group here!
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. Meeting 290, Westside Alano Club, Los Angeles, Wednesday 7:45 pm is added. Have not yet received requested Phone Contact and Secretary/Representative information. No Meetings have been updated and no Meetings have been removed. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 27 envelopes were addressed, and 33 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: There is a new meditation book, “Reflections on Freedom” for sale at nicotine-anonymous.org. The current balance is $813.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The person currently in charge of the NAWS website would like to step down. Anyone with experience who would like to step up is encouraged to do so. The next Board meeting is October 14th (Friday at 8 am PT). All are welcome to attend. For both matters, please contact Sharon C, chairperson@nicotine-anonymous.org.
EVENTS: The picnic will follow this meeting. The SCINA meeting and election of officers will be held first. We expect to do our annual Marathon Meeting virtually on Saturday, November 19th. Angela is going to work on a flyer for the Marathon Meeting.
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 69 visitors and 139 page views. The top page views after the Welcome Page (55 views) were Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (38 views), Meeting List/Directory (15 views), News and Updates (14 views), Google Calendar (14 views). John D. is in charge of the shared Zoom account for SCINA. Please contact him at (818) 618-1501 if you have any questions.
OLD BUSINESS: We discussed setting up a Speaker Meeting event in the Spring.
NEW BUSINESS: Another face-to-face meeting has been added on Wednesday at 7:45 (290) in Los Angeles at the Westside Alano Club. Joseph W. donated $25, chips and literature from 2 dark meetings, the Bell Flower and the Saturday Long Beach meeting. The current officers have agreed to continue, George O., Danielle N. and Bill H. Thank you for your service. We have several positions available at the intergroup level, please consider being of service.
BIRTHDAYS: Larry P. from the West Hollywood meeting has 21 years, Mary P. has 29 years.
SECRETARY REPORT: September minutes were read and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Mary P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:08 am.
MINUTES - August 21, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, August 21, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:03 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 8 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285, Palm Springs 288, and First Saturday 289.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #8 “Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” was read.
Balance from July report $1,374.33
Donations by check 25.00
Squarespace annual renewal -216.00
H&I Mailing – August -11.97
Registrar – August -10.50
Current available balance* $1,160.86
Bonnie H. celebrated 25 years nicotine free and donated $25. Next year she will donate $26. That’s a fun thing for all of us to do out of gratitude for the freedom this program has given us. PayPal Balance not reflected above = $98.78, which includes a $75 donation from the Bellflower meeting. (Note: There were no H&I or Registrar expenses in July.)
*There is an additional $5,000 in checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $1000.61. If you make a donation for your meeting via PayPal, please notify me (Treasurer Bill H) at whca111@gmail.com so we can acknowledge your group here!
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. Meeting information changes: Meeting 229, Silverlake, Friday, Meeting time restored to 6:30 by request. Candlelight, Friday 6:00 pm, restored by request, renumbered to Meeting 230 to eliminate confusion. Meeting 284, San Diego, Restored. Meeting day updated to Friday 7:00 pm, Contact information updated. Meetings removed: Meeting 084, Fullerton, First Saturday of the month, 4:00, removed due to low/no attendance. Meeting 286, Palm Desert, Friday 5:30 pm, removed by request of Representative. The information for removed Meetings is stored, and can be easily restored. NAWS has been notified of the closed Meetings No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 27 envelopes were addressed, and 33 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: The current balance is $813.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): NAWS Chairperson Tom H resigned, and former chair Sharon C has returned to active chair position. Bill H from SCINA is back on the Board in the chairperson emeritus position. There are plans to upgrade the www.nicotine-anonymous.org website, and move from ZoHo platform to WordPress. If anyone has any experience with WordPress or DreamHost, the website improvement committee would greatly appreciate your input. Please contact Bill H (chairperson-emeritus@nicotine-anonymous.org). Did you know that NAWS publishes a quarterly newsletter called “SevenMinutes”? It contains inspirational stories written by members about their personal NicA journey. Past issues are available to download and read for free at https://www.nicotine-anonymous.org/sevenminutes-newsletter. On the second Sunday of every month at 10:00 am a public outreach meeting is held through NAWS. If interested please see nicotine-anonymous.org.
EVENTS: Our annual picnic will be held on September 18, 2022 at 10:00 am. The SCINA meeting and election of officers will be held first. It will be at Bolivar Park, 3300 Del Amo Blvd, Lakewood, CA, 90712. We expect to do our annual Marathon Meeting virtually on Saturday, November 19th.
NEW MEETINGS: If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 69 visitors and 139 page views. The top page views after the Welcome Page (55 views) were Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (38 views), Meeting List/Directory (15 views), News and Updates (14 views), Google Calendar (14 views).
OLD BUSINESS: The only meetings that we know of which are face-to-face are the Glendale meeting on Monday at 3:30, the Long Beach meeting on Monday at 6:00, and the San Diego meeting on Friday at 7:00 pm. Rob confirmed that all of the meetings he called are active. Jane reports the Palm Desert meeting and the Fullerton meeting are no longer active. There is no report from Gary at this time.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: Eddie L. has 6 years, Lindsey has 12 years, Bill H. has 23 years, Big happy birthday!!
SECRETARY REPORT: August minutes were approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:03 am.
MINUTES - July 17, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, July 17, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:01 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 8 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285, Palm Springs 288, and First Saturday 289.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #7 “Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” was read.
Balance from June report *$1,091.10
Donations (xfer from PayPal) 283.23
Current available balance* $1,374.33
Thanks to West Hollywood Meeting #1 for the $100 donation! The rest of the donations are from many individuals who donate less than $5 a month – Thanks to you for sustaining SCINA and proving that every little bit helps! No registrar or H&I expenses this month.
*There is an additional $5,000 in checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance = $1000.60. If you make a donation from your meeting via PayPal, please notify Treasurer Bill H at whca111@gmail.com so we can thank your group here!
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added. Meeting 229, Silverlake, Friday 6:30 pm meeting time adjusted to 6:00 to include ½ hour from removed Candle-light Fellowship. Meeting 266, Joshua Tree, Monday 5:30 pm, Meeting ID and Passcode updated. 4 Meetings were Removed: Meeting 229, Silverlake, Friday 6:00 pm, Candle-light removed due to duplicated information. Meeting 250, Bellflower, Tuesday 7:00 pm, closed due to extended Covid precautions. Meeting 268, Costa Mesa, removed due to extended temporary closure. Meeting 284, San Diego, Thursday 7:00 pm, due to extended Covid precautions. The Meeting information for the removed Meetings is stored in a temporary file, and can be easily restored to the main List. 29 envelopes were addressed, and 35 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: The current balance is $813.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The first quarter board meeting was held Saturday, July 16th. Nothing new to report at this time. Inform your new members that www.nicotine-anonymous.org posts worldwide meetings – many phone and online meetings are happening all the time, you just have to convert to your time zone.
EVENTS: The site of the September 18th Intergroup Meeting/Officer Elections/Picnic is still pending. We expect to do our annual Marathon Meeting virtually on Saturday, November 19th.
NEW MEETINGS: No new meetings. If interested in starting a new meeting, call Gary 310-755-5582 and leave a message.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 119 visitors and 135 page views. Visits from June 18 through July 17 are up 61%. The top page views after the Welcome Page (46 views) were Meeting List/Directory (24 views), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (23 views), News and Updates (14 views), Google Calendar (11 views), In-Person and Meeting List (6 views).
OLD BUSINESS: Danielle was unable to attend the meeting today, so we will check with her for her email list of responses regarding current meetings for next month. The only meetings that we know of which are face-to-face are the Glendale meeting Monday at 3:30, the Long Beach meeting on Monday at 6:00 and the Fullerton meeting on the first Saturday of the month at 4:00 pm. Rob, Gary and Jane will make calls to the phone contacts on our meeting list to confirm they are still active before we delete them.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: Bonnie H. 25 years, Nicol S. 3 years, Star F. 25 years, Leslie W. 8 years, Danielle N. 5 years, Gary B. 3 years, Sean C. 2 years, Amalia M. 2 years, John H. 1 year. Big happy birthday!!
SECRETARY REPORT: June minutes were approved, July minutes were read, corrected, and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Bill H. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:16 am.
MINUTES - May 15, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, May 15, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 8 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented:West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285 and Palm Springs 288, Nic at Night 289.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #5, “Each group has but one primary purpose -- to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.” was read.
Balance from March report* $168.63
Donation from Studio City 273 251.00
H&I Mailing – Mar & Apr -23.32
Registrar April -10.63
Current available balance** **$385.68
*No treasury report in April. **There is an additional $5,000 in our checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee. Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $750.58.
Studio City Meeting #273 previously decided to remain permanently online only. Last week, they voted to stop collecting 7th Tradition since they have no expenses and donate what they had to SCINA Intergroup. Thank You!
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. Meeting 289, “Nic at Night”, First Saturday of the month at 8:00 pm on Video/Call-in Conference was added. No Meetings were updated or removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 30 envelopes were addressed, and 35 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. Current balance in the literature account is $765.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The 2022 World Services Conference was held April 29-May 1, 2022 with several SCINA delegates Zooming in for this successful hybrid meeting. Bill H. attended in person (Little Rock, AR) for his last year on the NAWS Board. Nine motions were passed, including a NicA Meeting Etiquette Card, Group Inventory list, gender neutral revisions to existing literature (books and pamphlets), and a revised pamphlet “For Concerned Friends and Family of Nicotine Users,” which will replace “Are You Concerned About Someone Who Smokes or Chews Tobacco?” To receive minutes from the Board Meeting and Delegate meetings, subscribe to NicA News (free) at this link: https://www.nicotine-anonymous.org/nica-news-email-communications.
EVENTS: If a picnic is determined for September, George R. proposed Carlson Park in Culver City as a possible location. Danielle N. will find out if San Diego is interested in hosting the picnic this year (3rd Saturday of September).
The Joshua Tree Retreat Center has refunded our $1,000 deposit that we paid them in February 2020. Thanks to Jane H. for picking that up. We will deposit in our checking account this week and reflect that in next month’s treasury report.
NEW MEETINGS: Nic at Night (289) is now meeting on the 1st Saturday of every month from 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 108 visitors, 104 unique visits, and 571 page views. Most of the views were from the United States (97), followed by Canada (10), and Great Britain (1). The top page views after the Welcome Page (55 views) were Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (18 views), Meeting List (16 views), News and Updates (10 views), The Original Meeting - Speaker Shares (9), and Google Calendar (8 views).
OLD BUSINESS: There was discussion regarding starting a new speaker meeting event in March 2023 (with food). There were concerns about hosting a meeting indoors. We will look for possible locations and discuss further next month.
NEW BUSINESS: John D. recommended that we volunteer to host the World Services Conference in 2025. The last times SCINA hosted the conference was in 2013 and 2019. We will vote at the June 2022 SCINA meeting about hosting the World Services Conference in 2025.
SAD NEWS: Carrie White and Barry Goldstein from the West Hollywood group have recently passed away. Carrie was a dynamic speaker and she is known for saying “You can’t get well with the same head that made you sick”. Barry was a long-time Nicotine Anonymous member and provided scholarships for the Joshua Tree Retreat every year. Our condolences go out to their family and friends.
BIRTHDAYS: Four anniversaries from the Wednesday Palm Spring Meeting: Stella E. (4 years), Reese N. (3 years), Terry S. (2 years), Jeff M. (1 year). Also, William of Huntington Beach celebrates 39 years off nicotine.
SECRETARY REPORT: May minutes were approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:21 am.
MINUTES - February 20, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, February 20, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: Bill H. called the meeting to order at 10:02 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was not met with 5 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Silver Lake 229, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285 and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #2, “For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority-a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.” was read.
Balance from January report
Registrar January
Current available balance*
Thanks to all the individuals who auto-debit monthly donations, whether it be $1, $5, or $10/month.
*There is an additional $5,000 in checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee.
Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $750.55
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added, updated or removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 30 envelopes were addressed, and 35 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. Current balance in the literature account is $765.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The 2022 World Services Conference will be held April 29-May 1, 2022. The planning committee is meeting today to make the final decision as to whether to move forward with the “in person” portion in Little Rock, Arkansas, or to keep it entirely virtual again this year. In either case, it will definitely be available at least online (via Zoom). Early bird registration through March 31st is $35 at this website: https://www.nicawsc2022.com/. For questions, contact conference registrar Brenda K at NicAWSC@gmail.com. If you are interested in serving as a delegate for SCINA at the “hybrid” World Services Conference please contact George O. at scinainfo@gmail.com.
EVENTS: No new news.
NEW MEETINGS: No new meetings.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you. The point of contact is needed. If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated.
In the past month, we had 68 visitors, 60 unique visits, and 122 page views. The top page views after the Welcome Page (40 views) were: Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (28 views), Google Calendar (21 views), News and Updates, (13 views), Meeting List (6 views), including 1 visitor from New Zealand.
OLD BUSINESS: We discussed starting a new speaker meeting event in March 2023 (with food). Please come to the SCINA intergroup meetings to share your ideas.
NEW BUSINESS: We need more delegates to represent Southern California in the upcoming World Services conference.
BIRTHDAYS: Christian B. 1 year, Jamie 1 year, Dylan 1 year, PeeDee 1 year, Rick W. 24 years
SECRETARY REPORT: February minutes were read and corrected, and were not approved due to lack of quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: Christian B. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:44 am.
MINUTES - January 16, 2022
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, January 16, 2022
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:05 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285 and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #1, “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon Nicotine Anonymous unity.” was read.
Balance from October report
Hospitals & Institutions Dec. mailing
Registrar January
Current available balance*
Thanks to San Diego Meeting #288 for a $96 donation via PayPal. We also received $6, donated by individuals. I have not transferred from PayPal to bank account yet.
*There is an additional $5,000 in checking account that we do not touch to avoid $18/month bank fee.
Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $750.54
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added or removed. Meeting 268, Costa Mesa, Meeting Phone Contact #2, Secretary and Representative information deleted at his widow’s request. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 30 envelopes were addressed, and 35 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. Current balance in the literature account is $765.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The 3rd quarter NAWS Officers Board meeting will be Saturday January 22, 2022 from 8 am - 1:30 pm PT. All are welcome to attend (email Bill at whca111@gmail.com for an invite).
If you’re interested in serving as a delegate for Southern California at the “hybrid” World Services Conference, April 29 to May 1, 2022, please contact George O. at scinainfo@gmail.com.
EVENTS: We normally plan our annual Joshua Tree Retreat during the summer and were exploring the possibility of going back to an in-person event this year, however our usual location, the Joshua Tree Retreat Center, has significantly raised their prices, so we are looking into other options. Also due to the recent increase of COVID cases, it is uncertain whether an in-person event is even possible this year.
NEW MEETINGS: No new meetings.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: If you’re interested in being of service and taking on the commitment of Public Outreach Chair, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you. The point of contact is needed. If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated.
In the past month, we had 75 visitors, 61 unique visits, and 145 page views. The top page views after the Welcome Page (45 views) were: Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (44 views), Meeting List (22 views), Google Calendar (9 views), News and Updates, (6 views).
OLD BUSINESS: SCINA has created a flyer to provide groups with tips on how to handle Zoom bombers. We will post it on our website and are also attaching it to this month’s minutes.
NEW BUSINESS: We discussed starting a new speaker meeting event in March 2023 (with food). Please come to the SCINA intergroup meetings to share your ideas.
SAD NEWS: One of our members, Marty W., has recently passed away. He was a long time participant of the Monday night Costa Mesa meeting and had also served as former Intergroup Literature Chair. We would like to acknowledge his service and dedication to Nicotine Anonymous and his presence will be missed.
BIRTHDAYS: Patty A. 1 year, Mike U. 7 years, JudiAhavah D. 20 years.
SECRETARY REPORT: All were in favor of approving the December minutes. January minutes were read and corrected, and were approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:05 am.
MINUTES - December 19, 2021
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, December 19, 2021
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:05 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was not met with 6 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285 and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #12, “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” was read.
Balance from October report *$206.42
Donation from West Hollywood Meeting #1 $100.00
Donations from individuals $125.90
Hospitals & Institutions Nov. mailing -$11.66
Registrar December -$10.66
Subtotal $410.00
Transfer to Savings account -$200.00
as we need to build back up our prudent reserve of $1000
Current available balance *$210.00
Thank you to all the individuals who donated. It really adds up!
*There is an additional $5,000 in checking account to avoid $18/month bank fee that we do not touch.
Savings account (prudent reserve) balance is $750.54
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added, updated or removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 31 envelopes were addressed, and 35 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: We lost a snail mail contact at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena so Angela contacted them and has added them to her email list. Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. Current balance in the literature account is $765.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): NAWS is looking for volunteers to return calls from West Coast individuals who call looking for information or support. If interested in being of service, please contact Jorie at TeleserviceCoordinator@nicotine-anonymous.org. She will forward you their phone messages and you can answer at your convenience.
EVENTS: Our Annual Marathon Meeting was held virtually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, 11/20/2021 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
NEW MEETINGS: No new meetings.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you. The point of contact is needed. If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 58 visitors, 51 unique visits, and 120 page views. The top pages viewed after the Welcome Page (39 views) were: Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (30 views), Google Calendar (19 views), Meeting List (18 views), News and Updates, (7 views).
OLD BUSINESS: We discussed “Carry the Message” day and remembered that it was moved to November. We will plan starting next August for November.
NEW BUSINESS: JudiAh brought to our attention that there have been an increase in “zoom-bombing” at virtual Nicotine Anonymous meetings. We are looking into creating a flyer with helpful tips for preventing “zoom-bombing”. We will discuss this further next month.
SAD NEWS: From Angela P: I called an old friend from NicA, Emil Lovati, who helped me when I was trying to quit 17 years ago and found out he passed away last year. He used to attend the Newport Beach meeting #023, which later moved to Costa Mesa. He was also an active participant in SCINA and served as Intergroup Chair in 2003 and 2004. He would have had 32 years off nicotine on Monday 12/20/21. I just wanted to acknowledge his service to Nicotine Anonymous and to keep him in our prayers.
BIRTHDAYS: Alan C. 21 years.
SECRETARY REPORT: December minutes were read and corrected, but could not be approved due to lack of quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:03 am.
MINUTES - November 21, 2021
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, November 21, 2021
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285 and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #11, “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, and films.” was read.
Balance from October report *$298.05
Donation from Studio City Meeting 273 +$200.00
Hospitals & Institutions Oct. mailing -$12.19
Registrar Oct ($10.74) + Nov ($10.70) -$21.44
Stamps for incoming secretary -$58.00
Subtotal $406.42
Transfer to Savings account -$200.00
as we need to build back up our prudent reserve of $1000
Current available balance *$206.42
*We have an additional $5,000 in checking account to avoid $18/month bank fee that we do not touch. Savings account balance is $550.54
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added or removed. Meeting 273, Studio City, Meeting location updated to “Video Conference Meeting”. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 32 envelopes were addressed, and 35 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts (which don’t increase our postage costs) for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No concerns at this time. Current balance in the literature account is $765.77.
NICOTINE ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES (NAWS): The new daily meditation book, “Reflections on Freedom,” is available on the website store for $16. The NAWS website has a new coordinator who has improved its functionality. For example, virtual conference meetings (aka Zoom) are sortable, with instructions; you can read all brochures [and some other literature such as the steps from “The Book”] by clicking on the hyperlinks on the Literature tab; there is a “Read Along with Your Meeting” tab (also under Literature) where your meeting can click and share screen for common readings such as the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. The Minnesota Intergroup will be hosting a free online Step Study Workshop on Saturdays from 10:00–11:30 am PST from January 8th through April 2nd. For more information and to register, see flyer on homepage of nicotine-anonymous.org
EVENTS: Our Annual Marathon Meeting was held virtually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, 11/20/2021 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
NEW MEETINGS: No report.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you. The point of contact is needed. If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated. In the past month, we had 60 visitors, 56 unique visits, and 117 page views. The top pages viewed after the Welcome Page (40 views) were: Google Calendar (26 views), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (22 views), News and Updates, (14 views), Meeting List (9 views).
OLD BUSINESS: Angela P. sent Fellowship contacts to Danielle N. so she could email our meeting lists, Minutes and flyers to those in the membership that save us money on USPS hard copy mailings. Angela P. also emailed Christian B. many old flyers for reference on future flyers.
NEW BUSINESS: We will discuss “Carry the Message” at the December Intergroup meeting.
BIRTHDAYS: Greg S 12 years, Jane H 23 years, Gary M 23 years, Robert W 29 years.
SECRETARY REPORT: November minutes were read, corrected and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:57 am.
MINUTES - October 17, 2021
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, October 17, 2021
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285 and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #10, “Nicotine Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the Nicotine Anonymous name ought never be drawn into public controversy.” was read.
Balance from September report *$706.54
Deposit of money found in treasurer’s satchel +$84.00
Zoom annual fee (renewal period 9/21/21 - 9/21/22) -$157.40
Registrar September -$13.92
GoDaddy Domain Renewal (repayment to literature acct.) -$21.17
Subtotal $598.05
Transfer to Savings account $300.00
as we need to build back up our prudent reserve of $1000
Current available balance *$298.05
*We have an additional $5,000 in checking account to avoid $18/month bank fee that we do not touch.
Savings account balance is $350.54
REGISTRAR REPORT: On the Administration List, Danielle N. is Secretary, and Christian B. is Public Outreach Chair. No Meetings were added or removed. Meeting 275, Covina, USPS Mailing and e-mail contact information updated. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added or updated. Harbor UCLA Medical Center, West Carson, Torrance was removed due to a returned envelope. 32 envelopes were addressed, and 35 Directories were printed.When changes are required to the printed version of our meeting list, the deadline to submit corrections is the 10th each month.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com. We are now printing the NAWS 800 number on our meeting lists. 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: $21.17 was automatically deducted from the Literature account to renew our GoDaddy website. SCINA has reimbursed the Literature account. George O was able to change the GoDaddy payment method to the SCINA account for next year’s renewal. Current balance in the literature account is $765.77. The literature account is held at Union Bank, however George O. was notified that Union Bank was recently acquired by U.S. Bank. Both banks are currently operating separately, but will transition to U.S. Bank within the next few months.
WORLD SERVICES: The Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS) second quarter officer’s board meeting was held Saturday, October 16th. A new website improvement committee is being formed for www.nicotine-anonymous.org. If you would like an invite to the inaugural meeting, please contact chair-emeritus Bill H. @ whca111@gmail.com. We are also looking for individuals with successful hybrid meeting experience to attend the NAWS World Services Conference (WSC) planning committee on the fourth Saturday of the month at 10 am PT. WSC 2022 will be April 29-May 1 in Little Rock, Arkansas. If you are interested in serving as a SCINA delegate at next year’s WSC, even remotely, please attend the SCINA Intergroup meeting for more details.
EVENTS: Our Annual Marathon Meeting will be held virtually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, 11/20/2021 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 to volunteer to host one of the hours of the Marathon Meeting. We hope to have a flyer soon.
NEW MEETINGS: No report.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: Christian B. added posts to Twitter and Facebook. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you. The point of contact is needed. If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated.
In the past month, we had 76 visitors, 69 unique visits, and 175 page views. The top pages viewed after the Welcome Page (68 views) were : Meeting List (29), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (27), Google Calendar (25), and News and Updates, (14).
OLD BUSINESS: No old business.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: Paul F. (1 year), Rob R. (1 year), Jim G. (12 years)
SECRETARY REPORT: October minutes were read, corrected and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:02 am.
MINUTES - September 19, 2021
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, September 19, 2021
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 8 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, San Diego 284 & 285 and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #9, “Nicotine Anonymous, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.” was read.
Ending balance from August report *$221.63
Deposits (donations & Joshua tree registrations) +$574.92
Postage (June, July & August) -60.69
Registrar expenses (July & August) -29.32
Current available balance *$706.54
*We have an additional $5,000 in checking account to avoid $18/month bank fee that we do not touch.
Savings account balance is $50.54
Many thanks to everyone for their generous donations the last few months. Several people gave extra when signing up for the Joshua Tree virtual retreat. In total, we had 23 registrants ($230). Since June, we had donations from San Diego Meeting #285 (Tuesdays 7 pm) for $166.20 and $100 from Studio City Meeting #273. I also want to thank Palm Springs Meeting #288 (Wednesday 5:30 pm) who intended to send SCINA $200, but inadvertently sent it to NAWS. I called the NAWS office manager, and he will be crediting SCINA for that donation. Bill H.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. No Meetings were added, updated, or removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added or updated. Kaiser Permanente, Goldleaf Circle, Los Angeles was removed due to returned envelope. 33 envelopes were addressed, and 35 Directories were printed.
When changes are required to the printed version of our meeting list, the deadline to submit corrections is the 10th each month.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com. We are now printing the NAWS 800 number on our meeting lists. 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No new changes this month. Current balance in the literature account is $765.77.
WORLD SERVICES: The 2nd quarter Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS) officer’s board meeting will be Saturday, October 16th from 8:00 am - 1:30 pm PT. All are welcome to attend. To receive an invite, email chairperson@nicotine-anonymous.org. If you would like to become involved at the NAWS level or have any questions, please contact chair-emeritus Bill H. @ whca111@gmail.com. Note that there will be recommended changes to the bylaws at next year’s World Services Conference (WSC), which go out to delegates 90 days prior, so they will be requesting the SCINA delegate list by January. If you are interested in serving as a delegate at next year’s WSC, please attend SCINA meeting for more details. Although the conference will be held April 29-May 1 in Little Rock, Arkansas, delegates may attend via Zoom.
EVENTS: Our Annual Marathon Meeting will be held virtually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, 11/20/2021 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 to volunteer to host one of the hours of the Marathon Meeting. We hope to have a flyer soon.
NEW MEETINGS: No report.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: No report at this time. Christian B. (323) 499-8122 has offered to take on this responsibility. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you. The point of contact is needed. If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: Directory, Calendar, and News pages have been updated.
In the past month, we had 91 visitors, 80 unique visits, and 208 page views. The top pages viewed after the Welcome Page (78 views) were : Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (36), News and Updates, (24), Meeting List (24), and Google Calendar (19).
OLD BUSINESS: No old business.
NEW BUSINESS: Officer elections were held September 19th at the Intergroup meeting. George O. will continue as current Chairperson, Bill H. will continue as Treasurer, Danielle N. was nominated and voted in as Secretary. Christian B. (Morro Bay) has offered to take over Public Outreach. Also needed is someone for By Laws, and to accept the Chair-Elect commitment. Thank you Officers & Chairpersons. Please consider being of service. Thank you, Angela, for many years of dedicated service.
BIRTHDAYS: Larry P. (20 years)
SECRETARY REPORT: September minutes were read, corrected and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Danielle N. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:20 am.
MINUTES - August 21, 2021
MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, August 15, 2021
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Silverlake 229, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, Palm Desert 286 and Palm Springs 288.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #8, “Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” was read.
On July 31, 2021, Bill H joined chair George O., secretary Angela P., and outgoing treasurer John D. at the Bank of America in Norwalk to be added to the account as incoming treasurer and to remove John from the account.
Ending balance from June report *$22.37
Paypal transfer (donations & Joshua tree registrations) +$140.12
Personal donations/Joshua Tree by check +$60.00
Squarespace annual fee -$216.00
To balance **+215.14
Current available balance *$221.63
*Additional $5,000 in the account is used to avoid an $18/month bank fee that we do not touch ($5,221.63). Savings account balance is $50.54
**The “current available balance” accurately reflects what is in our bank account. As I just took over, I can’t tell where the error is, but at least it is in our favor. Perhaps the Squarespace fee had previously been reported but not yet withdrawn from the bank. Bill H.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. Meeting 284, Thursday 7:00pm, Saint Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego was added. Meeting 285, Tuesday 7:00pm, Video Conference, San Diego, Meeting number was revised. No Meetings were removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 34 envelopes were addressed, and 40 Directories were printed.
When changes are required to the printed version of our meeting list, the deadline to submit corrections is the 10th each month.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Please send additional email contacts for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists. For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.
COMMUNICATIONS: No concerns at this time, any questions or concerns can be directed to SCINAinfo@gmail.com. We are now printing the NAWS 800 number on our meeting lists. 1-877-879-6422 or 1-877-TRY-NICA.
LITERATURE: No new changes this month. Current balance in the literature account is $765.77. Bill H. is currently storing the Literature and Chips.
WORLD SERVICES: Active chair John D. has resigned for health reasons, and 2019 chair Sharon C. was appointed by NAWS board to be officer-at-large serving as active chair. The recently-approved new meditation book has been formatted by the graphic artist and a beautiful cover was selected. It will now go to the printer and should be available within a few months. To receive NAWS news, subscribe to “NicA News Email Communications” at www.nicotine-anonymous.org under the “Newsletter” tab. There have been many recent upgrades to the website, so check it out.
EVENTS: The virtual Joshua Tree retreat will be next Sunday August 22, 2021 from 9 am to
4 pm PT via Zoom. $10 registration requested via SCINA PayPal Donation button; then email Bill H. at whca111@gmail.com to receive meeting id and password. See attached flyer for details.
We are not having our annual face-to-face picnic but we are having elections next month. Please consider being of service at the Intergroup level and taking on one of the open positions, such as Committee Chairs, Treasurer, Secretary, or Chairperson.
NEW MEETINGS: No report.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: No report at this time. If anyone is willing to take on or share the Public Outreach position, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501. We need more help with Intergroup outreach. Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you. The point of contact is needed. If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: No report.
WEB OPERATIONS: All links to the Website are working as designed. Directory and Calendar have been updated.
In the past month, we had 117 visitors, 105 unique visits, and 250 page views. The top pages viewed after the Welcome Page (90 views) were , Meeting List (35), Virtual Meeting Quick Reference (35) and Google Calendar (33).
The GoDaddy account is scheduled to automatically renew from the Literature account this month. It will be $20.99 for the year and will be reimbursed from the SCINA account.
OLD BUSINESS: No old business.
NEW BUSINESS: Officer elections will be held September 19th at the Intergroup meeting. Please consider being of service. George O. is current Chairperson, Bill H. just took over as Treasurer 2 months ago, Angela P. will be stepping down as Secretary. Also needed is someone for Public Outreach and ByLaws.
BIRTHDAYS: Bill H. (22 years).SECRETARY REPORT: August minutes were read, corrected and approved.
CLOSING PRAYER: Christian B. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:52 am.