Intergroup Meeting

3rd Sunday of Each Month
Conference Call & Online
10:00 am PST

To join the conference call, please dial one of the phone numbers below, and when prompted input the meeting ID # followed with the # sign. The link is for a computer link if we were to share a document and I don’t believe we will be sharing the Minutes on the Zoom mtg.

PLEASE find the mute button and mute your telephone after you give your name to the Secretary for voting later in the meeting. If you need to comment, please unmute and let us know.

Your name will be called and you will be asked for your vote if we hold a vote. You can then unmute your phone and give your response, and then mute your phone. If 3 phones are unmuted, the feedback is so loud we cannot conduct the meeting.

Mute Button

Mute Button

Please Note: The Meeting ID and Login Information has changed to the following:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 1615 6858

Passcode: 722265

One tap mobile
+16465588656,,83716156858# US (New York)

+17207072699,,83716156858# US (Denver)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 837 1615 6858#
Find your local number: