1. Media Activity
a. Television. No reported submission or scheduled airing of public service announcements on public or private networks. A list of stations needs to be developed for future planning.
b. Radio. There are currently 101 radio stations within SCINA’s eight county area. PSAs were submitted to the following Radio Stations in SoCal:
Z107.7 FM, Joshua Tree, CA
2. Internet.
There are currently 23 web sites listing resources for tobacco cessation programs, nicotine addiction, etc. Three of these sites have links to Nicotine Anonymous World Services. None of these sites have a link to SCINA.org.
3. Events.
There were no public outreach events during the month of June. For July and August, there are no events scheduled in SoCal. There are currently 20 locations of tobacco cessation programs in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. A complete list of events for the SCINA needs to be created for planning purposes.
4. Hotline.
There were no requests for information, literature, or other outreach activities in the past month. The Hotline Coordinator was contacted, and stated there was already a process used for the hotline that did not include public outreach.
5. Correspondence.
a. Hospitals/Clinics. A list of hospitals and health clinics is being developed for future planning.
b. Medical Professionals. A list of medical professionals is being developed for mailing letters, pamphlets, etc.
c. Alcohol/Drug Treatment Programs. A list of treatment centers is being developed for future planning.
d. Smoking Cessation Programs. A list of smoking cessation programs is being developed for future planning.
e. Counselors/Therapists. A list of facilities/offices is being developed for future planning.
6. Projects.
a. Literature Table. Would the groups be served by having access to a package of information for use at events for an information booth? Possibly three for the SCINA area.
b. Public Outreach Workshop. Would the groups be served with a workshop to encourage participation, share experiences, learn traditions used, and generate ideas for public outreach?
c. Public Outreach Guide for SCINA. Publishing a guide for SCINA to participate in outreach activities at the individual, group, and intergroup committee level may help encourage members to get involved, provide stability to outreach, and help in abiding with our traditions.