MINUTES - June 21, 2009
Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
June 21, 2009
Minutes of June Intergroup Meeting
George O. called the meeting to order with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions. George L provided the refreshments.
What meetings were Represented in June ?
001 Los Angeles
012 Long Beach
047 Chatsworth
073 Newport Beach
084 Fullerton
231 Long Beach
261 Long Beach.
A quorum was met with 11 in attendance
Brian K read Tradition Six. “A Nicotine Anonymous group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the Nicotine Anonymous name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.” He reflected on issues regarding our website linking with other sites and having appropriate relationships with other organizations.
Chairperson Report
George shared about the memorial service for Patsy A. He spoke with her husband who will be returning a SCINA notebook to us. Patsy was a great asset to our program and we will miss her. The meeting requested that a letter of condolence be sent to Patsy’s husband.
Secretary Report
Mary P. read the minutes of the May 17, 2009 meeting. They were corrected and it was moved, and seconded, to approve them.
Treasurer Report
Joe S. presented a financial report ending May 2009. Donations were not received in May because Joe could not be at the meeting but those donations will be reflected in the June report. There is a current balance of $1,019.14.It was moved and seconded to approve the financial report.
Registrar’s report
Rick W. reported that a meeting in Whittier has been added to our directory, and meeting 85 in Fountain Valley, 232 in Palm Springs and 258 in Los Angeles have all gone dark. We lack an address for the Secretary at meeting 001 in West Los Angeles, 022 in Fullerton, 076 in Costa Mesa, 163 in Fullerton, 252 in Long Beach, 254 in Inglewood, and 255 in Downey. We lack an address for both a secretary and a representative for meeting 074 in Van Nuys. It is important to have these addresses so we can send our monthly minutes, directories and flyers to keep these meetings in connection with our fellowship. If you can give us addresses contact Rick at: scina_updates@yahoo.com
Committee Reports
Action and Responsibility
George L reported Willy S continues to do the panel for the parolee meetings in Santa Ana. George has received a request from the Coalition for a Smoke free Long Beach to have one of our members attend their regular meetings. .
Hospitals and Institutions
George O reported that he and Gary M are doing the panel at Kaiser in Bellflower.
Peggy O submitted a literature report for April showing a bank balance of negative $81.43 and an Inventory value of $2,682.37. She will deposit checks this week to get our bank balance in the black. She has been picking up our book orders in order to save on shipping.
World Services
Mary P. reported there will be a World Services Officer’s meeting in July in Baltimore. Joe S reported he has begun to receive donations in World Services new monthly donation program titled “Give and Live”.
Jane H reported she has received 18 paid registrations for the retreat in Joshua Tree. We only need 5 more.
George R reported he has made all the needed arrangements for our September Picnic. We need a flyer as the picnic is only 3 months away.
George O reported that Greg B and Jim D had arranged for Nicotine Anonymous to have a booth at the Freedom Festival on June 28. SCINA provided literature for the booth. We have had a booth at this 12 step recovery event the last three years and appreciate Greg and Jim picking up the ball for us at the last minute.
New Meetings
Gary M reported he sent out a new meeting packet in response to an inquiry from Cucamonga.
George L nominated Frank S for Bylaws chair.It was moved, seconded and approved to do so.
Public Outreach
George L nominated Dave C to serve as Public Outreach chair.It was moved, seconded and approved to do so.
Old Business
Brian K is still working on getting our new web site up and running. We will be able to make our minutes available as well as flyers for our events. He will be changing over from our old web site this week.
Birthdays Joe S celebrated 15 years nicotine free!!!
The meeting adjourned at 12:00pm with the Serenity prayer.