Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - June 16, 2013


INTRODUCTIONS: Brian K called the meeting to order at 10:17 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was met.  The following meetings were represented:  001, 007, 022, 023, 029, 047, 076, 163, 185, 229 and 268.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #6. “ A Nicotine Anonymous group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the Nicotine Anonymous name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.”  was read from the book of Nicotine Anonymous.

TREASURER REPORT:  Beginning balance $613.73 -- Incoming:  Donations:  $10 from meeting 241, $30 from meeting #231, $20 from meeting #084, $20 from meeting #001, $148.51 from meeting #229 and $100 personal donation from Mark S. to celebrate his 14 years of smobriety.  Thank You All!  7th tradition for May $18.00, (total incoming $346.51).  Expenses:  Bank Fee $3.00; Registrar expenses, $35.56; Secretary expenses $33.58; AT&T Long Distance $23.32; PO Box renewal $40.00, $124.00 for Culver City park reservation, (total outgoing $259.46).  Ending balance $700.78. The report was moved and approved.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Meeting with updates: 016: Phone Contact, Secretary and Representative updated.  022 Phone Contact and Secretary information updated. 084 and 163: Phone contact, Secretary and Representative information updated. 268: Meeting night returned to Wednesday. No Meetings were added and no meetings were removed in the past month. All meetings except 059 have USPS contact through the Secretary, the Representative, or both. No H&I Listings were added.  Kaiser Orange was deleted, undeliverable address.  70 envelopes were addressed.


HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  Chuck T. (714) 995-8845 is the new Chairperson, Jane H. will help.   Please let us know if you can help with this responsibility. We’ve lost approximately 21 contacts at local hospitals that we send meeting lists to each month.  Please mention this at your meetings.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Carol is operating our hotline, the phone lines back up.

LITERATURE:  Marty says we were in full stock on books and chips.  Marty asked us to make checks for literature payable to Nicotine Anonymous. Jane H. requested a donation of pamphlets and to borrow some literature to sell at the retreat at the end of this month.  It was decided we would contribute $20 worth of pamphlets to the retreat.  Angela brought back the pamphlets which were not given away and the books not sold as well as the money from books sold at the Freedom Festival 10.

WORLD SERVICES:  Gary passed out a profit/loss statement for the Conference.  Money taken in $5,682, donations from our area $1,498, and people donated directly to World Services $2,100 totaling $9,282 and we spent $10,484.82 leaving us a net of ($1,202).  Next year will be in New Jersey and 2015 in San Francisco.  Please put copies of the Gift of Gratitude out at your meetings as we need only 200 members giving regularly to cover our business costs.  SCINA hasn’t been able to contribute to World Services for over 2 years, so please consider contributing to SCINA as well so that we can contribute to World Services.  A discussion of a donation of $25/mo. to World Services was tabled. It was suggested that meetings do a triple collection, offering 3 envelopes: 1 each for World Services, Intergroup, and the Meeting.  Please discuss at the group level and give us your ideas.

EVENTS:   We are having a retreat on the last weekend of this month.  Please call Jane H. (323) 852-1518 right away if you can commit to coming. Jane is buying all the serving items, soda, paper products, utensils, plates which comes to approximately $150.  The picnic will be September 15th from 10-4 in Culver City.  George R. reserved Veteran’s Park on Overland Avenue. The cost for the park is $124 and the info is on the website.

NEW MEETINGS:  Everyone should think about starting a new meeting.

PUBLIC OUTREACH/SPEAKERS BUREAU/BY-LAWS:  We still need Chairpersons for By-Laws and Speakers Bureau, so please let us know if you can help.  If interested please come to the Intergroup meeting.  Michelle from Silverlake is going to be our Public Outreach Chairperson.  We do have a list of speakers.  Please sign up on the website form to add your name to the list.  We are including a copy of the speaker list with this mailing.  Please think about being a sponsor to someone who only has access to on-line or phone meetings.

WEB CZAR:  As we move forward with the modernization - We can now have more information on our website.  We currently have an average of 310 views of our website per month - the most popular items are the home page of news and the meetings pages.  The Website is a great resource - and it is optimized for mobile! Check it out on your smart-phone and use this resource in your recovery. If you have not yet signed up for the Email list please go to the website - www.scina.org  or quitnowla@gmail.com, add yourself to the list!

OLD BUSINESS: Freedom Festival 10 was a complete success, I estimate 200 people attended and we gave away a lot of pamphlets.  Thanks very much to Frank S., Mike C., Wendy, and Judi M. who helped talk to everyone that had questions.  Conference t-shirts are now available for sale at the Intergroup meetings for $10.


BIRTHDAYS: No birthdays this month.

SECRETARY REPORT: The June report was read and approved.

CLOSING PRAYER:  Michelle led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:44 AM.