Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - September 15, 2013

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

INTRODUCTIONS: Brian K called the meeting to order at 10:23 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was met.  The following meetings were represented:  007, 023, 034, 047, 075, 185, 212, 229, 231, and 250.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #9. Nicotine Anonymous as such ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.

TREASURER REPORT:  Beginning balance $946.29.  Income:  Donations this month: $163.81 from Silverlake meeting 229 (Thank You!).  $18 was 7th tradition from August SCINA mtg.  (total incoming $181.81).  Expenses:  Bank Fee $3.00; Registrar expenses, $33.88; Secretary expenses $32.20; A&T Long Distance (two months) $93.05; donation from SCINA to NAWS (World Services) $200.00 (total outgoing $362.13).  Ending balance $765.97.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Administration List: No changes.  Meeting with updates: 266: Meeting Location and Meeting Day updated.  All meetings except 059 have USPS contact through the Secretary, the Representative, or both. No H&I Listings were added or removed.  70 envelopes were addressed.



COMMUNICATIONS:  Carol is operating our hotline.

LITERATURE:  Everything is running fine, we are fully stocked with all literature and chips. Please contact Marty for all your literature needs at the next Monthly Intergroup meeting.

WORLD SERVICES:  There are 4 positions open on WS level as our voted-in Chair Elect member had to resign.  Also In-Reach Coordinator, Webmaster, and Website Programmer.  Please contact Michael B. at chairperson@nicotine-anonymous.org if you can help with any of these positions.  -  The new website should be running soon but there are still a few glitches being worked out. PayPal will be available and easier navigation of the site.  On ‘What’s new,” you will see a 12-Step Study Guide draft we need comment on. This might be approved next year at the NJ Conference.  -  Net profit through June 2013 is $6994. We will have expenses to pay a webmaster who has been working on website glitches.  -  Iran has about 160 meetings and at this time we can’t post in Farsi on the WWML (world-wide meeting list) so we just offer a dead link for Iranian members to go through our WWML which will direct them to their website.  - 

Our next board meeting is 10/12/13 in Oakland, all are welcome. Contact Ed T at etreuting@sbcglobal.net and he can arrange lodging at a members home, pickup and drop-off at the airport.  -  If you can donate to World Services a sum of $10 a month you will receive a free hard copy of seven minutes, our quarterly publication.  200 people doing this would cover yearly operating expenses.

EVENTS:   We are trying to make plans for The Marathon Meeting which is hosted by the Bellflower meeting and is always the Saturday before Thanksgiving from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.  Please call Joseph W. at (562) 644-5225 to volunteer to host an hour of the meetings.  This is the weekend following The Great American Smokeout every year (3rd Thursday of November) so we want to be of service to everyone who is willing. These details are preliminary plans.  Please also see the telephone marathon meeting that same weekend.  Information is on our website, www.SCINA.com

NEW MEETINGS:  We have more meetings in SoCal than almost anywhere else in the country, yet I still hear ‘Why aren’t there more meetings’ frequently from newcomers.  I always suggest to them that it would be great if they opened another meeting and I would be willing to support it.  Please think about starting a new meeting.

PUBLIC OUTREACH: No new report.

SPEAKERS BUREAU/BY-LAWS:  We still need Chairpersons for By-Laws and Speakers Bureau, so please let us know if you can help.  If interested please come to the Intergroup meeting.

WEB CZAR:  As we move forward with the modernization - We can now have more information on our website.  We currently have an average of 310 views of our website per month - the most popular items are the home page of news and the meetings pages.  The Website is a great resource - and it is optimized for mobile! Check it out on your smart-phone and use this resource in your recovery. If you have not yet signed up for the Email list please go to the website - www.scina.org  or www.quitnowla.com, add yourself to the list!

OLD BUSINESS: Remaining conference t-shirts were available for sale at the picnic for $5.

NEW BUSINESS: Officers are elected every September at the Intergroup meeting before the picnic.  Our new Intergroup Officers are:  John D., Chairperson; Bill H., Treasurer; and Angela P., Secretary.

BIRTHDAYS: George R. will celebrate 7 years and Joseph W. celebrates 11 years this month.

SECRETARY REPORT: The September report was read and approved.

CLOSING PRAYER:  Brian K. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:07 AM.