MINUTES - February 15, 2015
Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
INTRODUCTIONS: Angela called the meeting to order at 10:06 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings were represented: 001, 023, 034, 047, 076, 185, 231, and 268.
CHAIRPERSON REPORT: Thank you to everyone who helped with outreach last month. Many of you brought Nic A business cards to various places, as well as literature. Please remember that just because January is outreach month, that does not mean you can't do this every month.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #2. “For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.” was read.
TREASURER REPORT: After a $100 donation to NAWS, our beginning balance was $499.61. Income: Donations: $35 from Meeting #84 Fullerton. 7th Tradition from January meeting was $31. (Total incoming $66). Expenses: Secretary expenses $27.36; Registrar expenses were $31.50 (Total outgoing $58.86.) Ending balance $506.75. The report was moved and approved.
REGISTRAR REPORT: Administration List: No changes. Meeting #76, Meeting location address corrected. No Meetings were added, no meetings were lost. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail. No H&I Listings were added. No H&I listings were removed. 56 envelopes were addressed, and 200 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: Vee K. has been making calls to doctors and hospitals (i.e., California Medical Center) and we hope to have additions to our H&I list soon to send our meeting lists to. Please call (818) 660-3315 if you have a contact for him. If you have a doctor or dentist that is willing to put out our business cards and our meeting list in their lounge every month, please get their contact name, business name, address, phone number and email address. We will add them to our regular snail mail and send them our new meetings lists and any flyers we have for events every month. 20 copies of the pamphlet ‘Introducing Nicotine Anonymous to the Medical Profession’ will be sent to Vee to help him with H&I.
COMMUNICATIONS: SCINA’s phone line (800) 642-0666 was down temporarily. George O. (former Chairperson of SCINA 09/2005 to 09/2012) was informed Wed, Feb 4, 2015 and called the phone company to place a work order to look into getting it fixed.
LITERATURE: We plan on ordering more step study books to have next month as we sold out last month. We are going to set the cost at $16.00 each. We are in stock on chips. The updated order form will be added to the website very soon.
WORLD SERVICES: Gary M. says we will be voting on two new pamphlets: (1) Abstinence, and (2) Our Policy of Openness, and also approving minor changes to Nicotine Anonymous - The Book for the next printing. Please remember our program for donating called "Gift of Gratitude." You can set it up to make monthly, semi-monthly and annual donations. If one donates a minimum of $10 monthly, they will receive a free issue of Seven Minutes as long as they donate every quarter.
EVENTS: Our next scheduled event is the 2015 Retreat. Jane H. has reserved the weekend of June 27-28 so mark your calendars. Jane is working on getting a flyer made up. John D. is working on a possible event for the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend (May 24). The location is not confirmed, but the idea is to do a potluck sort of event. We will get back to everyone next month on this after the details are worked out.
NEW MEETINGS: No new meetings per Gary M. Meetings are really dropping. We’re down to 26 in this Intergroup. In looking back through the archives, it was found that we had 43 meetings on our meeting list in January of 2007. Please think about starting a new meeting and keep attending the meetings you can to support new members. Please also work with Intergroup to help you get advertising out about your meeting by calling Angela at (949) 302-8465.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: John D. is gathering contact information for all city channels in Los Angeles County. The goal is to try and place ads on them. This all might be a little delayed though as John D. is taking some time off for paternity leave. Please let John know if you'd like to assist with outreach. Please remember, we have free business cards at the Intergroup meetings. Come and get them.
SPEAKERS BUREAU: Call Angela P. (949) 302-8465 if you would be like to join the speakers list.
BY-LAWS: No report.
WEB CZAR: No report.
OLD BUSINESS: An agreement was drafted and forwarded to SCINA Officers and Stephen F. for signature regarding Stephen’s loan/gift of $3,000 to SCINA to defray monthly Bank of America fees.
NEW BUSINESS: Elections will be held for delegates to represent us next month at the World Services Conference April 24-26, 2015. We still have until next month’s Intergroup meeting to finalize anyone wanting to attend as our delegate. Please let us know if you can attend. We have to send a letter to the Secretary of World Services by 3/24/15 giving notification of who will be representing us at the Conference.
BIRTHDAYS: Regina celebrates 5 years this month, Rick celebrates 17 years. Congratulations!
SECRETARY REPORT: The February report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: Launie led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:53 AM.