Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - July 19, 2015


INTRODUCTIONS:  John D. called the meeting to order at 10:06 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was met.  The following meetings were represented:  001, 007, 023, 041, 047, 076, 084, 185, 241, and 273,

TRADITIONS:  Tradition #7. “Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” was read.

CHAIRPERSON REPORT:  Our primary purpose is to offer support to those who are trying to gain freedom from nicotine.  Intergroup does this by helping on the business side of things.  We encourage everyone to volunteer with Intergroup whether it's in a big role or a small task.  You are welcomed and needed.

TREASURER REPORT:  Our beginning balance was $842.96.  In March, although I correctly reported $31.64 for Registrar expenses, I neglected to deduct it in my spreadsheet, so revised beginning balance is $811.32.  Income:  Donations: $98 from meeting #229 Silverlake; $90 from meeting #84 Fullerton; $50 from meeting #76 Costa Mesa, $50 from meeting #1 West Hollywood, and $20 from meeting #23 Costa Mesa . The July SCINA Intergroup meeting brought in a 7th tradition of $20 (Total incoming $328).   Expenses:  $3 Bank imaging fee; Secretary expenses $28.42; Registrar expenses were $31.31; PO Box renewal $45; Squarespace annual website fee $192; AT&T Final Payments $47.26; Grasshopper (new phone service) May $30.59 + June $63.84 (includes one-time set up fee).  Also donated $20 for literature to bring to Joshua Tree [see “Events” below]. (Total outgoing $461.42.) Ending balance $677.90.   The group voted to send a $100 donation to World Services, bringing our ending balance to $577.90. The report was moved and approved.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Administration List: George O was added as 800 Number Coordinator, Pro Tem. No Meeting information was updated.  No new Meetings were added.  Meeting #034 Newbury Park, Monday 7:00 pm, has gone dark.  Meeting #012 and Meeting #022 were reported dark, and were removed from the Directory.  Meeting  #236 in Oak View was removed, due to lack of ability to verify Meeting information.  All meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail.  No H&I Listings were added, no H&I listings were removed, and no H&I Listings were updated. 
53 envelopes were addressed, and 200 Directories were printed.



COMMUNICATIONS:  If you are interested in taking on the 800# coordinator position, please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874. Your responsibility is to return calls and provide information on our meetings. Our phone carrier has recently been changed from AT&T to Grasshopper.com, which has made it easier to monitor the phone lines.  We can now receive notifications via email or smartphone app when a voicemail is left on the 800 number.  If you download the app, you can even return calls using your smartphone, but it will show the 800 number instead of your cell number.  Again, please contact George O. if you are interested in taking on this commitment.

LITERATURE:  We are in full stock on chips and literature.  If sending a check to pay for literature, please remember to make it payable to Nicotine Anonymous.

WORLD SERVICES:   Conference in Ohio next year, you can get the flyer from the www.nicotine-anonymous.org website.

EVENTS:  The Joshua Tree retreat is next weekend.  Jane made a motion that Intergroup donate $20 of pamphlets for the retreat and a loan of $100 worth of books to sell at the retreat.  After the retreat, she will return any unsold books and the money from any sold books.  A motion was passed to loan Jane $100 worth of books. Our picnic will be the 3rd Sunday of September at Tellefson Park, Washington Place and Tilden Avenue, Culver City, CA, please mark your calendars. See flyer included with this mailing. It’s an opportunity to meet the Officers and elect the new Officers.  Saturday, November 21st will be the date of the Marathon meeting this year.  Also remember, we need our membership's support. As part of our recovery, it is important for us to practice reaching out to others.  Intergroup events are an opportunity for that. 

NEW MEETINGS:  Gary reports there haven’t been any requests for new meeting material.


SPEAKERS BUREAU:  Please invite one of the speakers to your meeting.

BY-LAWS:  No report.  Booooring.

WEB CZAR:  No report.

OLD BUSINESS:  No report.

NEW BUSINESS:  We discussed having a raffle at our events to see if we can generate more interest at our events. We will be having a 50/50 raffle at the picnic, 50% will go to the winner, and 50% will go to SCINA. We will still have a separate donation for 7th Tradition. 

Marty became very concerned because he kept hearing about groups that would not allow a person to share if they did not have time off nicotine. He thinks that is directly against Nicotine Anonymous principals and has no bearing on individual group autonomy. He thinks we need to issue a friendly reminder, that:  It is a violation of Nicotine Anonymous principles to prevent anyone who has a desire to stop using nicotine from speaking at our meetings even if they continue using. We are here to foster a positive atmosphere encouraging the user to quit as long as they have a desire to do so. 

A lot of discussion ensued and it was generally said that we shouldn’t be telling groups what they can and can’t do.  We need to leave it to the group conscience.  A vote was called and it was not passed.

BIRTHDAYS:  There were no anniversaries celebrated this month.  Please let us know if you are celebrating a Smober birthday/anniversary in August.

SECRETARY REPORT: The July report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.

CLOSING PRAYER:   Mauricio led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:42 AM.