Home of The Southern California Nicotine Anonymous Intergroup

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MINUTES - January 17, 2016


INTRODUCTIONS:  Angela P. called the meeting to order at 10:23 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was met.  The following meetings were represented:  023, 076, 185, 229, 231, and 250.

TRADITIONS:  Tradition #1. “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on Nicotine Anonymous unity,” was read.

CHAIRPERSON REPORT:  Happy New Year!  I was not able to make the meeting this month, but I will be back next month with an update on the use of domain names for SCINA email addresses.

TREASURER REPORT:  Our beginning balance was $878.13.   Income:  Donations:  $50 from Meeting #1 West Hollywood; $48 from Long Beach Meeting #231 (they also made a $28 donation to NAWS, which I will forward); $20 from Costa Mesa meeting #23, and $145 from Costa Mesa Meeting #76.   A 7th tradition of $15 was collected at the December SCINA meeting.   (Total incoming:  $278.)   Expenses:  $3 Bank imaging fee; Secretary expenses $23.28; Registrar expenses $31.98; Grasshopper phone service $31.24. (Total outgoing $89.50)  Ending balance $1066.63.    A motion was made to donate $250 to NAWS.  It was passed.   Our new ending balance is $816.63 The report was moved and approved.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Administration list: Literature Chair information added.  Thank you, Halli K.  Meeting Information Changes: Meetings 185 and 229: Phone Contact and Meeting Format updated.  Meeting 280: Meeting day and location updated.  No new Meetings were added.  Meetings 254 and 279 were removed. All meetings have USPS contact through a secretary, representative or email. No changes were posted to H&I Listings.  47 envelopes and 200 directories were printed. 



COMMUNICATIONS:  The phone lines are running smoothly.  There are no concerns at this time.

LITERATURE:  Halli K. started doing the literature position.  He reports we have $485.60 in the account. Angela ordered business cards to give out to the membership for Carry The Message Day.  Shipping costs put it over the $100 allotted for the purchase, final cost $136.07.  A motion was made and passed to reimburse Angela $136.07.

WORLD SERVICES:   The conference is in Ohio April 29-May 1. Register at http://nicotine-anonymous.org/

EVENTS:  January is Carry The Message month. See the attached flyer and discuss at your meetings how your group may carry the message.

NEW MEETINGS:  Gary reports there haven’t been any requests for new meeting material.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  SCINA encourages every meeting to plan a Carry The Message Day outreach project in January.  It was passed in December that each group that attends the January 2016 Intergroup meeting would receive 20 pamphlets, and that 4 red books would be given away.  Meetings 023, 076, 185, 229, 231, and 250 attended and received free literature.  Bellflower, Silverlake, Irvine, and Sherman Oaks attended and each won a free red book from the raffle.  SCINA reimbursed literature for the pamphlets and books $64.

SPEAKERS BUREAU:  Please invite one of the speakers to your meeting.

BY-LAWS:  No report.

WEB CZAR:  No report.

OLD BUSINESS:   It was suggested at the December meeting that we purchase a nice table cloth with NicA’s logo to help draw attention to our table in the future. Everyone thought it was a good idea and John will have more information at the February meeting.  It was decided to create email addresses with the domain @SCINA.org, John will have information for us in February.

NEW BUSINESS:   Delegate elections for the NAWS 31 Conference being held in Cleveland, Ohio will take place at the Intergroup meeting March 20, 2016.  Please make sure you let one of the SCINA Officers know if you are going to the Conference and are willing to be a delegate to represent us?  We must turn in our list of delegates no later than April 2nd.
BIRTHDAYS:  JudiAh D. celebrates 14 years, Christine C. celebrates 16 years, Ian M. celebrates 13 years.  Congrats!

SECRETARY REPORT: The January report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.

CLOSING PRAYER:   Joseph led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:20 AM