MINUTES - September 16, 2018
INTRODUCTIONS: Angie B. called the meeting to order at 10:03 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 10 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented (some members might represent more than one meeting): Fullerton 84, Joshua Tree 266, Costa Mesa 76, Long Beach 231, and Bellflower 250.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #9, “Nicotine Anonymous as such ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.” was read.
Beginning Balance $1,198.64. Donations of #76 Costa Mesa $15.00 and #1 West Hollywood $200.00 equal total donations of $215.00. Expenses are Grasshopper phone line $31.90, Rick Wood Registrar expenses $15.74, and Go Daddy.com $20.17, which equals $67.81. Total incoming is $215.00 and total expenses are $67.81. The new bank account balance is $1,345.83. With Stephen’s donation of $3,000, balance is $4,345.83. We have $500.19 in our savings account.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made on the Administration List. No meetings were added, updated, or removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 40 envelopes were addressed, and 100 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: If you have any hospitals or institutions we can add to our monthly email please let us know. For more information, or to be of service, please call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465.
COMMUNICATIONS: The phone lines are running smoothly. No concerns at this time. For more information, or to be of service, please call George O. at (562) 310-0874.
LITERATURE: No report. For more information, or to order chips and literature, please call John D. at (818) 618-1501.
WORLD SERVICES: I was reading the July minutes of NAWS. It says that Iran is given a link to Nic A and they have about a dozen meetings. The Year of Miracles has been translated into Russian. Same with literature. Italy has a translation of The Book-Nicotine Anonymous. Word is getting out slowly but surely. NAWS looking for members to sign up for "The Gift of Gratitude" More and more members have been signing up since its inception. Approximately 35 people are signed up across the fellowship as of now. Pamphlets on Sponsorship are still in the works as well as making a pamphlet dealing with the E-cigarettes. Though it's on a controversial stalemate. If anyone wants a copy of the July minutes, Gary can forward them to you.
The Service Structure Committee meeting was Monday, September 11. Next month, remote participation will be set up in preparation for the World Conference in 2019. There will be a small registration fee for remote participants and this will support the cost of remoting conferencing. Zoom will most likely be the service used instead of WebEx. Zoom is being tested now. The NAWS Outreach Committee was Wednesday, September 13. A major item on this agenda was Gratitude Month in November.
EVENTS: The picnic was awesome! Thank you to George, Joseph and Gregory for setting up this year’s picnic with the food, drinks, permits for the park, and equipment. The annual Marathon Meetings event will be Saturday, November 17, 2018, in Bellflower, CA. The location is Calvary Baptist Church at 14722 Clark Avenue, Bellflower, CA. It’s in Conference Room A, which is upstairs. Elevator access is available. The Great American Smokeout is November 15, 2018. For more information about the Marathon Meetings event, or to reserve a meeting time slot, please call Joseph W. at (562) 644-5225. NAWS has designated November as Gratitude Month.
NEW MEETINGS: SCINA received a call from a newcomer. He was interested in taking over the Torrance meeting, but he couldn't get in contact with the secretary. He went to the meeting and found that it was closed. SCINA provided him with info on how to get a meeting started. He was discouraged about the meeting being closed, and we told him his best bet is to go to meetings, and see what we are all about. He has never been to a Nic A meeting. We haven't heard back from him.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: No report. If anyone is willing to take on, or share this position, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501. We need more help with outreach.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BYLAWS: Nothing important has changed.
WORLD CONFERENCE AD HOC COMMITTEE: The committee has selected the Howard Johnson in Fullerton for the 2019 World Service Conference. The committee meets at 11:30 am on the 3rd Sunday every month immediately following SCINA’s Regular Monthly Meeting. We need your help in planning the Conference. Please contact the Chair of the World Conference Ad Hoc Committee, John D., at johndarnell8@gmail.com or by phone at (818) 618-1501. We will need volunteers. The Conference will be held May 3-5, 2019.
Director of Web Operations: No report.
OLD BUSINESS: Michael will contact NAWS to discuss how to either use WebEx or his own video conference program. We hope to have this available at our October meeting so members can call or video conference into the SCINA meeting.
NEW BUSINESS: White Memorial Hospital cannot host our Intergroup meeting anymore. We will find a new location and report back to the membership. For now, the October SCINA meeting will be held at DG Boxing #2 745 Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90813 starting at 10 am. Meters are free for street parking on Sunday. The fall meeting for the Coalition for a Smoke Free Long Beach is being held on September 26, 2018 from 3pm-5pm at the Miller Family Health Education Center 3820 Cherry Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact George O 562-310-0874.
BIRTHDAYS: Joseph (16 years), George (12 years). Congratulations!
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Congratulations to Angie B. being relelected as Chair, Gary being reelected as Treasurer, and John D. being reelected as Secretary.
SECRETARY REPORT: Motion was made and approved for this month’s Minutes.
CLOSING PRAYER: George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:05 AM.