INTRODUCTIONS: John D. called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Costa Mesa 023, Costa Mesa 076, Fullerton 084, Silverlake 229, Glendale 241, and Carson 264.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #7. “Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” was read.
CHAIRPERSON REPORT: Please note: SCINA’s August meeting will be at the retreat this year which is on Sunday, August 21, in Joshua Tree. See our meeting directory for more details.
TREASURER REPORT: Our beginning balance was $719.68. Income: Donations: $10 from Meeting #23 Costa Mesa; $10 from Meeting #76 Costa Mesa; and $75 from #250 Bellflower. A 7th tradition of $11 collected at the June SCINA meeting. (Total incoming: $106) Expenses: $3 Bank fee; Secretary expenses $20.93; $45 P.O. Box Renewal; $71.88 for yearly email service [this equals $5.99 per month]. Since I am not able to attend the meeting this time, I was not able to get invoices for Grasshopper phone service or Registrar, so will report on those next time. (Total outgoing $140.81) Ending balance $684.87. As reported last month, we paid a $360 deposit for Joshua Tree and Jane reports she has deposited $500 so far. More to come as many (including this Treasurer) have not yet paid. The report was moved and approved.
REGISTRAR REPORT: Administration List: Secretary and Speaker Bureau Chair address updated, and H&I chair made vacant. 5 e-mails edited in as authorized at last Meeting. Meeting 012: Monday Long Beach, Phone Contact information updated. Meeting 023: Sunday, Costa Mesa, Secretary street address updated. Meeting 076: Tuesday, Costa Mesa, Secretary and Representative street address updated. Meeting 273: Sunday, Studio City, Phone Contact information updated. No Meetings were added. Meeting 280 was removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail. No H&I Listings were added, removed or updated. 200 Directories and 46 envelopes were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: No report. We need someone to take over this role.
COMMUNICATIONS: The phone lines are running smoothly. There are no concerns at this time.
LITERATURE: Halli is going to clean up and arrange the orders that came in when he was out of town. He would like to receive emails of orders so he has an idea of what is needed. He is going to be ordering more literature as we are out of red books.
WORLD SERVICES: Gary reported that NAWS is looking for new meditations for another book. Please send them to for inclusion if you can. Also, they are working on a new pamphlet for mentally challenged members of Nicotine Anonymous. If you have anything you can contribute, please write it and send it to to be discussed and voted on for inclusion at the next World Services Conference. A set of Spanish-speaking telephone meetings is in the works. If things go as planned, it might begin in August.
EVENTS: The retreat in Joshua Tree is scheduled for 8/20-21. Flyer attached. All checks must be received prior to August 1st. A reminder that the August Intergroup meeting will be held at the Joshua Tree retreat center on Sunday at 9:00 am. Chips and Literature will be available for sale at the meeting. A motion was made to donate $15 of pamphlets to the Retreat and any chips needed for the 11:00 am meetings on Saturday and Sunday. The motion was passed. The picnic will be held at Rush Park in Rossmoor, CA on Sunday, 9/18/2016 with the Intergroup Meeting at 10:00 am and the potluck immediately following. Please mark your calendars. Flyer attached.
NEW MEETINGS: Gary reports there haven’t been any requests for new meeting material.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: We are activating our new SCINA email addresses. This should be completed in the next couple weeks. World Services and SCINA are making a PSA for the City of Los Angeles channel in the next couple weeks as well.
BY-LAWS: No report.
Director of Web Operations: No report.
OLD BUSINESS: No old business.
NEW BUSINESS: We will be electing new Officers at the SCINA meeting before the picnic in September. Many of the Officers have been performing their roles for several years now. In the spirit of rotation, please seek guidance with your Higher Power to see if perhaps this is the time for you to step up and take a commitment.
BIRTHDAYS: No July birthdays to our knowledge. Please let us know if you have one in August.
SECRETARY REPORT: The July report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:54 AM.