Minutes- August and September 2009 Intergroup Meetings


Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

August 16 and September 20 2009

Minutes of the August and September Intergroup Meeting



George O. called the meeting to order with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions. Mary P provided refreshments in August and Joe S provided  refreshments in September 


What meetings were Represented  in August and September?


012 Long Beach, 047 Chatsworth, 084 Fullerton, 090 Culver City, 093 Newport Beach, 194 Long Beach, 231 Long Beach, 241 Glendale,  250 Bellflower,

At our September picnic the following meetings were also represented

001 West Hollywood, 185 Sherman Oaks, 229 Silverlake,



A quorum of 10 was met at both meetings.


Traditions: We read tradition eight and tradition nine from Nicotine Anonymous 12 Traditions  


 Chairperson report:  George O. thanked all who came to support the Intergroup today and encouraged everyone to consider being of service to the Intergroup. Please encourage members of your meetings to come and be of service to the fellowship.


Secretary report:  In August the minutes of the July 18, 2009 meeting were read, and corrected and it was moved to approve them. In September the August 16 2009 minutes were not available. They will be read in September. 


Treasurer reportIn August Joe S. presented a financial report ending July 2009. The report includes the final accounting for the Retreat .The current balance was $1,245.48. It was moved and seconded to approve the July financial report. The motion passed unanimously After discussion it was moved and seconded to move SCINA’s  prudent reserve ($600) into the newly created delegate reserve account.  This will protect it in a savings account.  We will then move $100 per month if available into that account in order to build up reimbursement for delegates going to the 2010 Conference. This account will have a ceiling of $800 The motion passed unanimously

In September the August 2009 report  was presented It was moved and seconded to approve the August financial report. The motion passed unanimously 


Registrar’s report:   Rick W. reported a meeting has been added to the directory for Hesperia.  There may be a new meeting soon in |Reseda. A meeting has gone dark in Santa Barbara. We mailed 111 envelopes to meetings and H&I.  

Committee Reports

Hospitals and Institutions:  George O reported that he is looking for someone who could help with  the panel at Kaiser in September.


Literature:  Peggy O reported she has purchased new card holders. She will need help from September through January as she will be unable to attend the meeting due to personal commitments.  She will have the Bylaws printed.

At the September meeting Jim D. agreed to do the sales table at the meetings.  Thank You Jim.


World Services:  .

The World Service Conferenece will be held in Tempe Arizona, April 23-25, 2010



George O thanked Geroge R, Greg B, and Joe W for setting up the picnic.  It is nice to get out into nature for our meeting.  The hamburgers and hot dogs were great too!  

Our next event will be the Marathon Meeting on November 21.  Joe and Greg were asked to get the information to Brian for a flyer. Ask your meeting if they are willing to host an hour of the day long meeting.  



Web CzarBrian K reported the new web site is up and running. He will be able to post the minutes and announcements on the site. Check it out at www.scina.org


Election of Officers for 2009/2010


Tomoko B agreed to stand for treasurer. It was moved and seconded and approved to accept Tomoko B as Treasurer.

Brian K. agreed to serve as Co-Chair along with George O.  It was moved seconded and approved to accept Brian K. as Co-Chair.

There being no one to stand for Secretary, George O asked for a volunteer to agree to perform the secretarial duties for October only.  Fred L so agreedGeorge O asked all to go to their meetings and ask if anyone would be willing  to assist the fellowship by accepting the Secretary position. We will revisit this issue in October.


Birthdays  Greg B celebrated 7 years, Joseph W celebrated 7 years and George R celebrated 3.years nicotine free!!!

The meeting adjourned at 12:00pm with the Serenity prayer. And all stoked up the fire, brought out the food and games and had a picnic in the park.