MINUTES - December 19, 2010
Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
George O. called the meeting to order at
10:10 am with the Serenity Prayer followed
by introductions.
A quorum was met with 12 members in attendance.
Traditions: Tradition 12 was read, Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.
Secretary report: Susan C. read the November minutes. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded and approved to accept them.
Treasurer report: The November financial report was presented. The beginning balance was $201.79, total paid out was $169.70 leaving an ending balance of $490.59. SCINA also has $937.81 in a reserve account. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the November report.
Registrar’s report: Rick W. reported that no meeting were removed or added from the Directory this month. Meetings 252, 254, and 255 lack a valid Secretary USPS mailing address. If you are a member of these meetings or if your meeting is not receiving our mailing, please send the representative and/or secretary’s address to Rick whose phone number and email appear on the cover of our monthly directory.
Committee Reports
Hospitals and Institutions: No report.
Literature: Marty would like to replace all inactive members with active committee members on the bank account. There is a form that needs to be completed to provide members with bank access. Any Union Bank branch will allow access tot the account. Motion was made to advise Union Bank that all the current signatures be replaced with George Orduna, Chairperson, Susan Cumbow, Secretary and Mike Stobaugh, and Marty Wexler literature committee as well as Mary Polychrome on the Literature Account 2480004542. The motion carried.
Communications/Speakers Bureau: No report.
World Services: Gary M. reported that all members are invited to come to the board meeting that will be held at the Calvary Baptist Church located at 14722 Clark Avenue in the Library Conference Center between 9am – 6pm on January 22, 2010. The group will go to the Olive Garden in Bellflower afterwards for dinner. Please contact Gary if you are interested in attending so he can make dinner reservations. Gary can be reached at 310-755-5582 or garynica@ca.rr.com. Peggy O. will house five members and Mary M. offered to provide lunch for the board meeting.
Events: The next event will be on Wednesday January 12th at Sizzler in Fullerton on Harbor Blvd. Please attend this Post-Holiday party and hear special guest speakers at 7pm. George R. reported that he will reserve a park for next year’s picnic after January 1. The picnic will be held in September at Palms Rancho Park in West Los Angeles. George R. reported that Carry the Message Day will be on January 22 and 23. George O. will contact Jane about planning the summer retreat.
New Meetings: Nothing to report.
Bylaws: No report.
Public Outreach: No report.
Web Czar: Brian K. was not in attendance at the December Intergroup meeting. George O. will contact Brian regarding the speaker list on the website to promote that.
Old Business: The positions for Secretary Elect and Treasurer Elect are still open. These positions were created to allow members to train and learn the duties during the year before taking over as the active Secretary or Treasurer.
We need your help in filling these positions. Please present this request to your group. If you are interested or know of another member who may be interested, please attend the next SCINA meeting (3rd Sunday of every month) at White Memorial Hospital or contact George O. at 562-310-0874. Nicotine Anonymous needs Armenian translation for NicA materials. If you are able to translate, please contact Stephanie E. at (818) 352-3903.
New Business: No new business.
Birthdays: Mike S. celebrated two years and Mary M. had a birthday in November celebrating 13 years.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30am with the Serenity prayer.