George O. called the meeting to order at
10:10 am with the Serenity Prayer followed
by introductions.
A quorum was not met with 9 members in attendance.
Traditions: Tradition 1 was read, Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on Nicotine Anonymous unity.
Secretary report: Susan C. read the December minutes. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded and approved to accept them.
Treasurer report: The December financial report was presented. The beginning balance was $490.00; donations totaled $169.00. Total paid out was $454.27 leaving an ending balance of $205.32. SCINA also has $937.81 in a reserve account. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the December report.
Registrar’s report: Rick W. reported that no meetings were removed or added from the Directory this month. Meeting 185 information has been updated. Meeting 265 has gone dark and has been removed from the Directory. Meetings 252, 254, and 255 lack a valid Secretary USPS mailing address. If you are a member of these meetings or if your meeting is not receiving our mailing, please send the representative and/or secretary’s address to Rick whose phone number and email appear on the cover of our monthly directory.
Committee Reports
Hospitals and Institutions: No report.
Communications/Speakers Bureau: No report. No concerns.
Literature: Mike S. reported that we have purchased 500 pamphlets for the committee outreach program Carry the Message Day. We have enough chips and literature at this time.
We are in the process of opening a new account. Marty W. is following up on that. Things are running smoothly.
World Services: World services officers are coming for the Quarterly Officers meeting in Bellflower. SCINA will have to notify World Services as to who will be SCINA delegates in Baltimore, MD. If anyone from your group would like be a delegate for SCINA at the World Services Conference, please contact Gary M. to attend. Thank you to Peggy O. for housing all the members.
Events: The next event is Carry the Message Day on January 22nd and 23rd. Literature is available to pick up and disperse to your groups. George O. reported that we will have to find another park for the picnic in September because there will be construction at Palms Park. George R. is looking into some other parks as options. George O. will follow up with that. Tomoko reported that she spoke with Jane regarding the annual retreat and that Jane would like to move the retreat date up to May. Jane would like confirmation to begin planning. All SCINA members agreed that May would be fine.
New Meetings: Nothing to report.
Bylaws: No report.
Public Outreach: No report.
Web Czar: Brian K. was not in attendance at the January Intergroup meeting. Tomoko reported that Brian set up Twitter account for Quit Now LA and he is developing an app to find meetings. If you have something you would like to post on the website, please send it directly to the Web Czar, Brian K.
Old Business: The positions for Secretary Elect and Treasurer Elect are still open. These positions were created to allow members to train and learn the duties during the year before taking over as the active Secretary or Treasurer.
We need your help in filling these positions. Please present this request to your group. If you are interested or know of another member who may be interested, please attend the next SCINA meeting (3rd Sunday of every month) at White Memorial Hospital or contact George O. at 562-310-0874. Nicotine Anonymous needs Armenian translation for NicA materials. If you are able to translate, please contact Stephanie E. at (818) 352-3903.
New Business: No new business.
Birthdays: Bob C. celebrated 6 years and Jim D. celebrated 4 years. Congratulations Bob and Jim!!! Fantastic!
The meeting adjourned at 11:05am with the Serenity prayer.