MINUTES - March 16, 2014

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

INTRODUCTIONS: John D. called the meeting to order at 10:13 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?A quorum was met.The following meetings were represented:001, 007, 023, 047, 076, 185, 229, 241, 266, 268, 274, and 275.

TRADITIONS:Tradition #3. “The only requirement for Nicotine Anonymous membership is a desire to stop using nicotine,”was read.

TREASURER REPORT:Beginning balance $798.48.Income:Donations this month: $30 from Meeting #1 West Hollywood; $20 from Meeting 266 Yucca Valley; $42 from Meeting 76 Costa Mesa; $46 from Meeting #23 Costa Mesa; $25 (Feb) and $50 (Mar) from Meeting #84 Fullerton; $19 February 7th tradition SCINA meeting; $28.34 March 7th tradition SCINA meeting (total incoming $260.34)*. *[We received a $100 donation from Silverlake meeting #229 via PayPal, but this has not been transferred to our checking account yet, so I have not included into our total.]Expenses:Bank Fee $3.00; PO Box rental $45.00; Registrar expenses, $33.60; Secretary expenses $32.88, AT&T Long Distance $29.68 (total outgoing $144.16).Ending balance $914.66.

REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administrative List. Meeting 012 phone information corrected. 229: Representative Contact information added. 241: Meeting Room location clarified. 266: Meeting Time Corrected. 275 in Covina was added. Still need USPS Info. 16 has gone dark. All Meetings except Meetings 59, 273, 274 and 275 have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or both. 275 gets the Directory e-mailed. Total Envelopes addressed: 73



COMMUNICATIONS:Carol said there are still just a few phone calls each month.Let’s all take a minute to thank our five Phone Angels who check for messages every day.Jeff M. has looked into a Google Voice account for free.You can call and the message is transcribed and texted to him or others.We could make the message say the response would be sooner that way.Another is Grasshopper.com for $12.99 a month you receive an 800 number you can set up to have a short message with a menu so they can leave a message or get more information, i.e., press 1 for a list of meetings.It was discussed that we change the voicemail greeting on the 800 number that we have now.Jeff will research other options.

LITERATURE: Marty says we are in full stock on books and literature and placed an order recently.

WORLD SERVICES:Gary reported there are now 961 two-way talk contacts signed up; if you sign up at twowaytalk@nicotine-anonymous.org you can receive a few email updates every year of what’s happening in NicA like the minutes from NAWS board meetings.We are still trying to work out transportation from the airports to the hotel at the conference. It is 60 miles away and I guess they will get something going before then.Delegates going to the conference need to register 30 days prior to the conference with World Services Secretary no later than 30 days before the conference (April 25-27, 2014), email Secretary@nicotine-anonymous.org .We are going to try and work with Pioneer Chips to make colored chips using our logo. It will be the plastic chips I think.Bill H. and Jeff M. are nominated and voted in as delegates representing SCINA at the World Services Conference.

EVENTS: The retreat this summer is scheduled for the last weekend in July (26/27).A flyer will go out soon. We are also planning our annual picnic in September on the 3rd Sunday of that month in Orange County this year, where we will hold our regular Intergroup meeting and elect Officers for Intergroup.We also hope to be able to hold our Marathon Meeting in November hosted by the Tuesday night Bellflower group.All events happen because of our volunteers who are of service to this program and to you.Please think about volunteering for some of these events this year.Please also think about hosting a new event.

NEW MEETINGS:New meeting in Covina at Aurora Charter Oak Hospital on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30.Word is they have good snacks.1161 E. Covina Blvd.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:Jeff M. is the Public Outreach Coordinator for World Services and says Public Outreach will be a large discussion at the Conference this year.There is a problem getting the word out about our program as we need more members involved in advertising this program.He says when he talks to groups, very little is being done.Jeff’s email is jeffinjt@gmail.com and his phone is 760-401-6503.Email or call him for the next Public Outreach Committee meeting on 3/29/14 at 9:00 am and he can give you the phone and pin if you want to attend on the conference call.

Greg G. of Covina mtg. suggested we keep in close touch with other meetings in our area to try to do Public Outreach projects together.

SPEAKERS BUREAU:No additions have been made to the speakers list.

BY-LAWS: The pamphlet asking for a vote to change the By-Laws will be sent out again to all meeting secretaries with the March minutes so that we can have a vote at the April meeting.After the vote, if there is a change, we will do a reprint and mail it to all meeting secretaries.

WEB CZAR:No report.

OLD BUSINESS:We discussed changing the quorum due to lack of volunteers to come to the Intergroup meetings, we don’t have enough people to approvethe minutes and conduct business.It was decided we would vote on changing it from 10 to 7.That flier is being sent out with the February and March minutes requesting attendance at the April meeting to approve the change.

NEW BUSINESS:Jeff suggested that we only e-mail the minutes, and new meeting lists and flyers to secretaries when possible.Angela will send out an email to the secretaries of meetings ASAP to ask if they have the capabilities to print and can stop sending the USPS mailing to them to save money.We know there is interest in having business cards and pamphlets to give out for distribution in January for Carry The Message Day.Angela got an estimate from Staples for printing 5,000 business cards of $72.99 (10 boxes or 100 cards for 50 people).These would be the old ‘When you are ready… we will be there’ cards on a simple white matte card with the red ‘no smoking’ sign and the Intergroup information.We tabled the idea of ordering as we are looking into getting a new number for our program. A flyer was passed out for discussion at the Intergroup meeting about giving away business cards to anyone who came to the Intergroup meeting in groups of 100 cards, and whether we could also afford to give away pamphlets for distribution on Carry The Message Day and all year long.Bill H. and Jeff M. will be going to the World Services Conference in New Jersey next month. They were nominated and voted to serve as a Delegate for SCINA at the Conference.

BIRTHDAYS: This month, Rick celebrates 16 years, Angela celebrates 10 years, Marty and Andrew celebrate 5 years, and John D. celebrates 1 year.Congratualations.

SECRETARY REPORT: The March report was read and approved.

CLOSING PRAYER:Jeff led us in the Serenity Prayer at 12:06 PM.