Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
George O. called the meeting to order at
10:23 am with the Serenity Prayer followed
by introductions.
A quorum was met with 11 members in attendance.
Traditions: Tradition 4 was read Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or Nicotine Anonymous
as a whole.
Secretary report: Susan C. read the March minutes. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded and approved to accept them.
Treasurer report: The March financial report was presented. The beginning balance was $580.39; donations totaled $260.00 plus $16.00. Total paid out was $125.88 leaving an ending balance of $730.74. SCINA also has $938.13 in a reserve account. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the March report. A motion was made to give each delegate $100 for the World Services trip. The motion carried.
Registrar’s report: Rick W. reported that no meetings were added from the Directory this month. Meeting 269 was deleted. Meetings 252, 254, and 255 lack a valid Secretary USPS mailing address. If you are a member of these meetings or if your meeting is not receiving our mailing, please send the representative and/or secretary’s address to Rick whose phone number and email appear on the cover of our monthly directory. You may also go directly to the SCINA website to update meeting information.
Committee Reports
Hospitals and Institutions: This position is open and we need some one to fill this position. There was discussion around combining Hospitals and Institutions and Public Outreach positions.
Communications/Speakers Bureau: No report. No concerns.
Literature: Marty reported that we finally got our bank account set up. Marty reported that we are stocked up in literature and chips.
World Services: Gary M. reported that some of the 6 workshops at the conference may address online meetings and gender neutrality in the literature. A newcomer’s booklet is also in the works. There were huge expenses moving to Dallas. Our prudent reserve is low due to ordering books and moving. Our literature prices will go up. Judy D. and Mary P. will attend the conference as delegates. Gary M. will submit the proposal to have the World Services Conference 2013 in Los Angeles.
Events: Jane finalized the July 9th and 10th retreat reservations at Joshua Tree. It will cost $120 to attend this year because the food cost has gone up. If you are interested in attending this year please contact Jane at (323) 852-1518. Brian K. will work on online registration for this event. George O. will follow up with George R. about the picnic in September.
New Meetings: Gary M. sent a starter kit out this month.
Bylaws: Mary P. has some revisions to the bylaws. She will send them to Jeff M.
Public Outreach: The phone line got a request for some one to come to Share facility to man a booth from 9-4 on May 14th. In addition, we need some one to fill this position. George O. will call Diane B. to get information.
Web Czar: Brian K. was not in attendance. Please send any suggestions directly to Brian K at or Brian K. is working on a PayPal account for taking donations and registration for the retreat.
Old Business: Brian K. is looking into EarthClass Mail which is a company that allows electronic mail services. The positions for Secretary and Treasurer, H&I and Outreach are still open. Please present this request to your groups. If you are interested or know of another member who may be interested, please attend the next SCINA meeting (3rd Sunday of every month) at White Memorial Hospital or contact George O. at 562-310-0874.
New Business: Sean shared a request regarding a NicA table at the next ACYPAA Round Up event the weekend of March 16th 2012 at the Ontario Convention Center. Mary P. will add something from Fresh Air to future minutes.
Birthdays: George O. celebrated 9 years. Yay!!!
The meeting adjourned at 11:30am with the Serenity prayer.