Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
George O. called the meeting to order with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
Which meetings were represented in December?
001 West Hollywood, 012 Long Beach, 047 Chatsworth, 090 Culver City, 206 West Hollywood, 229 Silverlake, 250 Bellflower
There were 11 representatives at the meeting. A quorum was met.
Traditions: We read tradition 12 from Nicotine Anonymous 12 Traditions
Chairperson report: George O. thanked all who came to support the Intergroup today and encouraged everyone to consider being of service to the Intergroup. Please encourage members of your meetings to come and be of service to the fellowship.
Secretary report: In December, the minutes of the November 2009 meeting was read, and corrected and it was moved to approve them.
Treasurer report: In December, Tomoko presented a financial report ending November 2009 and the changes to the October 2009 report.
In November, beginning cash was $425.12, donations totaled $249.37, expenses totaled $374.11 with an ending balance of $300.38. It was moved and seconded to approve the October and November financial reports.
Registrar’s report: Rick W. reported that no meetings were added or removed in the past month. Five meetings lacked valid Secretary mailing addresses. Two H & I listings were removed due to duplicate addresses.
Action and Responsibility: George O. will follow up to see if this position can be eliminated.
Hospitals and Institutions: George O. and Gary M. will do the panel at Kaiser Downey.
Literature: No literature report this month. Cash on hand is $224.20 including payment of invoice 15617 for the books.
World Services: No report this month. Mary P. is out of town. Mary P. will attend the next conference in Arizona in April 2010.
“Carry the Message” day is coming up. Mathias suggested posting an ad on Craigslist. Brian moved to approve it. All were in favor, the motion carried. Gary M. will post the ad.
Public Outreach: Motion to accept Matthias as interim role of Public Outreach and Action Responsibility coordinator for Dave was made. Tomoko seconded the motion and it carried.
Web Czar: Brian K. reported that he is expanding the website and creating a spreadsheet to include a speaker’s list. Brian K. encouraged all who would like to contribute to the website to contact him. Check it out at
Old Business: Matthais set a motion to add a Facebook link to the website. This discussion was tabled until information regarding a possible conflict with AA traditions is reviewed.
New Business: There was some discussion around the uniformity of the phone lists. Stephen F. suggested creating better cohesion by following a specific format for the name, phone number and email. Gary M. suggested a World Conference in 2012.
Commitments: Matthias will provide refreshments for the January 17th meeting.
Birthdays: Gary M. celebrated 11 years. CONGRATULATIONS, GARY M.!!!
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm with the Serenity prayer.