MINUTES - August 21, 2016


INTRODUCTIONS:  John D. called the meeting to order at 9:06 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Long Beach 012, Costa Mesa 023, Costa Mesa 076, Sherman Oaks 185, Silver Lake 229.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #8. “Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” was read.

CHAIRPERSON REPORT:  Please note:  SCINA’s August meeting was at the 17th Annual Retreat this year on Sunday, August 21, in Joshua Tree. Thank you Jane and Alan.

TREASURER REPORT: Our beginning balance was $684.87.   Income:  Donations:  $100 from Meeting #231 Long Beach.  Thank you! A 7th tradition of $17 was collected at the July SCINA meeting.   (Total incoming:  $117)   Expenses:  $3 Bank fee; Secretary expenses $21.39; Grasshopper phone charges: $31.81 for June and $31.55 for July; Registrar expenses: $33.10 for July and August.  (Total outgoing $120.85)  Ending balance $681.02.   We will have a complete tally of Joshua Tree income & expenses in our next report.  The report was moved and approved. 

REGISTRAR REPORT:  No changes were made to Administration List. Meeting 001, Monday, West Hollywood, Secretary and Representative information updated.  Meeting 264, Tuesday, Carson, Phone contact and Representative information updated.  No Meetings were added, and no meetings were removed. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail.  No H&I Listings were added. Max Schneider, MD was removed, due to his passing.  Loma Linda Jerry L. Pettis, VA Hospital name and contact information updated.  44 envelopes were printed and delivered last month, due to scheduled Registrar absence at August Meeting. 



HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: No report. We need someone to take over this role.

COMMUNICATIONS: The phone lines are running smoothly. There are no concerns at this time.

LITERATURE:  Halli and George have gotten signed on at the bank account for literature at Union Bank but still need to get the statements mailed to them.  Halli has placed an order for literature.  Please contact him for orders prior to the meeting.  HalliK@sbcglobal.net

WORLD SERVICES:  Gary reported NAWS might make a By-Laws change regarding registering as a delegate for conferences. Also discussing changing the definition of a group in the By-Laws. More info after the October board meeting. Sign up for Two-Way- Talk by going to www.nicotine-anonymous.org and click ‘What’s New/Events” and sign up with the “Subscribe” button.  Read past issues of “Seven Minutes Newsletters.”  View updated Internet and Social Media Guidelines.  Please consider signing up for the Gift of Gratitude.  If you sign up to donate $10 monthly to NAWS, you can receive a free hard copy of Seven Minutes quarterly.  New meditations book in process, send to dailymeditations@nicotine-anonymous.org for inclusion.  Still working on a new pamphlet for mentally-challenged members of Nicotine Anonymous. Contributions should be sent to treasurer@nicotine-anonymous.org to be discussed and voted on for inclusion at the next World Services Conference.

EVENTS: The retreat held in Joshua Tree 8/20-21/16 was enjoyed by many. We did break even on costs. The picnic will be held at Rush Park in Rossmoor, CA on Sunday, 9/18/2016 with the Intergroup Meeting at 10:00 am and the potluck immediately following.  Please mark your calendars.  Flyer attached.

NEW MEETINGS: Gary reports there haven’t been any requests for new meeting material. Is there any way to get the word out and start some new meetings?

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  SCINA twitter account is open and tweeting. Please follow!  We are working on a Facebook account.  There might possibly be a YouTube account set up by SCINA.  We need to start planning for Carry The Message Month in January.  SCINA would also like to suggest your meeting start a Public Outreach commitment at your meeting and tell us about it. 

SPEAKERS LIST: No report.  Please call Angela if you want a copy of the list (949) 302-8465.

BY-LAWS: No report.

Director of Web Operations: No report.

OLD BUSINESS:  Elections will be held for SCINA Officers at the SCINA meeting before the picnic in September. Many of the Officers have been performing their roles for several years now.  In the spirit of rotation, please seek guidance with your Higher Power to see if perhaps this is the time for you to step up and take a commitment.  Jeff reported he has a sample put together of a newsletter for the Fellowship.  Examples include announcing new meetings, a step of the month, a tradition of the month, a main article, a short story, announcing any events like the retreat. Smober anniversaries, their home group location. Announcements pertaining to SCINA or World Services, maybe information about things on our website, meeting lists, world service calendar.  Please submit items to Jeff at jeffinjt@gmail.com .

NEW BUSINESS:  No new business.

BIRTHDAYS:  Bill H. celebrates 17 years this month. Joseph W. celebrates 14 years. Congratulations!

SECRETARY REPORT: The August report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.

CLOSING PRAYER:   John D. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:15 AM.