MINUTES - November 15, 2020

MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - Sunday, November 15, 2020


INTRODUCTIONS:  George O. called the meeting to order at 10:04 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  Quorum was met with 7 members in attendance.  The following meetings were represented:  West Hollywood 001, Silverlake 229, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, Palm Desert 286, and Palm Springs 288.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #11, “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, and films.” was read.


Beginning balance from October report                                            $321.30

Grasshopper Phone Service (October)                                                 -33.28

Secretary expense-postage (October)                                                   -18.50

Registrar expenses (October)                                                             -$14.58

Current available balance                                                                *$254.94

*Additional $3,000 in the account is used to avoid $18/month bank fee that we do not touch.

REGISTRAR REPORT:  No changes were made to the Administration List.  Meeting 288, Palm Springs, Video Conference Wednesday 5:30 PM was added. No Meetings were updated or removed.  All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed.  37 envelopes were addressed, and 40 Directories were printed.  If changes are required to the printed version of our meeting list, the deadline is the 10th each month.



HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  Please send additional email contacts for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists.  For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.

COMMUNICATIONS:  George received 2 calls, 1 for a Spanish speaking meeting, we have a Spanish speaking meeting on the NAWS website on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Eastern.

LITERATURE:  Angela found out literature books are going up by $1 and the pamphlets are going up by $0.05 on January 1st.  The new Sponsorship Book will not be going up at that time. The current balance in the literature account is $700.60.

WORLD SERVICES:  SCINA’s own Bill H is Chairperson of NicA World Services this year.  If you would like to be of service, please contact Chairperson@nicotine-anonymous.org to discuss where you can best help.

EVENTS:  The Marathon Meetings will be held via Zoom Saturday, November 21st. The flyer is now on the web page.  Three meetings have offered to host an hour of the Marathon Meeting at this time.  Please contact Angela at (949) 302-8465 if your meeting can host.  John D will attend a virtual event hosted by Orange Coast College called, “Substance Abuse Awareness/Great American Smokeout Fair”, on Wednesday, November 18th from 11:10 am - 12:30 pm.  John D. will present for 3-4 minutes to introduce attendees to Nicotine Anonymous.  SCINA attends this event hosted by Orange Coast every year.  If anyone is interested in attending this event, or in the future, please reach out to John D. at (818) 618-1501.

NEW MEETINGS:  There is a new virtual conference meeting via Zoom on Wednesday nights at 5:30 pm. Reese N. from Palm Springs is the secretary.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  If anyone is willing to take on or share the Public Outreach position, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501.  We need more help with Intergroup outreach.  Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.  The point of contact is needed.  If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.

SPEAKERS LIST:  Invite a speaker to your meeting.  Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.

BYLAWS:  No report.

WEB OPERATIONS:  It was noted that www.SCINA.org domain name is not valid at this time, however SCINA.org will link directly to our www.QuitNowLA.com site.  George O. will follow-up on this with Brian K.  Content is being checked and updated as needed to reflect the effects of the response to the pandemic. Statistics are showing that, while we have fewer unique visitors and visits, page views are up significantly.

OLD BUSINESS:  No old business.

NEW BUSINESS:  No new business.

BIRTHDAYS:  Bevie K from WeHo Meeting #1 (1 year).  Jane H. celebrates 22 years

SECRETARY REPORT:  November minutes were read, corrected and approved.

CLOSING PRAYER:  Jane H. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:16 am.