George O. called the meeting to order at 10:15 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions. Representatives were present from:
001 West Hollywood, 012 and 231 Long Beach, 016 Anaheim, 023 and 076 Costa Mesa, 047 Chatsworth,
084 Fullerton, 229 Silverlake, 266 Yucca Valley, 268 Costa Mesa, 270 Garden Grove,
A quorum was met with 13 in attendance
Tradition Six “A Nicotine Anonymous Group ought never endorse, finance or lend the Nicotine Anonymous name to any related facility or outside enterprise lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.” was read from the publication “The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous”.
Secretary Report:
George O read the minutes of the May 15, 2011 meeting. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded, and approved to accept them.
Treasurer Report:
Tomoko B presented the May financial report . The beginning balance was $649.85, Donations were $218.56, Expenses were $170. 28, The ending balance is $698.30. It was moved seconded and approved to accept the financial report.
Registrar’s Report:
Rick W. reported that there were no meetings added or removed in the past month. We are currently mailing to 48 of the membership and 38 to outside groups for H & I. We still need mailing addresses for representatives of meeting 022 Fullerton, 252 Flossie Center, and 254, Inglewood.
The Chair for the World Wide Meeting List that is maintained by NicA World Services, has resigned. The current WSO office manager in Dallas Texas will assume the responsibility until they can find another Chairperson. The list has fallen into neglect over the past few years. There was discussion of the protocol to add and subtract meetings on the World Wide Meeting list and contacts lost in the move to an email contact list.
Committee Reports
Literature Committee:
Marty W. reported he hopes to reorder literature soon. Unfortunately, Mike is not here today so he is unable to inventory the materials.
New Meetings Committee:
Gary M reported he sent out one starter kit.
World Services Committee :
Gary requested volunteers for a committee to plan for the World Services Conference in Southern California in 2012. Alan, Jane H. Brian K, George O, and Jeff M. volunteered to serve and Gary will send them a copy of the guidelines to plan the conference,
Events Committee:
Jane H reported the annual retreat in Joshua Tree, is July 9 and 10. You can register and pay for the retreat on SCINA’s web site. They have $1,500 so far and need to pay $700 for the caterer. They need 10 more registrants. Every year they have a few scholarships through the generosity of a few members.
George R. reported he has reserved a space at Veteran’s Park in Culver City for our Annual Officer’s Election and Picnic next September 18, 2011.
Public Outreach Committee:
Jeff M reported he is starting to contact meetings to determine what they are doing for out reach. He would like a contact at each meeting to form his committee. Angela from Costa Mesa shared on a project she has, placing World Services Business cards in a holder in public places. Jeff will develop a job description for outreach and place something on our web-site to encourage meetings to do outreach projects.
Web site Committee:
Brian K reported he is updating SCINA’s meeting list on our site. Heads of committees can put information on the site. Just send the information to Brian. We do get repeat traffic on our site and so he would like to get new material up regularly.
New Business
Gary M led a discussion regarding not putting phone numbers on the meeting directory on our Web site. He felt using the phone numbers is a violation of the 4th and 11th Tradition. Brian had taken the phone numbers off our Web Site until Intergroup can take a group conscience. The discussion determined:
- Our forms do let people know we will use their phone numbers for contact.
- We want to make it as easy and comfortable as possible for newcomers to find and contact us.
- The issue has more to do with privacy than anonymity.
It was moved seconded and approved to continue to use meeting contact phone numbers on our directory and web site.
The meeting adjourned at 12:01pm with the Serenity prayer.