MINUTES - July 17, 2011

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

George O. called the meeting to order at 10:15 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions. 

A quorum was met with 16 in attendance.
Meetings represented were 001, 012, 023, 047, 084, 229, 231, 255, 266, 270.

Traditions:  Tradition Seven “Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions” was read from the publication The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous”.  

Secretary report:  Susan C. read the minutes of the July 17, 2011 meeting. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded, and approved to accept them. 

Treasurer report:  Tomoko B. was not present at the July 17th meeting. The treasury report was not submitted. 

Registrar’s report:  Rick W. reported that there were no meetings added or removed in the past month. We have lost contact entirely for Meeting 252. The Chair for the World Wide Meeting List that is maintained by NicA World Services, has resigned. The current WSO office manager in Dallas, Texas will assume the responsibility until they can find another Chairperson. The list has fallen into neglect over the past few years.

Committee Reports

Hospitals & Institutions  Jeff M. reported that the Betty Ford Center and the VA Hospital in Palm Desert will do a panel; possibly in Auguest. 

Literature:   Mike S. plans to make a literature reorder soon. Mike will get new order forms to reflect the price increase. Chip inventory is good.  

World Services:  Gary M. requested volunteers for a committee to plan for the World Services Conference in Southern California in 2013.  Alan H. , Jane H. Brian K, George O, and Jeff M. volunteered to serve and Gary will send them a copy of the guidelines to plan the conference. 

Events   Jane H. shared that the retreat was wonderful. People were able to go swimming and everyone had a great time. The food was amazing. Funds were short by $115 due to collection problems. The next event is the NicA picnic and Brian K. has posted the picnic information on the SCINA website.

New Meetings  Gary M. reported that he sent out a starter kit to Marietta (near Temecula)

Bi-Laws Jeff M. started crafting proposals to changes in the Bi-Laws and will complete it by next month.

Public Outreach Jeff M. submitted a comprehensive committee report on all Public Outreach activity. He sent a PSA to local radio station Z107.7 FM. A list of medical professionals is being developed for mailing letters, pamphlets etc. A list of hospitals/health clinics, Alcohol/Drug Treatment centers, Smoking cessation programs and Therapist’s facilities is being developed for future planning. Phone meetings are available at (858) 707-3071 using PIN 766237 - press #. Phone meetings are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 6pm, Wednesday at 4pm. There was discussion around publishing a guide for SCINA to participate in public outreach activities.

Web Czar Brian K. reported he is updating SCINA’s meeting list on our site.  Heads of committees can put information on the site. Just send the information to Brian. We do get repeat traffic on our site and so he would like to get new material up regularly.

Old Business Last month Gary M. led a discussion regarding not putting phone numbers on the meeting directory on our Web site. It was decided that personal phone numbers can
be used on the website.

New Business We have three positions open that need to be filled. Gary M. would like to start having some meetings in regards to the 2013 World Services Conferences. We need ideas and input from committee members on where to host the conference and other concerns. 

Birthdays There were no Birthdays this month.

The meeting adjourned at 12:01pm with the Serenity prayer.