MINUTES - August 21, 2011

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

George O. called the meeting to order at 10:15 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions. 

A quorum was met with 16 in attendance. Meetings represented were 001, 012, 023, 047, 076, 084, 229, 231, 255, 266, 268, 270.

Traditions:  Tradition Eight  “Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional but our service centers may employ special workers” was read from the publication “The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous”.  

Secretary report:  Susan C. read the minutes of the July 17, 2011 meeting. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded, and approved to accept them.         

Treasurer report:  Tomoko B reported that in June we started with $698.13 We had meeting donations of $439 plus $18 and the retreat income was $1340. Our expenses were $1,655.28 with an ending balance of $839.85 in June. In July we started with $839.85 with $200 in donations $720 was donated for the retreat. 

Registrar’s report:  Rick W. reported that there were no meetings added or removed in the past month. Secretary and Representative information for Meeting 022 was updated. Rick W. will make an attempt to contact Meeting 252. Meeting 254 has no secretary address. There were no additions or deletions from the H&I listings.

Committee Reports

Hospitals & Institutions  Jeff M. was not in attendance at the August meeting. Joseph W. represented NicA at the City of Commerce Mental Health. It was well received.

Literature: Mike S. reported that SCINA is almost out of everything so he will reorder this month. There was some concern about shipping fees.

World Services Gary M. reported that WS had a meeting in June. The website will be completed by December. Website will have free 7 Minutes download in pdf form. It was decided that outside literature should not be put out at NicA meetings. The World Wide Meeting list is being worked on to correct problems. A survey will be sent out to groups to address two issues. One on gender neutrality and the other on Tradition 11. There was an unauthorized NICA meeting on Facebook and a letter was sent to correct this. Checking into Kindle and Amazon to carry the NicA book.

Events The next event is the NICA picnic on Sunday, September 18th. The picnic will be held at Veterans Park at the corner of Culver and Overland. Brian K. has posted the picnic information on the SCINA website. Prior to the picnic there will be a SCINA meeting including elections for Secretary, Treasurer and Chairperson.

New Meetings No new meetings

Bi-Laws Jeff M. was not present at the August meeting. 

Public Outreach Jeff M. was not present at the August meeting. 

Web Czar Brian K. reported  he is updating SCINA’s meeting list on our site.  Heads of committees can put information on the site. Just send the information to Brian. We do get repeat traffic on our site and so he would like to get new material up regularly.

Old Business No old business.

New Business No new business.

Birthdays Mary P. celebrated 17 years. Congratulations Mary!!!

The meeting adjourned at 12:01pm with the Serenity prayer.