Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
INTRODUCTIONS: John D. called the meeting to order at 10:14 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings were represented: 047, 185, 229, 231, 241, 268, and 273.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #10. “Nicotine Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the Nicotine Anonymous name ought never be drawn into public controversy.” was read.
CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT: John D. reported that the picnic was a success, and announced the incumbent SCINA officers were re-elected: John. D., Chairperson, Angela P. Secretary, Bill H. Treasurer, Rick W. Registrar. The Committee Chairs also have not changed.
TREASURER REPORT: Beginning balance $318.72. Income: Donations this month: $50 Fullerton meeting #84; $50 from Bellflower meeting #250; $50 from Costa Mesa #76; $9 from #231 Long Beach. Thank You! 7th Tradition of $21 was collected at the Intergroup meeting at the Picnic (still have not received August 7th tradition). The Joshua Tree Retreat brought in $112 profit. (Total incoming $292). Expenses: Bank Fee $3; Secretary expenses $31.02; Registrar expenses were $31.76 (last month) and $31.67 (this month); Picnic supplies $140. (Thanks to George R. for getting us a discount on the park permits, saving us about $100!) (Total outgoing $262.92) Ending balance $347.80. The report was moved and approved.
REGISTRAR REPORT: No Changes made to Administration List: Meeting 197: Secretary Address removed due to returned mail. Meeting 273: Meeting time corrected to 5:30 pm, change effective November 1st. No Meetings were added. No Meetings were removed. All Meetings except for #59, #197, and #229 have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail. 200 directories and 41 envelopes were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: We do not currently have anyone to Chair the Hospitals and Institutions Committee at this time. If you can be of service, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501 or Bill H. at (818) 800-3449.
LITERATURE: Marty W. would like to thank Angela for bringing the literature to the picnic. Literature is in full stock.
WORLD SERVICES: Gary M. announced the board meeting is this coming week and will have a full report next month. The Nicotine Anonymous World Conference will be held April 25-27th in San Francisco. Details can be found at
EVENTS: Thanks to George R. for organizing and setting up the SCINA Picnic in September at Rush Park in Orange County. And thanks to everyone who attended and brought food and games, making this another successful event!
Our tenth annual Marathon Meeting will be held on November 22 hosted by the Tuesday night Bellflower group. This is held to follow-up on the Great American Smoke-Out which is always the 3rd Thursday of November. Please ask your group to sponsor and attend a meeting time at this event. All events happen because of our volunteers who are of service to this program and to you. Please think about volunteering or going to some of these events this year. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know people from other meetings. Plus free food!
NEW MEETINGS: No new meetings.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: Fullerton College in Orange County contacted us asking us to participate in their Substance Abuse Awareness Day Fair on November 5. Greg D. was contacted about it and contacts at the Fullerton Saturday meeting were asked to try to participate. Call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 for more information or Greg D. (323) 804-3163 for Public Outreach.
SPEAKERS BUREAU: Please contact Angela P. if you would be interested in joining the speakers list.
BY-LAWS: No report.
WEB CZAR: No report.
OLD BUSINESS: Meeting schedule letter is waiting for correct contact to send to White Memorial along with our donation of $10/month for 2013 and 2014 - $240.00. Bill H. and George O. are trying to find the right person to send the donation to but none of their calls have been returned.
NEW BUSINESS: No report.
BIRTHDAYS: Buck E. celebrated 1 year October 11th.
SECRETARY REPORT: The October report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: Marty led us in the Serenity Prayer at 10:50 AM.