Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
INTRODUCTIONS: John D. called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings were represented: 012, 023, 047, 076, 231, and 250.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #9. “Nicotine Anonymous, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.” was read.
TREASURER REPORT: Beginning balance $392.78. Income: Donations this month: $25 from Meeting #76 Costa Mesa, $8 from Meeting #231 Long Beach. Thank You! (total incoming $33). Expenses: Bank Fee $3; Secretary expenses $33.12; Mailbox Express, $45; AT&T Long Distance, $25.94; (Total outgoing $107.06) Ending balance $318.72. (Did not receive 7th tradition amount received in August, nor registrar's expenses, so will put those in next month's report. I am still out of town and need to see all my paperwork before I can give a definitive total, but we made a profit at the Joshua Tree Retreat again this year, and the amount will be donated to SCINA. Special thanks to Alan and Jane!) The report was moved and approved.
REGISTRAR REPORT: Greg Davis is Chair of Public Outreach. Thank you Greg. Meeting 229: Phone Contacts updated. Meeting 276 in El Segundo, Thursday at 7:00 pm, was added. Meeting 007, in Westwood, Wednesday at 7:15 pm, and Meeting 271, in Signal Hill, Friday, 6:00 pm, have gone dark. All Meetings except for #59 and #229 have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail. No changes to the H&I Listings. 59 envelopes were addressed, and 200 directories printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: We do not currently have anyone to Chair the Hospitals and Institutions Committee at this time. If you can be of service, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501 or Bill H. at (818) 800-3449. We did get a call from Culver City SHARE! requesting Nicotine Anonymous to have a meeting on Saturday 9/27/14 as it’s their ‘Recovery Day’ so we would like to have some volunteers contact us to be of service to them. Please call John D. if you can help.
LITERATURE: No report.
EVENTS: The picnic was held at Rush Park in Rossmore. Thank you George R. for getting us the park at the great discount and setting up for us. Thank you everyone for attending. We hope to be able to hold our Marathon Meeting in November on the 22nd hosted by the Tuesday night Bellflower group. All events happen because of our volunteers who are of service to this program and to you. Please think about volunteering or going to some of these events this year. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know people from other meetings.
NEW MEETINGS: No new meetings.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: ‘When You Are Ready… We Will Be There’ business cards were purchased for distribution to the membership and are available. Call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 for cards and Greg D. (323) 804-3163 for Public Outreach. We hope to have the Marathon meeting on the 22nd of November.
SPEAKERS BUREAU: A new speakers list is going out with this mailing as there have been additions and deletions. Please contact Angela P. if you would be interested in joining the speakers list.
BY-LAWS: No report.
WEB CZAR: No report.
OLD BUSINESS: Meeting schedule letter is waiting for correct contact to send to White Memorial along with our donation of $10/month for 2013 and 2014 - $240.00. Bill H. is trying to find the right person.
NEW BUSINESS: Officers are elected every September at the Intergroup meeting before the picnic. Our new Intergroup Officers are: John D., Chairperson; Bill H., Treasurer; and Angela P., Secretary.
BIRTHDAYS: .Joseph celebrates 12 years this month, and George R. celebrates 7 years today.
SECRETARY REPORT: The September report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: Joseph led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:03 AM