Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
INTRODUCTIONS: Angela P. called the meeting to order at 10:03 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings were represented: 001, 012, 023, 047, 076, 092, 185, 229, 241, 268, and 273.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #8. “ Nicotine Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” was read.
TREASURER REPORT: Beginning balance $666.15. Income: Donations this month: $7 from Meeting #231 Long Beach. Thank You! Also, $10 from the 7th tradition July SCINA meeting (total incoming $17). Expenses: Bank Fee $3; Registrar expenses, $31.71; Secretary expenses $29.28; $40 contribution by SCINA for Joshua Tree event (literature and chips); $86.38 for business cards; $100 donation from SCINA to Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS); (Total outgoing $290.37) Ending balance $392.78. The report was moved and approved. [Treasurer called out of town on business and was unable to finalize report on Joshua Tree event, so that will be in next month’s minutes.]
REGISTRAR REPORT: Administration List: No Changes. Meeting 273 Phone Contact #2 removed and Meeting Type updated. No Meetings were added, and no Meetings were abandoned. All Meetings except 059 have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail. No H&I Listings were added, removed, or updated. 61 envelopes were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: The Tarzana Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Center in the San Fernando Valley recently became a smoke-free facility. They contacted NAWS Outreach Coordinator Jeff M. about organizing a NicA panel to attend the kickoff event on August 1st. SCINA Members Chairperson John D., Treasurer Bill H., and Sherman Oaks #185 secretary Pat L. volunteered to share their experience, strength and hope with the residents and visitors in attendance. Festivities kicked off at 3 pm with belly and fire dancers (a hard act to follow). Food and health vendors manned tables to help steer patients towards a better way of living, and our panel spoke for 45 minutes planting seeds in the mostly youthful crowd. The atmosphere was laid back, fun, and friendly, and the crowd was appreciative of our presence. Dozens of people who may have never heard of Nicotine Anonymous before now know there is hope and a home for them when they are ready.
We do not currently have anyone to Chair the Hospitals and Institutions Committee at this time. If you can be of service, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501 or Bill H. at (818) 800-3449.
LITERATURE: We are in good shape for chips and literature. Thank you to Angela for preparing labels and bringing bags and handling business cards.
WORLD SERVICES: There was a NAWS meeting this month and the Step Study Guide for Nicotine Anonymous should be ready for sale in December. I don't have a price at the moment. It was suggested we put a newcomers package together that would have the Newcomers booklet, 90 days/90 ways and each pamphlet for $10-12. In the starter kit would be added a note about donations to NAWS and request everyone join the Gift of Gratitude which is a monthly donation in any amount. Donations of $10 or more get a free subscription to Seven Minutes in the mail. The price of the Nicotine Anonymous The Book and Paths to Freedom CD is being raised from $17-25. We sell very few of those. Trying to get Russian Translators for our literature.
EVENTS: Our annual picnic in September is on the 3rd Sunday in Orange County this year at Rush Park, 3001 Blume, Rossmoor, 90720. We will hold our regular Intergroup meeting and elect Officers for Intergroup. Nominations are now open for Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary for Intergroup. Flyers were distributed to meeting Secretaries but you can also see and print the flyer on our website or We also hope to be able to hold our Marathon Meeting in November hosted by the Tuesday night Bellflower group. All events happen because of our volunteers who are of service to this program and to you. Please think about volunteering or going to some of these events this year. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know people from other meetings.
NEW MEETINGS: New meeting starting in El Segundo on Thursday night 7:00 pm. See attached flyer.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: ‘When You Are Ready… We Will Be There’ business cards were purchased for distribution to the membership. A flyer concerning ‘Carry The Message’ is going out with the minutes this month. Greg D. has offered to Chair the Public Outreach Committee at this time (323) 804-3163. He was unanimously voted in. It was suggested that we have a major push in November, perhaps at the Marathon meeting to do public outreach and Carry The Message in January.
SPEAKERS BUREAU: No additions have been made to the Speakers List.
BY-LAWS: No report.
WEB CZAR: No report.
OLD BUSINESS: Meeting schedule letter is waiting for correct contact to send to White Memorial along with our donation of $10/month for 2013 and 2014 - $240.00. Bill H. is trying to find the right person.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: Bill H. celebrates 16 years this month.
SECRETARY REPORT: The August report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: Greg led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:21 AM.