MINUTES - December 15, 2013

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

INTRODUCTIONS: John D. called the meeting to order at 10:20 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was not met.  The following meetings were represented:  007, 012, 022, 047, 090, 185, 241, and 250.

TRADITIONS:  Tradition #12. “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities,”  was read.

TREASURER REPORT:  Beginning balance $576.46.  Income:  Donations this month: $50 from Meeting #229 Silverlake, $20 from Meeting #1 West Hollywood, $20 from Meeting #12 Long Beach, $20 from Meeting #241 Glendale, $12.00 from Meeting #247 Huntington Beach; $21.00 was 7th tradition from November SCINA meeting; $144.00 from the Gratitude Marathon Meetings (thank you all!!!) (total incoming $287.00).  Expenses:  Bank Fee $3.00; Registrar expenses, $32.49; Secretary expenses $32.20;  PO Box fee $45.00; transfer $61.00 from checking to savings account so our prudent reserve would be an even $1,000.00 (total outgoing $173.69).  Ending balance $689.77.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Administrative List: No changes.  Meeting updates: No changes. New Meeting 273 was added.  No Meeting was closed. All Meetings except Meetings 59, 229 and 273 have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or both. No H&I listings were added, corrected, or removed.  71 envelopes were addressed.



HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  Chuck reported that he has been personally going to hospitals and talking to doctors.  He’s also trying to go to H&I meetings for AA to see if he can get some help.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Carol is operating our hotline.

LITERATURE: Marty says we are in full stock on books and literature and he will be making a chip order very soon. 

WORLD SERVICES: We are still having problems filling the open Chair Elect position on NAWS which can be voted in by the board on NAWS and then approved by the conference delegates in April. This person would spend the next 2 years as Chairperson and Chair-emeritus.  Would you be interested in being a member of the board? Give it some thought. We are trying to work on transportation from the NJ airport to the hotel. It’s about 60 miles away from the hotel. We are considering renting a shuttle for three days in order to transport members back and forth. In either case we will get this problem solved. There have been a couple sites using the Smokers Anonymous name and saying they are Nicotine Anonymous. We are looking into this and will see what we can do to stop this infringement. Glenn K who has faithfully been recording our conferences over the years had to retire but we have someone else lined up who can do the job at a lesser expense. We will be having our quarterly board meeting online on Jan 18th.  Paypal is not working like it should and I think we will go up to PayPal premier as we have been losing sales because of this problem.  With any luck we should have our new website up and running sometime in January.

EVENTS:  January is a fresh start for most people so that's Carry The Message Month.  We expect to see new faces in our meetings, and want to make them feel welcome.  We also want to get the word out as much as possible all year long.  Please think about purchasing some extra pamphlets or making extra copies of meeting lists and giving them to your personal doctor or dentist, asking that they put a few out each day for their clients. For this to truly work, please think about committing to stopping by their offices each month with updated information, new meeting lists, and/or pamphlets.  Tradition 5:  Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.

The Fullerton meeting is not hosting the Holiday Dinner in January, 2014.

NEW MEETINGS:  No new meetings starting although we did hear about a new meeting starting in Arcadia but don’t have the details yet.


PUBLIC OUTREACH:  No report.  January is outreach month, please think about getting the word out about our meetings to local doctors, pharmacies, and such by visiting regularly and leaving meeting lists or business cards.  Please contact Marty if you need business cards or other literature at martywexler@verizon.net or call him at 714-536-0600.


BY-LAWS:  We still need a Chairperson for By-Laws so please let us know if you can help.  If interested please come to the Intergroup meeting.

WEB CZAR:  As we move forward with the modernization - we can now have more information on our website.  The Website is a great resource - and it is optimized for mobile! Check it out on your smart-phone and use this resource in your recovery. If you have not yet signed up for the Email list please go to the website - www.scina.org  or www.quitnowla.com, add yourself to the list!

OLD BUSINESS:   No old business.

NEW BUSINESS:   We need to discuss changing the quorum as we again didn’t have enough people at the Intergroup meeting to pass the minutes and conduct business.

BIRTHDAYS: No birthdays at the Intergroup meeting this month.

SECRETARY REPORT: The December report was read.

CLOSING PRAYER:  John D. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:13 AM.