MINUTES - January 19, 2014

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

INTRODUCTIONS: John D. called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  A quorum was not met.  The following meetings were represented:  007, 023, 034, 047, 076, 090, 185, 229, 231, and 250.

TRADITIONS:  Tradition #1. “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on Nicotine Anonymous unity,”  was read.

TREASURER REPORT:  Beginning balance $689.77.  Income:  Donations this month: $20 from Meeting #76 Costa Mesa, $40 from Meeting #84 Fullerton, $20 from Meeting 231 Long Beach, $50 from Meeting #257 Laguna Beach; $20 December’s 7th tradition SCINA meeting (total incoming $150.00).  Expenses:  Bank Fee $3.00; Registrar expenses, $32.55; Secretary expenses $32.66, PO Box Rental $45, AT&T Long Distance $4.22 (total outgoing $117.43).  Ending balance $722.34. The report could not be approved due to a lack of quorum.

REGISTRAR REPORT: Administrative List: No changes.  Meeting updates: 016 Secretary information updated, and Meeting 250, Representative information updated. No New Meetings added.  No Meeting was closed. All Meetings except Meetings 59, 229 and 273 have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or both. No H&I listings were added, corrected, or removed.  71 envelopes were addressed.





LITERATURE: Marty says we are in full stock on books and literature and the chip order is in.  He’s finished purchasing the extra material from the Conference.  

WORLD SERVICES: We showed a net profit of $12,246 and for the last few years we have been showing a net loss. Expenses were up but our contributions were way up. (2) The new website is still on hold. We need a website master and are having problems with PayPal. We had a web guy working on it but there has been no gain on what we need. We also have a committee working on the problem but have had no communication from them as of yet. (3) If anyone has the experience of being a web servant please contact NAWS at chairperson@nicotine-anonymous.org(4) We have been looking for a chair elect person but now have given up on the idea as it's too late to train a chairperson. The position takes a lot out of you and is too much to ask someone to do two years in a row so it’s been proposed the current chair will delegate some of his responsibilities amongst the other board members. Now if we don’t get someone to run for chair elect this year in April, that will really cause a problem.  (5) Iran has about 300 meetings in their country and many want to come to the conference but are having trouble getting Visas. So it's a matter of a lot of letter writing to help them out. They have their own website, a dead link is on our NicA website. (6)  We are going to have six workshops: (a) The evolving role of a WSO Chair, (b) What is abstinence? (c) redoing the spirituality pamphlet, (d) the 12 Step Study Guide (e) Increasing membership and participation, (f) Private companies using the NicA name.  (7)  The spirituality pamphlet and the 12 step study guide will have the goal of getting the literature voted approved, we could have two more pieces of literature this year.  (8) The email and snail mail pen pal programs are doing well so far.  (9) Next year’s conference in 2015 will be in San Francisco at the Best Western Hotel. The rates will be $99 and is a mile and half from the SF airport.

EVENTS:  January is a fresh start for most people so that's Carry The Message Month.  We expect to see new faces in our meetings, and want to make them feel welcome.  We also want to get the word out as much as possible all year long.  Please think about purchasing some extra pamphlets or making extra copies of meeting lists and giving them to your personal doctor or dentist, asking that they put a few out each day for their clients. For this to truly work, please think about committing to stopping by their offices each month with updated information, new meeting lists, and/or pamphlets.  Tradition 5:  Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.

NEW MEETINGS:  No new meetings.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  No report.  January is outreach month, please think about getting the word out about our meetings to local doctors, pharmacies, and such by visiting regularly and leaving meeting lists or business cards.  Please contact Marty if you need business cards or other literature at martywexler@verizon.net or call him at 714-536-0600.


BY-LAWS:  John D has offered to take on the By-Laws Chair.  Thank you.

WEB CZAR:  As we move forward with the modernization - we can now have more information on our website.  The Website is a great resource - and it is optimized for mobile! Check it out on your smart-phone and use this resource in your recovery. If you have not yet signed up for the Email list please go to the website - www.scina.org  or www.quitnowla.com, add yourself to the list!

OLD BUSINESS:   We discussed changing the quorum as we again didn’t have enough people at the Intergroup meeting to pass the minutes and conduct business.  We have 14 positions on the board so a majority would be 8.  We are looking into changing the quorum to 8.

NEW BUSINESS:   We need to get the meeting list on the www.QuitNowLA.com website so that people can print it.  Rick will look into this.  

BIRTHDAYS: No birthdays at the Intergroup meeting this month.

SECRETARY REPORT: The January report was read.

CLOSING PRAYER:  Marty led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:11 AM.