MINUTES - December 16, 2012

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

INTRODUCTIONS: Brian K. called the meeting to order at 10:35 AM with the Serenity

Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings

were represented: 012, 022, 023, 047, 076, 084, 185, 229, and 268.

TRADITIONS: Tradition 12: Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever

reminding us to place Principles before Personalities. was read from the book of Nicotine


TREASURER REPORT: December 2012 Report Beginning balance $274.78.

Donations: Mtg #84 $15.00, 7th tradition $23.00 (total incoming $38.00). Expenses:

Bank Fee $3.00, AT&T Long Distance $24.37, Registrar $38.43, Secretary (Oct. and

Nov.) $74.90 (total outgoing $137.70). Ending balance $175.08. The report was moved

and approved. Donations are down, we would like to ask the meetings to send a

donation, even a few dollars will help.

Registrar Report: No changes were made to the Administration List. Meeting Contact

Information was updated on 1 meeting. 1 Meeting was added. No Meetings have gone

dark. All meetings except for 272 in the Directory have USPS contact through either the

Secretary, the Representative, or both. No H&I Listings were added or deleted.

77 envelopes were addressed.


HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: No report and we need a new H&I Chairman.

Please let us know if you can help with this responsibility.

COMMUNICATIONS: No reports, no concerns.

LITERATURE: We are in full stock on supplies. We are fully stocked with the new

colored chips. We have a few copies of the Newcomers Booklet. The Carry The

Message project is coming up in January. Please come to the intergroup meeting next

month to pick up your supplies. We will provide each group with some materials. We

will also add a note to the meeting list to remind people to Carry The Message. We

are ordering 2,000 business cards. Please call or email Marty W. at 714-536-0600

martywexler@hotmail.com and let him know how many your meeting will need.

WORLD SERVICES: We’re getting our website up-to-date and we have a new CD of

meditations. Should be for sale in the next couple of months.

EVENTS: The Anaheim meeting is hosting their post-holiday dinner on Wednesday,

January 9th, please join them at the Sizzler, 1401 N Harbor, Fullerton at 6:30 pm.

NEW MEETINGS. A starter kit will be mailed out to Long Beach.


for the following: By-Laws, Speakers Bureau, and Hospitals and Institutions (H&I),

so please let us know if you can help . If interested please come to the Intergroup

meeting. We are compiling a list of speakers. Please let us know if you are willing to be

a speaker. Please think about being a sponsor to someone who only has access to online

or phone meetings. Asa A. has offered to be our Public Outreach chair.

WEB CZAR: As we move forward with the modernization - We can now have

more information on our website. Brian K would like people to contribute and sign

up to be contributors for the website. Now, Committee members can update and

add information for their committees directly to the Website and to make sure that

the information is the most current and up-to-date as possible. If you want to be a

contributor to the website - Contact quitnowla@gmail.com.

We are looking for new ways to use technology for carry the message - Such as

Sending the PSA to Radio Stations, Emailing Literature, signs and information to

Doctors, etc. If you have ideas of ways to carry the message using the internet, please

share with us your thoughts! And if you have not yet signed up for the Email list please

go to the website - www.scina.org or www.quitnowlaw.com add yourself to the list!

OLD BUSINESS: No new old business.

NEW BUSINESS: No new business.

BIRTHDAYS: No birthdays this month.

SECRETARY REPORT: The December report was read and approved.

CLOSING PRAYER: Brian K. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:00 AM.