Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:35 AM with the
Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings
were represented: 012, 022, 023, 047, 076, 084, 185, 268.
TRADITIONS: Tradition 11: Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than
promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, television,
and films. was read from the book of Nicotine Anonymous.
TREASURER REPORT: October 2012 Report Beginning balance $438.05. Donations: Mtg #76 $50.00, 7th tradition $10.00 (total $60.00). Expenses: Bank Fee $3.00, AT&T Long Distance $16.77, Marathon $165.00, Registrar $38.50, (total $223.77) Ending balance $274.78. On November 11th, George O., Brian K., Tomoko B. and Bill H. met at the Bank of America by USC to put Bill on the bank account, and to add a branch account for the World Services Conference in April 2013 (Long Beach). For the Marathon meeting, Joseph was given a check for $165 for the room and expenses. He provided receipts for $125 for room and $53.61 expenses = $178.61;
He was reimbursed $13.61 cash from event’s 7th tradition. The report was moved and approved.
Registrar Report: Jeff M was removed from Bylaws, H&I, and Outreach Commitments on Administration List. Meeting 001, Meeting 257 and Meeting 229 information was updated. No Meetings were added. All meetings in the Directory have USPS contact through the Secretary, the Representative, or both. No H&I Listings were added and none were removed. 77 envelopes were addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: No report and we need a new H&I Chairman.
Please let us know if you can help with this responsibility.
COMMUNICATIONS: No reports, no concerns.
LITERATURE: We are in full stock on supplies. Based on suggestions, we now have
various colors for chips and are fully stocked with the new colored chips. We need
to determine if we want to order additional handouts for outreach project in January.
George O will contact Gregory B. and order a minimum supply of business cards. When
Brian K. designs a new business card we will order a full supply.
WORLD SERVICES: Gary went to Oakland for the meeting 10/27-29/12 . They are
going to have Glen K. do the audio recording for the conference. They are discussing
updating the website to make changes to make it easier to use. Amazon is selling our
books on Kindle. Newcomer booklet will be orange and you can read it online for free
temporarily under ‘What’s New.’ A hard copy will be available in January for $4. The
registration form for the World Services Conference in April is on the
website, please pass out at your meetings. Working on ‘The Best of Seven Minutes.’
Working on possible workshops such as meditation workshop, spirituality workshop
(what does it mean to you), and outreach to the medical profession. Gary is also snail
mail coordinator so please contact Gary if you know anyone that can only communicate
via snail mail.
EVENTS: The marathon meeting was held at Calvary Baptist Church. Thank you to
Joseph W. and Gregory B for setting it up and hosting.
NEW MEETINGS: None. A starter kit will be mailed out.
PUBLIC OUTREACH/SPEAKERS BUREAU/BY-LAWS: We still need Chairpersons for the following: By-Laws, Speakers Bureau, Public Outreach and Hospitals and Institutions (H&I), so please let us know if you can help . If interested please come to the Intergroup meeting. We are compiling a list of speakers. Please let us know if you are willing to be a speaker.
WEB CZAR: As we move forward with the modernization - We can now have more information on our website. Brian K would like people to contribute and sign up to be contributors for the website. Now, Committee members can update and add information for their committees directly to the Website and to make sure that the information is the most current and up to date as possible. If you want to be a contributor to the website - Contact
OLD BUSINESS: New officers have met at the bank. See treasurer’s report.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: 1 new birthday this month. Gary M will celebrate 14 years this month!!
SECRETARY REPORT: The November report was read, and was approved..
CLOSING PRAYER: George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:52 AM