Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
A quorum was met with 12 in attendance.
Traditions: Tradition Eight, “Nicotine Anonymous remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” was read from the publication “The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous”.
Secretary report: Susan C. read the minutes of the July 18, 2010 meeting. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded and approved to accept them.
Treasurer report: The June and July financial reports were presented. The beginning cash balance was $1,388.35. The total amount received was $255, paid out was $1,270 with an ending balance of $373.35. It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the financial report as submitted.
Registrar’s report: Rick W. reported that George Laine was removed from the Action and Responsibility Chair, since the committee was removed by vote. No meetings were removed in July. Meeting 268 in Costa Mesa was added. Hubert Humphrey Health Clinic was added to H&I Listing. No H&I Listings were removed
in July.
Committee Reports
Hospitals and Institutions
Stephanie E. presented a revised outreach letter to H&I in hopes of receiving some response. A motion was made to amend the letter. It was seconded and the motion carried to accept the letter with changes. In addition, H & I needs an Armenian speaker to start a meeting in the Glendale area. Please contact Stephanie E. for more information at (818) 352-3903.
Communications/Speakers Bureau.
No concerns at this time.
Literature: Peggy O. submitted the July literature report. It was moved and seconded to approve the report. SCINA is looking for some one to replace Peggy O. as soon as possible as she will no longer be able to serve in this position. Please present this to your groups.
New Meetings: No new meetings.
World Services: Gary M. reported that the meeting list is not up to date. This is a worldwide problem. New systems need to be in place. The board wants to meet in Los Angeles in January. There will be 8 members. SCINA is looking for volunteers to house and drive the members.
George O. reported that the meeting place is Rush Park in Rossmoor for the annual picnic. SCINA meeting and elections will be held at the picnic. Treasurer, Secretary and Chairperson elect positions need to be filled. Please present this at your groups. The date for the picnic is the 3rd Sunday in September. The next event will be the marathon meeting in November.
Public Outreach
George E. spoke with Carolyn regarding the Hyatt Regency Hotel event in Irvine. George reported that he is looking for some one to set up at the event. Spaces are available from 11-6pm. Gary M. will take the 3-6pm shift.
Web Czar
Brian K. was not in attendance at the July 18th meeting. George will follow up with Joe S. and Brian K. regarding websites that are directed to SCINA.
New Business
No new business.
Mary Polychrome celebrated 16 years smober and 9 years with Intergroup. Happy Birthday, Mary!!!
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. with the Serenity prayer.