MINUTES - September 19, 2010

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

George O. called the meeting to order at 10:15 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions. 


A quorum was met with 12 in attendance.

Traditions:  Tradition Nine, “Nicotine Anonymous as such ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.” was read from the publication “The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous”.  


Secretary report:  Susan C. read the minutes of the August 2010 meeting. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded and approved to accept them. 
Treasurer report:  The August financial report was presented. The beginning cash balance was $373.35. The total amount received was $152, paid out was $340.13 with an ending balance of $185.22 It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the financial report as submitted. After the report was accepted, a payment of $125 was submitted for the Marathon meeting event rental space in November.

Registrar’s report:  Rick W. reported that Meeting 264 posted a meeting time change from Tuesday at 5pm to Tuesday at 6pm. No meetings were removed in August. Meeting 252 and 262 are lacking Representative addresses.

Committee Reports


Hospitals and Institutions
Stephanie E. was not in attendance at the September meeting. There are no concerns at this time. Mary P. reported that NicA was represented at the Hyatt event.

Communications/Speakers Bureau.
Intergroup members will discuss who will take this responsibility at the next meeting.

Literature:  Peggy O. submitted the August literature report. It was moved and seconded to approve the report. Mike S. Marty W. and Tony E. will share the literature commitment for the coming year. Thank you so much to Mike, Marty and Tony!!!


New Meetings: Discussion around meeting site for World Services in January. Gary M. will contact Joe W. regarding using Calvary Baptist Church for the meeting.  

World Services:  Gary M. reported that the meeting list problems are being repaired with new software and things are improving. Gary M. reported that there are changes and he will email a copy of a new flyer for World Services. The Board of 8 members will meet in Los Angeles in January. SCINA is looking for volunteers to house and drive the members.

George O. reported that the meeting place is for next year’s picnic will be at Palms Park in Los Angeles. George R. will make reservations in January. The next event will be the marathon meeting on November 20th. Susan C. will revise the existing flyer for this event and include it in the October mailings.

Public Outreach
George E. spoke with Carolyn regarding the Hyatt Regency Hotel event in Irvine. George reported that he is looking for some one to set up at the event. Spaces are available from 11-6pm. Gary M. will take the 3-6pm shift.

Web Czar
Brian K. was not in attendance at the September meeting. Motion to give Brian K. and Joe S. authorization to discontinue domain names carried.

New Business
Recruitment effort to elect new positions was temporarily postponed.

Joe S. celebrated 8 years, George R. celebrated 5 years and Susan C. celebrated 1 year. Rock on!!!

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. with the Serenity prayer.