Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous
George O. called the meeting to order at 10:20 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
There were 7 members in attendance. Due to a quorum of 10 not being met, no voting/approval
could take place. Please remind your group representatives that the SCINA meeting takes place on the 3rd Sunday of the month at White Memorial Hospital. Directions are located on the back of the meeting directories.
Traditions: Tradition 10 was read by Terry M., Nicotine Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the Nicotine Anonymous name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
Secretary report: The Secretary and the backup Secretary were not present. Approval for the September minutes was tabled until the next meeting.
Treasurer report: The Treasurer was not present and the report was tabled until the next meeting.
Registrar’s report: Rick W. reported that no new meetings have been added and no meetings have been removed from the directory. Meetings 252, 254, 255, and 262 lack a valid Secretary USPS mailing address. If you are a member of these meetings or if your meeting is not receiving our mailing, please send the representative and/or secretary’s address to Rick whose phone number and email appear on the cover of our monthly directory.
Committee Reports
Hospitals and Institutions: Stephanie E. reported that the city of Glendale is enforcing a new ordinance banning smoking in any public areas. She has sent a letter explaining our purpose and how we may be of service to those who are willing to quit smoking.
Literature: Peggy O completed inventory of the chips and literature. She is working on reconciling a minor discrepancy between the inventory and bank balance. At the previous meeting, Mike, Tony, and Marty volunteered to take over the literature commitment. Due to the locations of the purchasing sites, Peggy O. suggested to split the commitment, having one person in charge of chips only and another person for literature.
Communications/Speakers Bureau: No report.
New Meetings: No report.
World Services: Gary M was out of town attending the quarterly World Services meeting. Prior to the meeting, Gary had reported the next quarterly meeting will be held in the LA area the weekend of January 21-24, 2011.
Your help is requested in providing lodging and transportation for 8 World Service members. If you are able to provide a bed and/or transportation, please contact Gary at 310-755-5582 or
Events: The next event is the Marathon Meeting, which will be held on November 20th at the Calvary Baptist Church located at 14722 Clark Ave. Bellflower, CA. A new meeting will be held every hour, on the hour, from 9am to 9pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. This is a great event for newcomers and “old” comers alike.
Public Outreach: George E. reported no new updates at this time.
Web Czar: Brian K noted that flyers and/or notices of upcoming events for your groups can be posted on the SCINA web site. Brian can be contacted through the “Contact the Webmaster” link on the SCINA website. Brian also offered a suggestion that the big book be available for use on the Kindle, Ibook, etc.
Old Business: The positions for Secretary Elect and Treasurer Elect are still open. These positions were created to allow members to train and learn the duties during the year before taking over as the active Secretary or Treasurer.
We need your help in filling these positions. Please present this request to your group. If you are interested or know of another member who may be interested, please attend the next SCINA meeting (3rd Sunday of every month) at White Memorial Hospital or contact George O at 562-310-0874.
New Business: There was a discussion on the use of nicotine delivery products, such as patches, gum, inhalers, etc, and how the use is viewed within the membership. It is understood that each group is autonomous and can address this issue through your own group conscious.
A memorial service will be held on 10/24/10 for long time member George L, from 4-6:30pm at the MWA Club 835 E. 33rd St. Signal Hill, CA.
There were no birthdays this month.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00pm with the Serenity prayer.