MINUTES - April 18, 2010

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

George O. called the meeting to order with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions. 

Which meetings were represented in February?

007 Westwood, 012 Long Beach, 024 Los Angeles, 047 Chatsworth, 076 Costa Mesa, 
229 Silver Lake, 250 Bellflower

There were 10 representatives at the meeting. A quorum was met.

Traditions: We read Tradition 3 from Nicotine Anonymous 12 Traditions  

Chairperson report:  George O. thanked all who came to support the Intergroup today and encouraged everyone to consider being of service to the Intergroup. George O. reported that the Action and Responsibility position has been eliminated. George O. will email Susan C. the Panel List. 

Secretary report:  In March, the minutes of the February 2010 meeting was read, and corrected and it was moved to approve them. 

Treasurer report:  In March, a financial report ending February 2010 was presented.
Beginning cash was $453.04, donations totaled $218.70, expenses totaled $422.42 with an ending balance of $263.57. It was moved and seconded to approve the February financial report. There was additional discussion around changing the prudent reserve in the bi-laws and making a budget. There was also discussion around researching a PayPal account to accept donations through the SCINA website.

Registrar’s report:  Rick W. reported that three meetings were added in February. These meetings are Meeting 265 in Santa Ana, Meeting 266 in Yucca Valley and Meeting 267 in Twentynine Palms. No meetings were removed in the past month. No changes were made to the Administration list or the H&I Listings.


Action and Responsibility: This position has been eliminated and will no longer appear in the monthly minutes.

Hospitals and Institutions:  George O. will make a list of all panels and email to the Secretary.

Literature:  No literature report this month.

World Services: World Services must be notified of the delegates who will attend the conference by March 24th .

Events:  Jane and Alan did investigation regarding the annual retreat. Jane proposed charging people ½ price if they don’t stay overnight. Food will cost close to $1,000 and there are 25 beds. Retreat dates are July 17th and 18th. Jan made a motion to have the retreat at Joshua Tree. Alan seconded the motion. The motion passed. Brian K. will design the flyer.

New Meetings:  Gary M. reported that a new meeting started up in Long Beach. 14 people came to the meeting. 

By -Laws:  No report. There was discussion around changing the prudent reserve to $600. Jeff M. may attend the next meeting in April.

Public Outreach:  No reports from the committee.

Web Czar:  Brian K. got two new domain names: Stopsmoking4free.com and Quitnowla.com. These addresses forward to SCINA. Brian is continually updating the site with new information. The new speaker list form is up as well. Great job, Brian K!

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Gary M. suggested sponsoring a New World Services conference in 2012. Gary made a motion to support a conference in Los Angeles in 2012. Motion did not carry – 3 for, 4 against and 3 abstained.

Commitments: Susan C. made a motion to eliminate this commitment. Brian K. seconded the motion and it carried.

Birthdays: No Birthdays.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm with the Serenity prayer.