MINUTES - May 16, 2010

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

George O. called the meeting to order at 10:05 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.


A quorum was met with 14 in attendance

Traditions:  Tradition Five, Each group has but one primary purpose- to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.” was read from the publication “The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous”. 

 Secretary report:  Susan C. read the minutes of the April 20, 2010 meeting. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded, and approved to accept them.

Treasurer report:  Brian K. presented the April financial report. We received donations of $443.25 and had expenditures of $173.30 leaving us with a balance of $657.33. It was moved, seconded, and approved to accept the financial report as submitted.  There was discussion of reimbursement of delegates to the World Services Conference.  $437 was divided among the delegates.

Registrar’s report:  Rick W. reported that no meetings have been added and no meetings have been removed.  Five meetings lack a Secretary address. Two of those meetings are only receiving mail to their representative. SCINA wishes to send our mailing to at least two persons at each meeting to ensure our materials get to the meeting. If you are a meeting representative and your Secretary is not receiving our mailing please send the secretary’s address to Rick whose phone number and email is on the cover of our monthly directory. 

Committee Reports

Hospitals and Institutions

George O. shared he and Gary continue to do the H&I panel at Kaiser in Bellflower. Jim D is doing the Salvation Army panel in Long Beach. Lamont B gathered information for H&I, Outreach, and Speakers Bureau to help us carry the message in a more effective way.  He agreed to mentor whoever will take on this position. Stephanie E. will take the H&I position. Thank you, Stephanie!!

Literature:  Jim D. subbed for Peggy O. this month. There was no literature report, no concerns or questions. 

Communications/Speakers Bureau.  There was discussion around changing the outgoing message to direct people to the website.

New Meetings: Gary M reported he is sending a starter kit to Huntington Beach. He is also posting the announcement on Craigslist. 

World Services:  Mary P. , Gary M. and George O. went to the conference. Gary reported that they attended several workshops. George had a recommendation to train officers. 7 Minute subscriptions are down. George made a motion to submit a proposal to hold a conference in Los Angeles in 2013. The motion was moved, seconded and approved. George O. is also willing to chair that position. Gary M. will co-chair


Jane H. is working on the annual retreat, July 17-18, 2010 at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center. Although the quota of 25 people is nearly met, there is still time to register for this event. If you intend to go to the retreat, notify Jane H.  (323) 852-1518. George O. will contact George R. regarding the annual picnic. Possible date for the picnic is the 3rd Sunday in September.

Public Outreach

This position is open. If you would like to be of service, please attend the next Intergroup Meeting on July 18th 2010 to take the Public Outreach position.          

Web Czar

Brian K reported he had added domain names “quitnowLA.com and stopsmoking4free.info to our SCINA web site.  Brian also submitted a traffic report which indicates an average of 5 new viewers and 21 Robot hits daily.

New Business

Stephanie E. will draft a flyer indicating a need for support and input from NicA meetings. She will email Susan C. and present it at the next Intergroup meeting. It was reported that the meeting at USC has been dropped.


No birthdays this month.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00pm with the Serenity prayer.