MINUTES - June 21, 2010

Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous

George O. called the meeting to order at 10:15 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.


A quorum was met with 12 in attendance.

Traditions:  Tradition Six, “A Nicotine Anonymous group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the nicotine anonymous name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose” was read from the publication “The Twelve Traditions of Nicotine Anonymous”.   

Secretary report:  Susan C. read the minutes of the May 16, 2010 meeting. They were corrected and it was moved, seconded, and approved to accept them.

Treasurer report:  The May financial report was presented. Beginning cash balance was $657.33 donations of $367 and $667 from retreat payments were received and had expenditures of $1,050 leaving us with a balance of $641.33. It was moved, seconded, and approved to accept the financial report as submitted with corrections. 

Registrar’s report:  Rick W. reported that no meetings have been added in May. Two meetings (003 and 011) were removed. Four meetings lack a Secretary address. Three of those meetings are only receiving mail to their representative. SCINA wishes to send our mailing to at least two persons at each meeting to ensure our materials get to the meeting. If you are a meeting representative and your Secretary is not receiving our mailing please send the secretary’s address to Rick whose phone number and email is on the cover of our monthly directory.

Committee Reports

Hospitals and Institutions

Stephanie E. presented a draft of a letter to Hospitals and Institutions to introduce our committee and available services. Brian K. will set up a volunteer list for the website. It was moved, seconded, and approved to accept the letter as submitted.

Literature:  Peggy O. will review and update the literature report to present at the next meeting. 

Communications/Speakers Bureau.

There was discussion around changing the outgoing message to direct people to the new quitnowla.com website and creating a link to new meetings.

New Meetings: Gary M reported he is sending a starter kit to Huntington Beach. He is also posting the announcement on Craigslist. 

World Services:  The next conference will be in Baltimore, MD. Flyers are on the website. Gary M. will be treasurer elect. There was discussion around video conferencing using Skype and dealing with anonymity issues.


Jane H. has worked hard on the annual retreat, July 17-18, 2010 at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center. The quota of 25 people has been met. Tomoko B. will bring checks to the retreat to pay for the catering etc. George O. reported that the meeting place is Rush Park in Rossmoor for the annual picnic. Possible date for the picnic is the 3rd Sunday in September.

Public Outreach

George E. will take the Public Outreach position. Thank you, George! He also presented a letter to provide information on the position.

Web Czar

Brian K reported he is updating the meeting list. He will also add Hospitals and Institutions and a Speaker List so people can sign up for the panel. Brian reports that the website is expanding.

New Business

Stephanie E. created a wonderful ad that was sent out with the minutes asking for support from Southern California NicA meetings.



No birthdays this month.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00pm with the Serenity prayer.