MINUTES - December 18, 2016


INTRODUCTIONS:  Angela P. called the meeting to order at 10:02 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met. The following meetings were represented:  Costa Mesa 076, Sherman Oaks 185, Long Beach 231, Glendale 241, and Bellflower 250.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #12. “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” was read.

TREASURER REPORT:   Our beginning balance was $514.70.   Income:  Donations:  The November Marathon Meeting participants donated a total of $153* - The fellowship is grateful to every one of you, and a special thanks again to Joseph, Geoffrey, and Tracy for not only organizing the meeting but also for staying all day/night.  As if that wasn't enough, Hosts Bellflower #250 donated an additional $50 PLUS donated snacks/decorations worth $88.74.  Additional donations for which we are grateful: $60 from Meeting #84 Fullerton; $30 from Meeting #1 West Hollywood, $80 from Meeting #76 Costa Mesa, $20 from meeting #185 Sherman Oaks, $70 from Laguna Beach #257, and $10 from Meeting #23 Costa Mesa.  Thank You!  A 7th tradition of $10 was collected at the November SCINA meeting.   (Total incoming:  $483)   Expenses:  $3 Bank fee; Secretary expenses $20; Registrar expenses of $30.98; Grasshopper phone charges: $31.18; PO Box renewal $45. Our annual check in the amount of $120 was mailed to White Memorial Hospital for 2016 SCINA meeting space rent; $58.55 for 5 copies of Nicotine Anonymous: The Book (for CTM giveaway) (Total outgoing $308.71) Ending balance $688.99.   *The following amounts were donated at the Marathon meeting: $20 Bellflower #250 ; $15 Moreno Valley #059; $15 Long Beach #231; $12 Costa Mesa #76; $10 Glendale #241; $13 Carson #264; $11 Duarte #274; $11 “open 4 pm slot”; $10 Long Beach #12; $16 Fullerton #84; $20 Sherman Oaks #185. The report was moved and approved.

REGISTRAR REPORT:  No changes were made to Administration List.  Meeting 283, Palm Springs, Meeting Location and Day Updated. No Meetings were added.   Meeting #023, Sunday Costa Mesa, has been closed due to lack of members. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail.  Eipryl Tello, Tobacco Education Program Coordinator, DHHS Long Beach, was added to e-mail distribution list.  No H&I Listings updated or removed. 200 Directories and 43 envelopes were printed.


HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  No report. We still need a volunteer to take over this role.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Communications are running smoothly.  There are no concerns at this time.

LITERATURE:  Halli says $632.84 in the bank and he will be replenishing literature soon.  Please contact Halli for orders prior to the meeting.  HalliK@sbcglobal.net .  Please contact John (818) 618-1501 if you would like to be of service for this position as Halli would be glad if someone could take it over for him.

WORLD SERVICES:   Gary reported there is a NAWS board meeting on January 28. It’s online and he thinks he will attend and report to us what is going on.

EVENTS:  Tradition 5: Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the nicotine addict who still suffers.  Since so many try to quit on the New Year, the end of December is super important to get the word out about our program.  Please start a conversation in your meeting about this. (See flyer attached). Intergroup gave away $10 worth of pamphlets for Carry The Message month to Susan C., Halli K., Bill H., Angela P., and Buck E. as well as a copy of Nicotine Anonymous: The Book on that day as well.  A check for $50 for the pamphlets was given to Halli.  Bill H. had already paid for the 5 books given away.

NEW MEETINGS:  Gary hasn’t had any calls for new meeting material.


SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call for a list (949) 302-8465.

BY-LAWS: No report.

Director of Web Operations:  No report.

OLD BUSINESS:  Bill H. is working with Jane H. to pre-plan next year’s Joshua Tree Retreat.  We would like to have it two nights (tentatively last weekend of June, Friday afternoon/night through Sunday noon). If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact Bill at (818) 800-3449 or whca111@gmail.com.

NEW BUSINESS:  There was some discussion about changing banks again due to our bank adding a fee to checking accounts that don’t keep a daily balance over $3,000, we received a donation from a member in November 2014 to cover this.  There was also some discussion about raising our prudent reserve in the By-Laws to $1,000.

BIRTHDAYS:  No birthdays were reported this month.

SECRETARY REPORT: The November and December reports were read and approved as we did have a quorum.

CLOSING PRAYER:   George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:06 AM.