MINUTES - July 16, 2017


INTRODUCTIONS:  Angela called the meeting to order at 10:01 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met with 9 attendees. The following meetings were represented: West Hollywood 001, Costa Mesa 076, Sherman Oaks 185, Silverlake 229, Long Beach 231, Bellflower 250, and San Diego 284.  
TRADITIONS: Tradition #7. “Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” was read.  

TREASURER REPORT:  Our beginning balance was $867.25.  Income: $100 from meeting #1 West Hollywood; $80 from meeting #231 Long Beach; $15 from meeting #76 Costa Mesa. Thank you! No 7th tradition was collected at the June SCINA meeting (via phone). (Total incoming:  $195)  Expenses: $3 Bank fee; Secretary expenses $18.40; Registrar expenses $31.30; Grasshopper phone charges: $31.72; GoDaddy website automatic annual renewal $86.86. (Total outgoing $171.28)  Ending balance $890.97.  An additional $3,000 in checking account that Stephen’s family donated to avoid the $18/mo. BOA bank fee.  The Joshua Tree Retreat broke even. Bank statement not received until late yesterday so no time to reconcile - will have complete report next month. If anyone is thinking of taking over the Treasury commitment this September, please let Bill know ASAP (818) 800-3449. We are almost out of checks and now is a good time to change to a bank near you that won't have the $18/mo. fee.  In the meantime, Bill will look into moving the checking account.

REGISTRAR REPORT:  No changes were made to Administration List.  No Meetings were updated, added or deleted.  All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail.  No H&I Listings were added or deleted.  Kaiser Downey contact information updated.  200 Directories and 43 envelopes were printed.


HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  No report.  This position is available.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Communications are running smoothly.  There are no concerns at this time.

LITERATURE:  No report.  Please contact Halli for orders prior to the meeting at  HalliK@sbcglobal.net.  Please contact Halli if you would like to be of service for this position as he would be glad if someone could take it over for him.
WORLD SERVICES:  There should be a board meeting near the end of the month. Members are always welcome to sign up for "Nica News," just go to the NicA website and on the home page you will see "what’s new" and click on the spot where it says NicA News and it will take you to a spot to sign up. John attended the July Public Outreach meeting and Intergroups across the country updated NAWS on their activities and there’s an increase in social media presence from Intergroups.

EVENTS:  Our picnic will be held on Sunday, 9/17/17, the Intergroup meeting and election of Officers will start at 10:00 am, with the Pot Luck Picnic following.  Please bring a dish to share.  Flyer attached with more info. Call Angela at (949) 302-8465 if you have questions.  We asked to reserve the room in Bellflower for the Marathon Meeting in November.

NEW MEETINGS:  Gary reported he has not been contacted about any new meetings.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  John D. is working with Jeff M. on creating a Facebook page for NAWS, SCINA, and other Intergroups.

SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call for a list (949) 302-8465. 

BY-LAWS:  No report.

WORLD CONFERENCE AD HOC COMMITTEE:  This is a new committee and will discuss the possibility of bringing the Nicotine Anonymous World Conference back to Southern California in 2019 or 2020.  NAWS 2016 Conference leaders will email their logistics and income statements so our team can look at feasibility of hosting in Southern California. We will investigate several locations, including Burbank, Palm Springs, San Diego and Long Beach.  If you would like to be a member of this ad hoc committee, please contact John at (818) 618-1501.

Director of Web Operations:  No report.

NEW BUSINESS:  We discussed having more phone meetings. Meetings that are far away from Boyle Heights where the Intergroup meeting is held would like to be able to attend via a conference call.  John D. will look into adding a phone call to our current meetings.  

BIRTHDAYS:  Halli celebrated 10 years in June.

SECRETARY REPORT:  The July report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER:  Halli led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:18 AM.