INTRODUCTIONS: John called the meeting to order at 10:02 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? A quorum was met with 14 attendees. The following meetings were represented: Costa Mesa 076, Sherman Oaks 185, Long Beach 231, Bellflower 250, and San Diego 284.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #9. “Nicotine Anonymous, as such, ought never be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.” was read.
TREASURER REPORT: Our beginning balance was $1,238.39. Income: $15 from meeting #76 Costa Mesa. Thank You! $13 was collected for 7th tradition at the August SCINA meeting. (Total incoming: $28) Expenses: $3 Bank fee; Secretary expenses $22.51; Registrar expenses $29.93; Grasshopper phone charges: $31.93; Yearly domain renewal $20.17; Check sent to reserve room for November Marathon Meeting in Bellflower (Calvary Baptist Church) $125.00 (Total outgoing $232.54) Ending balance $1033.85. Bill made a motion to donate $250 to Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS) and it was passed unanimously. (We have an additional $3,000 in our checking account that Stephen donated to avoid the $18/mo. BOA bank fee.)
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to Administration List. Meeting # 231: Saturday 9:00 am Long Beach, Representative information updated. No Meetings were added. Meeting 274, Duarte, has gone dark. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or e-mail. No H&I Listings were added, updated, or deleted. 200 Directories and 43 envelopes were addressed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: No reports, this position is available.
COMMUNICATIONS: Communications are running smoothly. There are no concerns at this time.
LITERATURE: Halli says there is $1,061.92 in the bank at this time. He would really like someone else to take over this position if someone is willing to be of service.
WORLD SERVICES: Gary reports there will be a board meeting next month and the flyer is available for the Conference next year. It is available on the website.
EVENTS: Our annual picnic is being held today and will surely be a great event! We have reserved the usual room at Calvary Baptist Church in Bellflower for the Marathon Meeting on November 18th. Please contact Joseph if your meeting would like to reserve a slot, which are filling up fast.
NEW MEETINGS: Gary reported he has been contacted for the first time in a very long time about a new meeting and he directed them to the NAWS website so they can download a meeting starter kit.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: Intergroup created the “Southern California Intergroup of Nicotine Anonymous” Facebook page, and it’s now live. We are adding some content, and making sure it’s anonymous. John D. attended the Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS) Public Outreach meeting on 9/13/17. NAWS is looking for input on their draft outreach guide. If you want to be involved in this effort, please email The next NAWS Public Outreach Committee meeting is 11/11/17 which is a conference call. We will have a report next month about an order of business cards for outreach in January.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call for a list (949) 302-8465.
BY-LAWS: No update.
WORLD CONFERENCE AD HOC COMMITTEE: Ad hoc committee meeting to discuss the possibility of hosting the Nicotine Anonymous World Service (NAWS) Conference in Southern California in 2019 or 2020 will be held immediately following this Intergroup meeting, and an update will be posted next month. If you would like to be a member of this ad hoc committee, please contact John at (818) 618-1501.
Director of Web Operations: No report.
OLD BUSINESS: NAWS has a WebEx account that they often use for meetings. John D. contacted NAWS to ask for permission to use their account. They said yes, and also mentioned that the New York City area Intergroup uses WebEx now for their meetings. Intergroup will need to be trained on this before we start using it. If anyone is interested in this training, please contact the Chair of Intergroup at
Discussion was made regarding purchasing a computer to have possible live video/conference call meetings. People are researching and will share what they find next month. Please ask your higher power if this is the year for you to step up and be of service at the Intergroup level.
Bill H. will continue to look at creating an organizational account in order to move our checking account to another bank to eliminate fees.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Angie B. was nominated and elected as Chair of Intergroup, John D. was nominated for Secretary and is considering it. Gary was nominated and elected as Treasurer. We would like to thank John D. for his 4 years of service as Chair of Intergroup and Bill H. for his 6 years of service as Treasurer.
NEW BUSINESS: John made a motion to start an Ad Hoc Committee to investigate outreach in San Diego and it was seconded by Angie. Please call John D. if you are willing to help (818) 618-1501.
BIRTHDAYS: George R., Joyce D., Joseph W. and Larry P. celebrate anniversaries this month.
SECRETARY REPORT: The September report was read and approved as we did have a quorum.
CLOSING PRAYER: Halli led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:44 AM.