INTRODUCTIONS: George O. called the meeting to order at 10:12 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.
WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 8 members in attendance. The following meetings were represented (some members might represent more than one meeting): Costa Mesa 76, Joshua Tree 266, Studio City 273, and Long Beach 231.
TRADITIONS: Tradition #12, “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” was read.
Chairperson’s report: No Report
Beginning balance $4,304.74
(Stephen Donation) -$3,000.00 $1,304.74
Business Cards -$116.35 $1,188.39
Grasshopper -$31.96 $1,156.43
2018 Marathon Meeting $142.00 $1,298.43
Nov. 7th tradition $12.00 $1,310.43
Registrar Expenses -$20.00 $1,290.43
Ending Balance $1,310.43
REGISTRAR REPORT: No changes were made to the Administration List. No meetings were added or updated. Meeting 185, Thursday, Sherman Oaks, has gone dark. All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed. 40 envelopes were addressed, and 100 Directories were printed.
HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS: If you have any hospitals or institutions we can add to our monthly email please let us know. For more information, or to be of service, please call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465.
COMMUNICATIONS: The phone lines are running smoothly. No concerns at this time. A greeting will be added to notify callers about the upcoming World Conference. For more information, or to be of service, please call George O. at (562) 310-0874.
LITERATURE: Checks and cash were deposited from recent purchases. Chips and literature will now be available at the SCINA meetings. We need someone to take over this responsibility. Please consult your higher power.
WORLD SERVICES: NAWS Service Structure Committee met last week, and they talked about having the World Conference once every three years. They are vetting this at their meetings. They are also discussing the agendas for the conference, because there’s not enough time to get things done at the conference. Also, every delegate would be part of a committee during the conference and beforehand. The Service Structure Committee meets on the 1st Monday of the Month at 8 pm Eastern Time. Call Jeff for details (760) 401-6503.
EVENTS: World Services Conference is just around the corner in early May. Please let one of us know if you can be of service at or before the Conference in some way. We are sending each meeting a set of commitment cards. Contact John D. at (818) 618-1501 if you can help. Save the Date: The 2019 SCINA Joshua Tree Retreat will be July 12-14, 2019. Flyers to be distributed early next year.
NEW MEETINGS: No new meetings.
PUBLIC OUTREACH: Long Beach Public Health agency wants our input for their program on how to address stopping the use of nicotine, and what information we can provide to help. That will be in January or February. There might be a focus group of numerous individuals and organizations that will help. NAWS has been working on a list of public agencies that they could send information about new meetings, and other things, but it’s moving slow. They have six agencies so far. NAWS will send them something once per month. NAWS needs help with this. Orange Coast College invited Nicotine Anonymous to their Health Fair on short notice. John D. and Angela P. were able to attend and spoke to about 50 students and teachers about the program and distributed meeting lists, business cards, and some of the pamphlets from Angela’s meeting. Motion was made and approved to reimburse meeting #76 (Costa Mesa) for $10 worth of pamphlets. They donated their own pamphlets to be able to have them at Orange Coast College. If anyone is willing to take on or share the Public Outreach position, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501. We need more help with outreach. Follow us at www.facebook\Southern_California_Intergroup_of_Nicotine_Anonymous and on Twitter @QuitNowLA.
SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting. Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.
BY LAWS: Nothing important has changed.
Director of Web Operations: Brian K. has been our web czar for several years. Ideally, website operations could be handled by a small committee, to allow a smooth, eventual Transition and to maintain continuity in the web operations. We are looking for someone with web experience to learn and help out with this role. Any experts out there (or at least more computer web savvy than us) willing to be of service? Please contact George O. at (562) 310-0874.
WORLD CONFERENCE AD HOC COMMITTEE: Please see Minutes from World Service Ad Hoc Committee (attached) meeting that was held on Sunday November 18th. The committee meets at 11:30 am on the 3rd Sunday every month immediately following SCINA’s Regular Monthly Meeting. We need your help in planning the World Conference. Please contact the Chair of the World Conference Ad Hoc Committee, John D., at or by phone at (818) 618-1501. We need volunteers! The Conference will be held May 3-5, 2019.
OLD BUSINESS: No old business.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
BIRTHDAYS: Chad H. 5 years, and Alan C. 18 years. Congratulations!
SECRETARY REPORT: Motion was made and approved to accept this month’s Minutes as read.
CLOSING PRAYER: Angela P. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:22 am.