MINUTES - April 15, 2018

MINUTES of SCINA Meeting - April 15, 2018


INTRODUCTIONS:  John D. called the meeting to order at 10 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED? Quorum was met with 9 members in attendance.  The following meetings were represented (some members might represent more than one meeting):  Costa Mesa 76, Sherman Oaks 185, Los Angeles (Silverlake) 229, and Joshua Tree 266.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #4, “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or Nicotine Anonymous as a whole.” was read.

TREASURER REPORT:  Beginning balance is $766.53.  INCOMING donations from Costa Mesa #76 $90, and 7th tradition donations for SCINA’s March meeting was $11.00.  Total incoming is $101.00. EXPENSES are Grasshopper telephone service $31.81, P.O. Box Rent $50, Registrar expense $26.36, GoDaddy.com website expenses are $75.85, and Secretary’s Expense $21.50.  TOTAL EXPENSES are $205.52. So with the $3000 that Stephen donated to avoid the $18 bank fee our true balance is $3617.50. Our savings account has a balance of $500.13.

REGISTRAR REPORT:   No changes were made on the Administration List.  No Meeting information was updated, and no meetings were added or removed.  All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were updated, added, or removed.  43 envelopes were addressed, and 175 Directories were printed.


HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  Angela P. reports she’s had no response from the fellowship on her request for volunteers for panels.  To be of service, please call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465.

COMMUNICATIONS:  The phone lines are running smoothly.  No concerns at this time.

LITERATURE:  No report.  Brian K will meet with Halli soon to go over duties and go to bank to transfer name on account.

WORLD SERVICES:   The World Conference is April 20-22nd.  There is talk of making it possible for members attend the NAWS board meetings and World Conferences via conference calling.  The new revision of The Promises pamphlet will possibly be voted on this year. Sign up for Nic A News and get up to date information via email alerts.  NAWS hosts their monthly Outreach Committee meeting the second Wednesday every month. Public Outreach and Bylaws Coordinator positions are vacant at NAWS.  New Intergroup in Minnesota is doing a lot of outreach, and will be part of a nicotine dependence conference soon with over 200 doctors from across the country (no date yet).  There is an effort through NAWS to have meetings that are not part of an Intergroup be represented by either an Intergroup or NAWS - possibly creating Service Areas across the U.S. and Canada.  There will be a workshop at this year’s World Conference to discuss this.

EVENTS:  The annual SCINA Joshua Tree Retreat will be held June 8-10, 2018. SCINA has paid a $380 deposit. So far we have received one full registration ($185) and one “event only” (no lodging) registration ($100) for a total of $285.  A deposit to the caterer is due soon, so please send in your registration now if you can. Details on attached flyer. Reminder that if you pay with credit card via PayPal, to please notify Jane H. or Bill H. via email as the system does not auto-notify them.  If you want to go but can’t pay now, let Jane H. know so we can reserve you a spot. George R. reserved Rush Park in Rossmore for our annual Picnic in September. The annual picnic is Saturday, September 16.

NEW MEETINGS:  There are no new meetings.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  SHARE Recovery Center in Culver City is hosting a full day of marathon meetings for various fellowships on April 28th.  There are currently no Nic A meetings scheduled. If you are interested in hosting a 1-hour meeting that day, please contact Claudia at Claudia@shareselfhelp.org or 310.305.8878.  It is an opportunity to circulate the Nic A fellowship and expand awareness of our meetings.

SPEAKERS LIST: Invite a speaker to your meeting.  Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.

BYLAWS:  No report.


WORLD CONFERENCE AD HOC COMMITTEE:  Save The Date flyer was created and will be brought to the World Conference.  This committee meets at 11:30 am on the 3rd Sunday every month immediately following SCINA’s Regular Monthly Meeting.  We need your help in planning the conference. Please contact the Chair of the World Conference Ad Hoc Committee, John D., at johndarnell8@gmail.com or by phone at (818) 618-1501.

Director of Web Operations:   SCINA renewed the domain name with godaddy.com for five years.  Last month we had 191 unique visitors to the website - that was a 9.8% increase from the previous month, with 321 unique page views. Our most popular page last month was the Meeting list page. Last month we had at least one visit on every page of the website.  The webpage is a good source of outreach and information for members and those looking for information on quitting nicotine. The Website - which is separate from the domain - is due to renew on June 20, 2018. The Renewal Rate for that for one year is $192.00.    

OLD BUSINESS:  SCINA will contact NAWS to set up ability to use their WebEx.

NEW BUSINESS:  The webmaster presented to the intergroup some information on if we might want to update the website to a different host (wordpress.com) or at least transferring the domain hosting to the same host as our website - at Squarespace.

BIRTHDAYS:  Jeff M. (9 years),  Belated for Brian K (10 years in Feb.), George O. (16 years), Robert (19 years), Kay M. (9 years)

SECRETARY REPORT:  Motion was made and approved for this month’s minutes.

CLOSING PRAYER:  George O. led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:17 AM.