MINUTES - July 19, 2020


INTRODUCTIONS:  George O. called the meeting to order at 10:00 am with the Serenity Prayer followed by introductions.

WAS YOUR MEETING REPRESENTED?  Quorum was met with 9 members in attendance.  The following meetings were represented:  West Hollywood 001, Laguna Beach 257, Studio City 273, and Palm Desert 286.

TRADITIONS: Tradition #7, “Every Nicotine Anonymous group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” was read.


Beginning balance from April report (no report in May)                  $375.58

Secretary expense-postage (June)                                                        -18.50

Zoom (July)                                                                                          -14.99

Grasshopper Phone Service (July)                                                       -31.73

Donations to SCINA website (transferred on 7/1 and 7/6)              +194.10

Registrar expenses (June)                                                                     -15.33

Current available balance                                                                *$489.13

*Additional $3,000 in the account is used to avoid $18/month bank fee that we do not touch.

REGISTRAR REPORT:  Nelda H. was added as Literature and Chips Chair in the Administration List.  No meetings were added or removed.  Meeting 283 video conference call information added.  All Meetings have USPS contact through their Secretary, their Representative, or email. No H&I Listings were added, updated or removed.  37 envelopes were addressed, and 40 Directories were printed.


HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS:  Please send additional email contacts for our meeting list; ask your doctors and dentists.  For more information, or to be of service, call Angela P. at (949) 302-8465 or angela.socal9@gmail.com.

COMMUNICATIONS:  We received two phone calls this month. We are going to check with San Diego and invite them to Intergroup next month to vote on discontinuing the phone line.

LITERATURE:  The chip order finally came in so we again have red books and chips.  We also ordered 6 sets of 31-40 years chips which we will have to offer at $1.00 each as they were a special order and cost us that much.  Nelda H. has agreed to take on the literature position.  The current balance in the literature account is $721.77.

WORLD SERVICES:  The Nicotine Anonymous World Services (NAWS) quarter 1 board meeting was held on July 11th from 9 am until 3 pm PDT.  You can subscribe to the “NicA News Email Communications” on the www.nicotine-anonymous.org website, under “More” → “Newsletter” to receive minutes of the meeting.  Some literature in storage was found to have minimal water damage and is being sold for 50% off, along with the old 4th edition of “The Book.”  Email officemanager@nicotine-anonymous.org for prices and to order.

EVENTS:  The Joshua Tree Retreat will be held online August 22-23 via Zoom.  Sessions will be from 9 am - 3 pm both days.  An agenda with Zoom link will be posted on www.scina.org when available (early August).  We encourage donations if you plan to attend.  Link to donate to SCINA:  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=mhd7p7XIA3mw2LizbAZ27QOul5j2enuyMBPHlOnpWxJpH6VMCr6LoDJR6skpeCAYmPazyG&country.x=US&locale.x=US

Just a reminder the picnic is canceled for this year in September, but we will still have our virtual online Intergroup meeting where elections will be held.  Bill H, Angie B, and John D. have taken on positions at World Services and we need your help in stepping up at the Intergroup level.  Please consult your Higher Power. As we read today in Tradition Seven, “We cannot be totally self-supporting without EACH of us contributing service to our group, Intergroup, and World Services. Service is not only one of the tools of personal recovery, it is the life blood for our entire fellowship.”

NEW MEETINGS:  No report.

PUBLIC OUTREACH:  JudiAh D. proposed an idea to Nicotine Anonymous World Services to put an ad for Nicotine Anonymous in a publication called “Keys To Recovery”.  NAWS did not vote on the item, and requested more information.  John D. described the idea and this publication.  If anyone is willing to take on or share the Public Outreach position, please contact John D. at (818) 618-1501.  We need more help with Intergroup outreach.  Send your Meeting Representative to the Intergroup meetings to tell us how we can help you.  The point of contact is needed.  If your meeting has been interrupted due to the shutdown, please see our meeting list for meetings which are still getting together online and conference calls.

SPEAKERS LIST:  Invite a speaker to your meeting.  Call (949) 302-8465 for a list.

BY LAWS:  Discussion held on possible changes to By Laws, see addendum.

WEB OPERATIONS:  Rick W. is working on the design of the web page.  Content is being checked and updated as needed to reflect the effects of the response to the pandemic.

OLD BUSINESS:  No old business.

NEW BUSINESS:  No new business.

BIRTHDAYS:  Michele O. (19 years); Stuart M (3 years)!  Congratulations.

SECRETARY REPORT:  July minutes were read and corrected.  The June and July minutes were reviewed and approved.

CLOSING PRAYER:  Alan led us in the Serenity Prayer at 11:30 am.